Gleanings of the Week Ending February 19, 2022

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

Study recommends six steps to improve our water quality – The study focused on nitrogen pollution.

The cells that give you super-immunity – Memory B cells were first discovered in the 1960s….but there is still a lot we are learning about them as we analyze the data from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chicken Frenzy: A State Awash in Hog Farms Faces a Poultry Boom – Ugh! Hope North Carolina can figure out how to keep their groundwater and waterways from being polluted. It’s a beautiful state and it saddens me that the intensive hog and poultry production has not developed technology to be friendly to their immediate environment….or any place that is down stream from where they are located.

What’s the Weirdest Animal Courtship? Here Are 4 Candidates – A post that came out on Valentine’s Day.

Heart-disease risk soars after COVID – even with a mild case – Heart disease was already one of the chronic conditions common for a lot of people in later life… now with COVID, the numbers of people are going to increase and the age demographics are skewing younger.

Enhanced forensic test confirms Neolithic fisherman died by drowning – A skeleton from a 5,000-year-old mass grave on the coast of Northern Chile was analyzed with methods used for more recent bones to determine if a person drowned in salt water….and the method worked!

The mysteries of the Ponderosa Pine – The complex relationships between the health of pine forests and: birds, low-severity fire, squirrels, mushrooms, and carbon storage. Forests are complex!

The science of healthy baby sleep - A little history…and the bottom line: there is NOT just one correct approach to how infants should sleep.

Feeling dizzy when you stand up? Simple muscle techniques can effectively manage symptoms of initial orthostatic hypotension – There might be more validation that needs to be done across a wider demographic range…..hope this happens and if it works for a wide range of people so that doctors can immediately start encouraging their patients that have initial orthostatic hypertension (IOH) to use the simple moves before and immediately after they stand up.

Do you know the world weirdest wild pigs? – The post includes 5 of the 18 wild pig species. The only one in North America is the Africa Red River Hog – one was caught in a trap set for feral hog control in Texas (2019); there are evidently Texas game ranches advertising ‘hunts’ for red river hogs which indicates they have been intentionally imported and there has been at least one escapee from one of those ranches! Is there a free-ranging population of African River Hogs reproducing in the wilds of Texas?

23 Months in COVID-19 Pandemic

23 months and the Omicron variant is declining. There is a lot of hope across the US that the decline in infections will continue…that another variant will not burst on the scene and cause infections to rise again. Maryland – where I live – is approaching the positivity rate of last summer (before the Delta variant) but our hospitalizations are still relatively high although heading downward. There is a lot of push to reduce mask mandates.

My strategy still includes wearing a mask when I am indoors with unfamiliar people…until the stats get a little lower. Over the past month, my indoor interactions have been going to the grocery store and doctor’s office…plus arranging for the replacement of the swelling battery in my laptop (it was under warranty and the manufacturer provided the service at my home).

My husband has picked up the free COVID at-home tests and masks that became available over the past month. We probably have plenty for our needs at this point….may have some we never use if the downward trends continue.

I haven’t had COVID (the precautions and vaccination have worked for me so far) but I am thinking more now about the impacts on our economy and individuals from “long COVID.” At this point it’s hard to predict how much the impact might be but so many people have had COVID that even a small percentage dealing with physical or cognitive challenges over the coming years from long covid would be a significant cohort in our workforce and requiring specialized medical expertise. I wonder if the current mix of specialists in our medical system is going to be adequate. Since there is some indication that the severity of the case does not always correlate to having “long COVID,” the potential for long term impacts is increasingly important in my motivation to continue masking for myself and others until I feel confident that I am unlikely to be infected.

I have broader plans with increased interactions with other people over next 6 weeks: hiking with a group and road trip to Missouri and Texas (I haven’t been since November because of weather, Omicron, and my surgery). Keeping plans flexible is key…reacting to the local infection rates…staying informed about new variants…taking precautions to mitigate risk.

Gleanings of the Week Ending February 12, 2022

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

Why the Dutch embrace floating homes – Maybe other coastal areas around the world should be looking at this kind of development…or mitigation strategy. Otherwise - there is going to be a lot of migration away from coasts that will become more and more prone to flooding in the decades to come.

New Antarctic Penguin Colonies Discovered Further South than Normal – Good news for the Gentoo penguins - there is more space on Antarctica now; previously the areas were too icy for these birds. On the downside – there is less area suitable for penguin species that previously lived there and there might be less food available for them all as warming continues.

Three people with spinal-cord injuries regained control of their leg muscles – There has been a lot of research in this area over the past decade; perhaps we are coming to a point where rapid advances are going to be made.

Why to flickers knock on your house? – Not just why they knock but other interesting behavior…made me consider putting up a flicker box to give them a place to raise young.

Dog feces and urine could be harming nature reserves – A study providing rationale for requiring dogs on leashes and owners removing their dog’s feces in natural areas.

Top 25 birds of the week: February 2022 – My favorite this week is the Great White Pelican. Somehow pictures of birds from the front like this always give them a rather assertive appearance.

US household air conditioning use could exceed electric capacity in next decade due to climate change – Not good. Implementation of mitigation strategies need to ramp up quickly. As an individual homeowner, I am thinking: 1) increase efficiency (heat pump or geothermal, more insulation, solar screens on any window getting full sun sometime during the day, maybe upgrade windows/doors) and 2) solar panels on the roof with storage battery.

Threats from QAnon conspiracists force butterfly sanctuary to close – Sad. My husband and I visited the butterfly sanctuary on a rainy day during the Rio Grande Birding Festival in 2017; it wasn’t a good day for butterflies, but we always thought we’d come back on a warmer/sunnier day during some future visit to the area --- then the border wall and the conspiracists has ended it all.

More spice could help seniors avoid salt – Yes! Lemon pepper (the kind without salt in it) is one of my favorites…and any of the components that come under the heading of ‘Italian seasoning.’ I dry my own orange peel (any time I eat an organic orange…the peel gets processed and dried). It helps to use fresh ingredients too (i.e. avoid no-salt version from cans…they have never tasted good to me no matter how they are prepared).

Star Bright: What are Dark Sky Reserves? – Staunton River  (where we’ve been for ‘star parties’) is a Certified IDA International Dark Sky Park….maybe we’ll visit one of the Reserves post-pandemic. Right now – the closest one to us is the one in Canada (just north of Vermont/Maine).

Cancer Diary – Entry 12

4 weeks after surgery:

  • The surgical glue has flaked off the incision. I collected the bigger pieces and did a round of macro photography – commemorating the milestone – before throwing them away. The texture of the glue varied…crinkled, fibrous, crystalline. Blood that became embedded in it provided some color.

  • I’ve started putting Vitamin E and cocoa butter on the scar to help it fade over time (and am keeping it protected from exposure to sunlight).

  • The hematoma is mostly gone. The speed of the ‘clean up’ increased over the last week.  

  • On a not-so-positive note – I’ve been celebrating too much with food and my weight has started to creep upward…starting work to reverse that and continue on my plan to reduce 5+ pounds from my weight at the beginning of the year.

This with be the last Cancer Diary post unless something else happens. Right now -  the prognosis is good with continued monitoring tests to confirm. All the baseline tests indicate that the cancer was caught early and that my ongoing risk is low.

My experience has prompted me to think about what ‘good medical care’ means….what led to the early diagnosis and treatment. Looking back…it was a 12-year progression from a blood test revealing a risk factor prompting annual monitoring blood tests and ultrasounds. There was a biopsy with a benign result 6 years ago….and lastly a biopsy that revealed the cancer last fall. My primary care doctor coordinated all the monitoring until 2 years ago; I opted to go to a specialist thereafter. The specialist recommended the surgeon. Of the three, the specialist is the best at sharing his rationale of monitoring and treatment….and that is something I have come to appreciate more over the past few months.

Previous cancer diary posts:

Hawk on Deck

I was enjoying the snow flurries as I looked out my office window in late January when I heard a commotion below my window on our deck. I moved closer to the window to see what it was. A hawk was perched on the deck railing. I guessed that it had swooped down onto the deck – maybe for a meal of junco or mourning dove – but whatever the intended prey was, the hawk was not successful. It was looking all around the narrow strip of grassy yards and into the forest recovering from the failure and seeking a new target. Note: There are several pictures where the dark nictitating membrane is closed over the eye.

And then the bird flew off toward the forest. I used the picture id feature of the Merlin app to confirm my initial ID: red-shouldered hawk.

Gleanings of the Week Ending February 5, 2022

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

Oyster Hatcheries Help the Industry Adapt to Climate Change – There are lots of aspects of climate change that impact oysters – making mitigation more complex. The industry is trying to be proactive as problems are recognized.

Could COVID-19 still be affecting us in decades to come? – A summary of some research particularly about brain function/Parkinsons and diabetes relationship with COVID-19 just beginning…there is so much we don’t know yet.

The porcupine’s winter in slow-motion – How do porcupines in Alaska survive being out and about in the winter?

Top 25 birds of the week: Bird Interactions – Mostly adults of the same species…but there are a few with different species and the first image is a pair of young owls (siblings).

2,000-Year-Old Roman Bowl Discovered Intact in the Netherlands – Blue glass that look like it could have been made very recently.

Locations of ancient Maya sacred groves of cacao trees discovered – History of cacao (chocolate) trees…grown around sinkholes…so special that the beans were used a currency.

Monarch butterfly numbers soar in California after dramatic losses – It’s great to have some good news about Monarchs….but they’re still a species that needs our help.

AccuWeather shares how an electric school bus fares in Alaska – Evidently the bus has done well even at -48 degrees Fahrenheit!

Musings from the parks: Navigating National, Wild, Recreational, and Scenic Rivers – Prompted by a proposal to refine limits on the horsepower boaters can use in Ozark Scenic Riverways in Missouri…a look at regulations at other rivers in the National Park System. I’d prefer that we begin the transition to electric motors (if motors are allowed at all) rather than only focusing on horsepower.

Epidemiologists develop advanced state-of-the-art tool for measuring the pace of aging – A blood test to measure the pace of biological aging…with the possibility of identifying interventions that would slow aging… and attempt to build aging health equity.

Deer at Dusk

The deer seem to always come through our yard at dusk…heading back into the forest for the night. One evening it was a small heard with a male…females…youngsters. The male was the last to leave our yard. They all looked healthy…well fed.

Our area has an overpopulation of deer. Managed hunts are held in the fall to reduce their numbers but there are still a lot of deer. My neighbor put up mesh around a young holly because it was being so heavily browsed; I am surprised that the holly in our yard that came up on its own (planted by bird droppings probably) has not had the same problem.

Birds through my Office Window - January 2022

There seemed to be a lot of bird activity visible from my office window this past month. The most common ones – juncos, sparrows (white-throated and house), finches (gold and house) - do not feature as much in my photos but they were always around.

Mourning Doves are too heavy for the feeder, but they are frequent visitors under the feeder on the deck and out in the yard. They also perch in the maple. They look largest when it is cold, and their feathers are fluffed.

The Northern Cardinals come to the feeders and flit all over the yard and trees. They seemed to be more activity in January than usual because there were more of them around. We have a resident pair that are around all year but in January there were at least 2 other pairs that were occasionally coming for food…and the interactions of both the males and females were high drama to watch.

The other resident pair that we usually see all during the year are a male and female (pictured) Red-bellied Woodpecker. Hopefully they’ll have young again this year. The birds dig through the seeds at the feeder…always leave with a peanut or sunflower seed.

There was a hawk that was around occasionally. Once it was at the edge of the forest diving into the leaves…came up empty. Another time I heard a tussle on the deck and glanced out to find the hawk on the deck railing – also without prey that it had probably been stalking. I was particularly relieved that it didn’t kill one of the birds coming to the feeder!

I’ve noticed Northern Flickers more in our yard. They blend into the leaves so well they are hard to spot…don’t come to the feeders.

The White-breasted Nuthatch comes to the feeder and is very assertive – drives away all except the Red-bellied Woodpecker.

There was a mixed flock of Red-winged Blackbirds and Brown-headed Cowbirds (pictured) that flew into the treetops of at the edge of the forest. I was glad they didn’t come down to our feeders! There were occasionally some cowbirds that came in the subsequent days; hope they don’t stick around for nesting season.

The downy woodpecker doesn’t come to our feeders frequently; they must be very hungry when the do because they eat quite a few seeds!

Zooming – January 2022

Not as many zoomed images to choose from in January – I did more photography with my phone than my bridge camera. I was in extra-rest mode for part of the month after my surgery and it was very cold outside. Still the usual January photo subjects have a showing this month: snow, birds, deer in our neighborhood and flowers indoors. Enjoy the January 2022 slide show!

Cancer Diary – Entry 11

The doctor that referred me for cancer surgery scheduled a follow up appointment for about 2.5 weeks after the surgery - assuming the surgeon would complete his role at about 2 weeks after the surgery (which I posted about in the 10th Cancer Diary post). The appointment with the doctor that will continue my care is the most recent milestone in my journey with cancer and getting treatment. He confirmed that I would not need radiation/chemo and ordered blood lab tests immediately and developed a plan for the next year: periodic blood tests and an ultrasound in a year. I am pleased that my cancer was caught early enough that I am on track to be ‘cured’ rather than living with cancer for the rest of my life.

It was bitterly cold the day of the appointment…but I was buoyed by the results I already knew from the surgeon and the continued fading of the hematoma/healing of the incision. The doctor provided excellent feedback and answered questions…the tech that did the blood draw did a great job getting the needle in smoothly then filling the multiple vials of blood required. On the way out of the building, I stopped for a few seconds to photograph the garden that looked so inviting when the weather was warmer; the fountain is turned off now and it’s too cold to linger but I still like the look of the place. I hurried to my car, thoroughly chilled, but appreciating the time out in the world, away from home. I celebrated that the appointment had been early enough that I got a close parking space!

I am so buoyed by the results that I am feeling more optimistic than I have all during the pandemic; I realize that, even though I was consciously reminding myself that the cancer had been detected early, I experienced a deep anxiety about it that became part of everything I was thinking and doing for the past few months.  Now I’ve started wearing earrings again (when I am not going to be taking a mask off and on), buying flowers every week at the grocery story and making multiple arrangements to place everywhere in the house. This is a time of celebration…a time to be happy that I am healthy and enjoying winter 2022.

Previous cancer diary posts:

Gleanings of the Week Ending January 29, 2022

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

Photography In the National Parks: My 10 Favorite Shots From 2021 – I only went to one national park in 2021: New River Gorge (in West Virginia). There are so many beautiful National Parks to see…and they’re worth seeing again and again.

Big Gulp: Blue Catfish Eat Wood Duck – We’ve seen fishermen catch blue catfish at the base of Conowingo Dam (we’re there for the bald eagles). They are huge…sorry to learn that they eat ducks.

Top 25 birds of the week: Raptors! – How many of these live in your area of the world?

Air Pollution Makes It Harder for Bees to Sniff Out Flowers – Not just a problem for bees…also moths, hoverflies and butterflies are having a harder time. This results in a 14-31% reduction in pollination among plants exposed to polluted air.

Ocean microplastic pollution may be greater than estimated – Not a good trend…and this form of pollution that is new enough that the full impact is still being discovered.

With Fewer Animals to Move Their Seeds, Plants Are Stuck in Threatened Habitats – Another way the world is becoming less resilient at a time when climate change is pushing all life to use all the resilience available.

Large Permian Basin Methane Leaks Are Causing As Much Climate Pollution as 500,000 Cars – It’s frustrating that the oil industry has not been a better steward of resources they are extracting for energy. The methane leaks are a waste of the effort put into extraction….and bad for the planet too.

Dinosaur food and Hiroshima bomb survivors: maidenhair trees are ‘living fossils’ and your new favorite plant – Learn more about the ginkgo tree! There is one along my walking route in my neighborhood and others I find in local gardens and parks near where I live. They are so different from other trees…worth noticing.

North Sea Fossil Fuel Companies Plan to Invest More in Wind than Oil Drilling – Hurray! Maybe other companies around the world begin to do this too….a strategic move for Shell, Total and BP.

Antimicrobial resistance now a leading cause of death worldwide, study finds – This challenge will increase over time…if we don’t take action to slow the development of resistance and develop new antimicrobial techniques (maybe we need more strategies than simply trying to develop new antibiotics).

Paleontology of Missouri

The late 1800s were a time of paleontology and geology publications across the US…and Missouri was no exception. Internet Archive has Charles Rollin Keyes’ two part Paleontology of Missouri (volume 1, volume 2). Keyes was the State Geologist of Missouri when they were published in 1894. Both volumes have plates after the main text of the volume.

I am interested in the paleontology of Missouri since my daughter now lives there. My idea was to learn as much about the paleontology and geology and natural history of Missouri as I know about the state where I grew up (Texas) and the one where I’ve lived for more than 20 years (Maryland). These volumes blend paleontology and a historical perspective because of when they were written.

According to Wikipedia, Keyes got his PhD in 1892 from Johns Hopkins University (i.e. in Baltimore, Maryland) and worked for the states of Iowa and Missouri…later he was the President of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (Socorro, NM).

Ten Little Celebrations – January 2022

As I look at my list of little celebrations in January 2022, I am realizing that my surgery stands out so significantly that getting through the surgery itself (the 1st surgery, the reopening of the incision to release blood, the 2nd surgery) is the major celebration of the month! There are little celebrations around that big one: a sunrise and good grocery shopping experience before the surgery, an excellent chicken soup I made a few days after coming home, the hematoma beginning to fade (although it is still not completely gone 2+ weeks afterward…I am checking/celebrating progress every morning), and my first grocery shopping after the surgery (with the assistance of my husband).

The other celebration that stands out this month….more than a little one…is the death of our cat, Boromir. I was glad I held him close for over an hour on his last day….that he seemed at peace. We are still missing him but also celebrating that Boromir was with us for so many years and particularly through the pandemic when we were at home most of the time; he contributed to the positive vibe that seemed so natural…so easily sustained.

And then there were some ‘usual’ little celebrations:

A great meatloaf. I discovered that adding a little olive oil if the ground beef is very lean and using spaghetti sauce instead of salsa improves the texture and flavor!

Red velvet cake/carrot cake for our 49th wedding anniversary. We both savored our slice of celebratory cake…not having any leftovers!

Peppermint snow ice cream. Celebrating a seasonal favorite and plenty of snow to make it!

A new garage door. It was awful to have a damaged door….I celebrated that we could get it replaced quickly.

Snow on the ground. Celebrating the beautiful scene from the windows of our house….and the different perspective as I walked through the neighborhood.

Bluebird Visit

Last week we had a small flock of Eastern Bluebirds visit out deck. It was a group of male and female birds…5 or 6 of them. They didn’t seem interested in the heated bird bath…just the feeder. They overwhelmed the house sparrows and house finches that are the regulars there. At one point there were 4 bluebirds at the feeder!

The males are more brightly colored that the females. It’s easy to see the difference in many of the pictures.

We don’t have regular visits from bluebirds…tend to see them occasionally in the winter. There are plenty of parks and conservation areas that have bluebird houses and provide habitat for them when they are raising young and away from our neighborhood. It feels good to contribute to the bluebirds well-being in winter with our feeder and heated bath.

Bluebirds have increased in numbers in our part of Maryland over the years that we have lived in the area with the participation of local governments and home owners with larger properties providing houses. A big concern now is the fall in insect populations; these birds need insects in their diet when they are breeding and then to feed their young.

Here are some bluebirds posts from previous years: January 2021, January 2020, February 2018, January 2018.

Cancer Diary – Entry 10

A week and half after my surgery, I made a quick trip to the grocery store…at my usual early morning time. I covered my healing scar with a scarf and my usual KF94 face mask which was comfortable because it was so cold! The big difference from my norm was my husband went with me to put the items that weighed more than 10 pounds on my cart. He did that at the beginning and then I continued the rest of my shopping as usual – scanning the items I was buying with my phone using the store’s app, loading up my bags as I shopped, and then checking out at the self-checkout. My husband was waiting in the car to load all the bags when I was done….and then he unloaded them into the house when we got home.  It was my first venture away from the house since the surgery….and helped me feel like I was truly getting back to normal (or ‘normal’ in raging Omicron surge time).

I had a telemedicine session with my surgeon a few days shy of 2 weeks after my surgery. Because of the ‘bleed’ and reopening of the incision on the same day as the surgery, I still had the residual purple, red, yellow colors visible on my skin. That will take time to clear. The incision itself was healing well…past the point of concern about infection… and the 10-pound weight limit was lifted. The analysis of the tissue removed had been done and it appears that the cancer was in an early stage…no further treatment should be required. The session marked the end of the interaction with the surgeon and the transition to the specialist that will monitor me going forward; the appointment with that doctor is in a few days which will define the monitoring plan going forward (the levels of the one medication required and the schedule for any subsequent testing).

The incision is healed enough that I can wear clothing that might rub it a little now and it has made it easier to dress…helped to gently cause the surgical glue to flake away. It’s also a boost to my mood to look more my normal self although some of the hematoma is still visible.

I made a foray out into the yard a few days after the telemedicine session to take the accumulated kitchen/spend cut flowers back to the compost pile and to collect branches that fell during the snow and wind of the past few weeks. Another activity that I handled with ease…. confirming to myself that I was making a good recovery.

I have been making my 12,000 steps per day goal since the week after surgery but there are still instances where I feel unexpectedly tired, and I am glad my situation is flexible enough to allow me to rest when that happens. I’ve taken a few unplanned naps! It doesn’t happen every day but when it does,  I heed the message my body is sending!

So – two weeks after surgery – I am feeling more and more like I did before the surgery…and very pleased that I will not need follow up radiation/chemo!

Previous cancer diary posts:

Unique Aspects of Days – January 2022

This year I am jotting down something unique about each day…encouraging myself to notice those things that are not the same day after day. Sometimes it is related to what I identify as a ‘little celebration’ – but not all the time.

Some of the unique aspects would happen every year – a first snow of the year, a 49th wedding anniversary (Ok – next year will be the 50th),  and a 1st awesome sunrise of the year.

Others will only happen once – perhaps more truly unique: a pet dying, making a new recipe for the first time (this month is was pumpkin peanut powder curry cream (soup)) and a surgery.

Still others I recorded this first month of listing unique events were simply rare: fog in the afternoon and a new garage door.

Overall – this is a good project for 2022…another dimension of awareness into how I am spending my days…making sure I am not ‘in the rut’ all the time!

Gleanings of the Week Ending January 22, 2022

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

The Roots of Violence – Reexamining bones excavated in the 1960s with new 3D imaging techniques….defining the violence of their lives and deaths shown in the bones. There is a history of archeological thinking here too. For a long time, evidently there was a presumption that prehistory was a less violent time…but the evidence is mounting that it was not.

Reducing air pollution: policies that pay off – An analysis done in Europe of the economic benefit of measures to reduce fine particle air pollution from wood heating and transport. It seems that similar type analysis could happen in other places in the world with some variation to tailor the reductions to have the biggest impact.

30 Incredible Winning Photos From the 2021 Nature Photographer of the Year Contest – Some eye-candy. My favorite is the caterpillar ‘walking among fennels’ – a similar scene happened at our CSA the first summer of the pandemic.

Assessing the U.S. Climate in 2021 – There were 20 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disasters that impacted the US in 2021.

Savanna Fire Management Can Fund Africa’s Protected Areas – Another article about the new economics we will need to understand to address climate change.

The forgotten medieval habit of 'two sleeps' – Maybe one long period of sleep is ‘modern’….that humans slept in two phases prior to the industrial revolution. One of my grandmothers developed a ‘two sleeps’ pattern late in her life when she was living alone….and I am beginning to wonder if I will.

The Horned Helmets Falsely Attributed to Vikings Are Actually Nearly 3,000 Years Old – Another look at artifacts…and better dating…and the history derived/assumed previously is changed.

Top 25 birds of the week: bird coloration! – This time of year…a little color from birds is a welcome sight. I’m noticing the ones in my neighborhood: Northern Cardinal, House finches, and red-bellied woodpeckers.

Across the Boreal Forest, Scientists Are Tracking Warming’s Toll – The northern forests becoming carbon emitters….. peatlands are drying out, and hotter, drier conditions are leading to a steady increase in wildfires — all of it accelerating permafrost thaw.

The Legacy Of "Pele's Grandson," Alex Lancaster – Some history of volcano observation on the big island.

In Memory of Our Cat

Our cat since November 200 died this week. He was adult when we got him on November 2003 so was probably 19-20 years old. My husband and I are missing him.

He came to us with a brother. They were named Simba and Puma, but my daughter renamed them Boromir and Faramir after the brothers in Lord of the Rings. Faramir died in April 2017 and Boromir became our ‘only cat.’

His teeth were always problematic and he had tumor that required removal of his jaw almost 10 years ago….one of his ears developed a hematoma then collapsed. But he took those handicaps in stride…continued enjoying his favorite sunny spots and requesting to be let out on the screened deck.

He saw more of us these past few years than any of our other cats did because we have retired from our careers and the pandemic has kept us at home even more the past couple of years. My husband was the primary cat cuddler and provider of an elaborate smorgasbord of small plates with various cat foods across our kitchen floor to tempt the picky eater.  

The cat declined rapidly in the past few weeks with a lot happening during the week of my cancer surgery.  The cat started getting lost in the house…became blind…then seemed to regain some sight. He managed to come upstairs one early morning and meow loudly…clearly wanting something to be different than it was; it was the last time he came upstairs on his own. A few days later, he lost control of his back legs…soon after started refusing to eat or drink and becoming silent.

And now it is a cold, blustery winter day…and our Boromir is not here. The house seems too big and empty right now.  

Cancer Diary – Entry 9

The next milestone after cancer surgery is the appointment with the surgeon 2 weeks after. I’m writing this post a week after the surgery…so halfway to that milestone.

I spent the night after the surgery in the hospital. It was a miserable night with the head of the bed at a 30 degree angle….pressure cuffs on legs…throat sore after two rounds of anesthesia…IVs. Sleep was not possible although I felt deeply exhausted. I ordered breakfast as early as I could…the first food since the day before surgery: scrambled eggs and fresh fruit. Eating was slower going than I anticipated because my throat was sore, and swallowing was not quite back to normal; on the plus side – I really savored that meal! There was the taking of meds (more challenging because of swallowing issue), waiting around for release orders, and finally it was time to go. The coordination of me being wheeled down to the pickup point just as my husband pulled up was successful...and I was on my way home on a sunny cold day.

My priority after getting home was to have some lunch (a smoothie) and then organize myself to follow the discharge instructions. There were not a lot of meds…but enough that were new-to-me that I made a little chart to make sure I took them at the right times for the upcoming week. The situation was more challenging because we decided that in all the flurry with my evening in the hospital, the risk of being exposed to COVID was enough that I needed to be sequestered in the house. I had two rooms upstairs to myself and would wear a mask elsewhere in the house; the sequestering continued through a negative rapid test on day 5 and then day 7. Getting my meals and carrying them back upstairs to eat…juggling to open and close doors…almost required more coordination that I could muster!

Pain was not a problem but the visual of the red and purple color that had moved from the hematoma location down across the front of my chest was disturbing. It was a shock to my sense of self that I had not anticipated…my body looked so different than before…a stranger to myself. I wanted it to improve rapidly; instead - the purple and red color reached its worst the day after I came home from hospital and then seemed to just stay the same for several days; some areas are still purple a week after; I’m hearted that some areas have faded to yellow; the body is cleaning up what happened.

My sleep improved at home but did not return to pre-surgery ‘normal’ until close to the end of the week. Every little odd twinge or tightness was something I monitored….constantly feeling the need to reassure myself that everything was OK. I noticed feeling ‘different’ as I was drifting in and out of sleep – my mind working on whether it was the surgery, the mediations, or just sleep changes…the net was little deep sleep the first few nights.  I napped several times during the first half of the week to make up for the poor sleep during the night. By the end of the first week, sleep and energy level during the day were returning to normal.

My meals had been mostly things like smoothies and soup – easy to swallow – but I graduated to more normal fare by about the 5th day when my husband got us take out from Chipotle (no chips for me, though). The next day I made corn bread muffins with added cranberry/orange relish – somehow I had gotten very hungry for them! I had prepped a meatloaf before my surgery…stored it in the freezer. I moved it from the freezer to refrigerator to thaw the day before and my husband put it in the oven with some baked potatoes.

Bottom line – there are still a few residuals of the surgery that I am noticing 1 week afterward (swallowing not back to normal, color from hematoma event not totally faded) but overall, I am feeling good. Next week, I’ll have to experiment with how to cover up my scar when I am out and about; it helps that it is cold this time of year and bundling up is the norm!

Celebrating with Cake

Three days after my cancer surgery – I reminded my husband to do a pickup order from a local grocery store that included a slice of cake for each of us: carrot cake for him and red velvet for me. We were celebrating our 49th wedding anniversary! We’ve never done huge anniversary celebrations, but this was more truncated than usual since we were in the mode of assuming I might have been exposed to COVID in the hospital.  We were masked when we put the cake slices on plates and took pictures…congratulated each other on the milestone…then we each retreated to separate floors of our house with air purifiers running full tilt to enjoy the treat.