Trust is to society what oil is to machinery. - Margo Adair in Working Inside Out
Trust seems to be in such short supply in public forums recently. The problems we face are being addressed with grating gears….that may be stripped in some places already (to continue the machinery analogy). To what extent is the lack of trust responsible for the failure to resolve problems? Sadly - it may be the root cause.
As individuals, we can observe the impact of trust on the people we interact with frequently. If trust is there, the interactions are easier and, seemingly, less complex. We can make assumptions about the relationship and usually be right. If there is a misunderstanding, it can be quickly resolved and the relationship is not damaged. If trust is not present, relationships are hard. We tend to eventually end a relationship or association if we cannot develop some elements of trust.
On the macro scale, the complexity of trust between groups of people, cultures, organizations, etc. can be overwhelming. It is hard to develop a path to increase trust unless it begins to occur spontaneously. Worse - the option to ‘end the relationship’ is often not possible. News about what is happening in our government and other governments around the world often includes indicators that trust is in very short supply and the individuals that may want to change the scenario to begin developing (or redevelop) trust are strangely silent. Trust requires more thought than a sound bite; the trend in society is not to value, or even acknowledge, deeper thinking.
As a representative democracy, the electorate must trust the people they elect to represent them. If we do not, then our responsibility is to participate in the system sufficiently to elect people we can trust.
Somehow the ‘oil’ for the society machinery must be replenished.