Victorian Decorative and Applied Arts

The Journal of Design and Manufactures was published between 1849 and 1852. Henry Cole and Richard Redgrave were the editors; both were active in British design education reform of the period. The University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries has 6 volumes (36 monthly issues) in their Digital Library for the Decorative Arts and Material Culture. The volumes include many illustrations, plates, plans, and mounted samples. Enjoy browsing them!

The journal of design and manufactures Vol. I 1849

The journal of design and manufactures Vol. II 1850

The journal of design and manufactures Vol. III 1850

The journal of design and manufactures Vol. IV 1851

The journal of design and manufactures Vol. V 1851

The journal of design and manufactures Vol. VI 1852

Francis M. (Madge) Fox – Children’s Author

The week’s featured eBooks are six historical books for children - written in the early 1900s (1903-1924) by Francis Margaret (Madge) Fox. It’s interesting to think about how childhood has changed in the past 100+ years…and the books available to them. My grandparents were children during this time and their families were settlers/farmers of the prairie; they likely did not have any children’s books in their households and lived in very rural communities. There were not as many libraries in the US in the early 1900s as there are now and books were beyond the means of many families. Now  we have whole sections of libraries dedicated to books for children! When I volunteer at the used book sales at the library, the ones for children are our most reliable sellers.

 Carlota, a story of the San Gabriel Mission

Adventures of Sonny Bear

Brother Billy

Madge Fox’s papers are held by the University of Michigan Library. Their site has a short biography of her life.


Wm. H. Edwards’ Butterflies of North America

As we head into winter – I am thinking about butterflies…how I didn’t see as many (or any species) this past summer. Maybe it is the drought in our area, and they will be more numerous next year. I hope so.

Edwards’ volume is the first of three he produced in the 1870s. The illustrations were done by Mary Peart and hand colored by Lydia Brown and often include more than simply the adult butterfly in the later volumes. They are well worth browsing.

The butterflies of North America

 I’ve not thoroughly browsed the other two volumes yet but I think I found them on Internet Archive as well: Volume 2, Volume 3.

Robert Ellice Mack’s Children of the late 1800s

The week’s eBooks are full of illustrations of children – mostly outdoors. They are probably somewhat idealized but are a window into the view people had of what children should be doing in the late 1800s. Certainly children were outdoors more often then than most children are today.

All round the clock

Sweet nature and other poems, with illustrations

Robert Ellice Mack was the editor of the books – selecting poem written by others and illustrations from several artists. There are other books from him that have been digitized; a good list is on University of Pennsylvania’s Online Books Page for him.

Some Gene Stratton-Porter eBooks

I browsed 4 Gene Stratton-Porter books recently; I had read several of her books before eBooks existed but had only recently looked at the list of her books on Internet Archive…and realized I’d missed the 4 that are this week’s eBook picks. They are all well illustrated…worth browsing for the illustrations as well as reading. They still have relevance with natural places even more challenged than when she wrote. Hopefully the appreciation of nature in our lives is still strong enough to prompt increased conservation although even in her lifetime the Limberlost Swamp was gone, drained so that the land could be used for agriculture.

 Homing with the birds: the history of a lifetime of personal experience with the birds in1920

Moths of the Limberlost: With Water Color and Photographic Illustrations from Life in 1912

Music of the wild, with reproductions of the performers, their instruments and festival halls in 1910

What I have done with birds in 1907

Frank Finn eBooks

Enjoy 11 well-illustrated eBooks this week by Frank Finn from the early decades of the 1900s. Most of them are about birds and there is a skew toward Asia since the author spent almost a decade in India. The Wikipedia article was shorter than I expected so I searched further and found an obituary in Nature from 1932 which was more informative. These books are freely available on Internet Archive and worth browsing!

The world's birds a simple and popular classification of the birds of the world

The wild beasts of the world

Bird Behavior physical and physiological

Hume’s Game Birds

Allan Octavian Hume was in British India as a civil servant from 1849 to 1882; during that time, he also pursued his interests in ornithology. The 3 volumes on game birds were published in 1879. Charles Henry Tilson Marshall organized the plates for the books that were produced by multiple artists. The volumes are available from Internet Archive.

The game birds of India, Burmah, and Ceylon V1

The game birds of India, Burmah, and Ceylon V2

The game birds of India, Burmah, and Ceylon V3 

In 1883 he began the process to donate his collection to the Natural History Museum in London.  The material that went to the museum in 1885 consisted of 82,000 specimens of which 75,577 (258 being type specimens) were finally placed in the museum where it continues to be the single largest collection of Indian bird skins.

American Agriculture in the early 1990s (ebooks)

Liberty Hyde Bailey edited 4 volumes of the Cyclopedia of American Agriculture between 1900 and 1910. It was a time when horticulture and agriculture were becoming more organized at universities and Bailey was a proponent of America as a ‘great agricultural civilization.’

The books are easily browsed on Internet Archive and the photographs clearly reflect the ‘state of the art for agriculture’ in the early 1900s when they were written. I selected two sample images from each of the 4 volumes. (click on the image to see a larger version)

 Cyclopedia of American agriculture : a popular survey of agricultural conditions, practices and ideals in the United States and Canada V1 Farms

Children’s Books from the 1930s

My parents were born in the early 1930s; that prompted a little project to browse books written for children during that decade when I found the Library of Congress contributions from the Albert Whitman & Co. in Chicago. 43 books are included as this week’s eBook(s) of the week. They are all available from Internet Archive.

There are so many topics: make believe, holidays, history, other places and people, things to do, and pets. The illustrations reflect the perceptions of the world in the 1930s.  Most authors are women and don’t have easy-to-find biographies.

It’s interesting to think about the children that read these books. I don’t think either of my parents did unless they saw them at school; they were rural/small town children during the Great Depression when the family finances were tight and buying books would not have been the priority. Perhaps some children in towns large enough to have libraries might have seen books there. Carnegie had built about half his libraries by the 1930s but the libraries were short of funds to continue operating during the Depression too. I’m left with the thought that only children of people that were well off (those fortunes were not impacted by the Depression) would have had these books at home.


The adventures of a brownie - Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock; McCracken, James (illustrations)

The nutcracker and the Mouse-king - Hoffmmann, Ernst Theodoor Amadeus; Brock, Emma L. (illustrator)

The unknown Indian - Browne, Gertrude Bell; Vernon, David Thomas (illustrator)

Harry's newspaper;or The young publisher - Cox, Stephen A. D.

Peter Piper's playmates - Hubbard, Eleanore Mineah



Fluffy Cat's Tail - Sample, Ann Eliza

Moufflon, the dog of Florence - Ouida; Jenkins, Sara D. (retold by)

Wise Little Donkey -  Segur, Sophie, comtesse de



Runzel-Punzel,a story of two little mice - Donaldson, Lois

The Candy Cottage - Furlong, May

The Lost Log Cabin - Furlong, May

The little gardeners - Morgenstern, Elizabeth

Smoky, the lively locomotive - Donaldson, Lois

Farm Folk - Brendel, C.A.



Nimbo,the story of an African boy - Pease, Josephine Van Dolzen

Snowy for luck - Goode, Arthur Russell; Wiese, Kurt

Ho-Ming : girl of new China  - Lewis, Elizabeth Foreman



Over the castle walls - Mabry, Caroline

Buffin - Barrett, Leone

Bing of the Diamond Tail - Gauss, Marianne



The Traveling Gallery - Schiff, Besse; Brock, Emma

Sondo - a Liberian boy - Jospeph, Alfred Ward; Magnie, Bernice (illustrator)

Snipp, Snapp, Snurr and the yellow shed - Lindman, Maj

Snipp, Snapp, Snurr and the gingerbread - Lindman, Maj



Firecracker - Gauss, Marianne

Hans Christian of Elsinore - Kristoffersen, Eva M.

Cheeky - a prairie dog - Lau, Jospehine Sanger; Wiese, Kurt (illustrator)

Silver Chief To the Rescue - O'Brien, Jack; Wiese, Kurt (illustrator)

A doll's family album - King, Edna Knowles



Hoofbeats, a picture book of horses - Cannon, James Leonard

Me and Andy, a boy and dog story - Kelly, Raymond Ramsome

Carnival time at Strobeck - Harris, Mary V.

The luck of the house  -  the story of a family and a sword - Bedford-Atkins, Gladys

Dolls - an Anthology - Robinson, Julia A.

Donkey beads  -  a tale of a Person donkey - Ratzesberger, Anna

The runaway papoose - Moon, Grace and Karl

eBotanical Prints – July 2024

Twenty more books were added to my botanical print book collection in July - available for browsing on Internet Archive and the New York Public Library Digital Collection. I discovered the NYPL Digital Collection back in June and in July 15 of the 20 volumes are from that site! It is not as easy to access the multi-volume books (i.e. the multiple volumes in the list are accessed with the single link and there doesn’t appear to be a quick way to reposition to the beginning of each volume).

The whole list of 2,923 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. Click on any sample images below to get an enlarged version…and the title hyperlink in the list below the image mosaic to view the entire volume.

Enjoy the July 2024 eBotanical Prints!

The Herefordshire pomona, containing coloured figures and descriptions of the most esteemed kinds of apples and pears V1  * Bull, Henry Graves; Hogg, Robert; Bull, Edith G; Ellis, Alice B *

sample image * 1885

The Herefordshire pomona, containing coloured figures and descriptions of the most esteemed kinds of apples and pears V2 * Bull, Henry Graves; Hogg, Robert; Bull, Edith G; Ellis, Alice B * sample image * 1885

Pomona Herefordiensis : containing coloured engravings of the old Cider and Perry Fruits of Herefordshire * Knight, Thomas Andrew   *sample image * 1811

Traite des arbres fruitiers V1 * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis*sample image * 1768

Traite des arbres fruitiers V2 * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis*sample image * 1768

Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre V1 * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis; Redoute, Pierre Joseph (artist)*sample image * 1819

Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre V2 (page 63) * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis; Redoute, Pierre Joseph (artist)*sample image * 1819

Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre V3 (page 135) * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis; Redoute, Pierre Joseph (artist)*sample image * 1819

Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre V4 (page 193) * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis; Redoute, Pierre Joseph (artist)*sample image * 1819

Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre V5 (page 263) * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis; Redoute, Pierre Joseph (artist)*sample image * 1819

Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre V6 (page 349) * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis; Redoute, Pierre Joseph (artist)*sample image * 1819

Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre V7 (page 431) * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis; Redoute, Pierre Joseph (artist)*sample image * 1819

La botanique mise à la porteé de tout le monde - Tome 1 * Regnault, Nicolas-François*sample image * 1774

La botanique mise à la porteé de tout le monde - Tome 2 (page 161) * Regnault, Nicolas-François*sample image * 1774

La botanique mise à la porteé de tout le monde - Tome 3 (page 311) * Regnault, Nicolas-François*sample image * 1774

Hortus Romanus juxta systems Tournefortianum paulo V1 * Bonelli, Giorgio(Author); Martelli, Niccoló(Editor); Sabbati, Constantino (Author);  Sabbati, Liberato (Author)*sample image * 1772

Hortus Romanus juxta systems Tournefortianum paulo V2 (page 105) * Bonelli, Giorgio(Author); Martelli, Niccoló(Editor); Sabbati, Constantino (Author);  Sabbati, Liberato (Author)*sample image * 1774

Hortus Romanus juxta systems Tournefortianum paulo V3 (page 207) * Bonelli, Giorgio(Author); Martelli, Niccoló(Editor); Sabbati, Constantino (Author);  Sabbati, Liberato (Author)*sample image * 1775

Hortus Romanus juxta systems Tournefortianum paulo V4 (page 309) * Bonelli, Giorgio(Author); Martelli, Niccoló(Editor); Sabbati, Constantino (Author);  Sabbati, Liberato (Author)*sample image * 1776

Hortus Romanus juxta systems Tournefortianum paulo V5 (page 411) * Bonelli, Giorgio(Author); Martelli, Niccoló(Editor); Sabbati, Constantino (Author);  Sabbati, Liberato (Author)*sample image * 1778

Johan Nieuhof’s drawings of Brazil, China, and India in the mid 1600s

Johannes Nieuhof  travelled for the Dutch West India Company and the Dutch East Company…and documented his travels with drawings and annotations. According to the Wikipedia entry, he traveled from 1640 (when he was 22) to his death in 1672 (went missing in Madagascar) only returning home for short visits in 1658 and 1671. He entrusted his notes and papers to his brother Hendrik who produced the books attributed to Johannes. These ‘books of the week’ by Nieuhof are two available from Internet Archive.

Voyages and travels into Brazil and the East-Indies, 1640-1649

At the time these books were published, Nieuhof’s drawings of China were the first to show the country true to nature. He drew realistic images of structures, people, and plants/animals he saw as he travelled.  

Robert F. Scott in Antarctica

Robert Falcon Scott led two expeditions to Antarctica; the expedition records for both are available on Internet Archive.

Scott wrote the expedition record for the first after he returned to Britain in 1904.

The Voyage of the 'Discovery', 1905

The second expedition (Terra Nova) began in 1910. He died in March 1912 in Antarctica. The expedition record was arranged by Leonard Huxley and published in 1914. Volume 1 provides the journals of Scott and Volume 2 provides the reports of the journeys and the scientific work undertaken by Dr. E.A. Wilson (who died with Scott) and the surviving members of the expedition. Both volumes are illustrated by photographs taken by Herbert G. Ponting (the first professional photographer included in an Antarctic expedition) and other members of the expedition. There are also a few color plates and sketches made by Dr. Wilson.

Scott's last expedition V1, 1914

All three books are well worth browsing. The pictures/illustrations prompt some reading as well. These are as close as it gets to firsthand descriptions of what happened.  

eBontanical Prints – May 2024

Twenty-one more books were added to the botanical print collection in May - available for browsing on Internet Archive. The whole list of 2,883 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. Click on any sample images to get an enlarged version…and the title hyperlink to view the entire volume on Internet Archive. Enjoy the May 2024 eBotanical Prints!

The set is unusual because the oldest book was published in 1928. Most months the books are from earlier decades/centuries. Another aspect that is unusual is that 19 of the books are from the same source (American Plant Life Society) and published over many years (1938 – 2006).

The Marine Algae of Florida with special reference to the Dry Tortugas * Taylor, William Randolph * sample image * 1928

The American species of Crepis, their interrelationships and distribution as affected by polyploidy and apomixis * Babcock, Ernest Brown * sample image * 1938

Herbertia V 1-5 (1934-1938) * American Amaryllis Society * sample image * 1938

Herbertia V 6-10 (1939-1943) * American Amaryllis Society * sample image * 1943

Herbertia V 40 (1984) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1943

Herbertia V 41 (1985) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1985

Herbertia V 42 (1986) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1986

Herbertia V 43 N1 (1986) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1987

Herbertia V 43 N2 (1987) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1987

Herbertia V 44 N1 (1988) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1987

Herbertia V 46 N1-2 (1990) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1990

Herbertia V 47 (1991) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1991

Herbertia V 48 (1992) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1992

Herbertia V 49 (1993) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1993

Herbertia V 50 (1994-1995) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1995

Herbertia V 51 (1996) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1996

Herbertia V 52 (1997) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1997

Herbertia V 53 (1998) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1998

Herbertia V 54 (1999) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1999

Herbertia V 59 (2004-2005) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 2005

Herbertia V 60 (2005-2006) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 2006

Korean Art History eBooks

Internet Archive had 14 of the 15 volumes of the Chōsen koseki zufu – published beginning in 1915 in Japanese and full of illustrations of Korean antiquities. It was the result of the Japanese work to systemically organize and investigate cultural assets and sites throughout the Korean Peninsula after they annexed the country in 1910.

Most of what I know about Korea is in the context of the Korean War of the 1950s and, more recently, the products from South Korea that are exported to the U.S. These books enlarged my understanding of the deep history of the country via the pictures (although I probably would have gotten even more from the books if I could read Japanese!). I have selected a sample image from each volume…but there are many more in the books…well worth the time to browse.

Volume I. Sites of excavations, pottery, bronzes, inscription on stone, ancient metallic mirrors, etc. Chōsen koseki zufu V1

Volume II. Continuation of first volume, frescoes and other details of paintings from the tombs. Chōsen koseki zufu V2

 Volume III. Photographs and plans of sites excavated details of sculpture, beads, smaller bronzes etc. Chōsen koseki zufu V3

 Volume IV. Antiquities of the Silla period in Korea. Chōsen koseki zufu V4

 Volume V. Continuation of Volume IV (not on Internet Archive)

Volume VI. Antiquities of Koryo period. Chōsen koseki zufu V6

 Volume VII. Continuation of Volume VI. Chōsen koseki zufu V7

 Volume VIII. Pottery. Chōsen koseki zufu V8

 Volume IX. Metallic mirrors, bronzes, jewelry, household utensils. Chōsen koseki zufu V9

 Volume X. Temple architecture, including some details of decoration. Chōsen koseki zufu V10

 Volume XI. Continuation of preceding volume, sculpture. 1951. Chōsen koseki zufu V11

Volume XII. Temple architecture. Chōsen koseki zufu V12

 Volume XIII. Temple architecture. 1933. Chōsen koseki zufu V13

 Volume XIV. Painting. 1934. Chōsen koseki zufu V14

 Volume XV. Pottery. 1935 Chōsen koseki zufu V15

James W. VanStone – anthropologist

There are 16 eBooks in this week’s feature – authored by James. W. VanStone from 1979-1998 while he was Curator of North American Archeology and Ethnology for the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. These books have many illustrations – drawings and photographs – and are well worth browsing to glimpse of the cultures of the northern part of North America. VanStone’s research in the area started in the 1950s and he was a prolific scholar throughout his career. Enjoy the sample images (click on the image to see a larger version)…but there are so many more in the books themselves – all freely available on Internet Archive.

Material culture of the Davis Inlet and Barren Ground Naskapi: the William Duncan Strong collection -1985

The Bruce collection of Eskimo material culture from Kotzebue Sound, Alaska -1980

An ethnographic collection from northern Sakhalin Island -1985

Ingalik contact ecology : an ethnohistory of the lower-middle Yukon, 1790-1935  -1979

The Natural History of British Birds

This week’s eBooks are the 10 volume The Natural History of British Birds by Edward Donovan. They were first published in the late 1700s and are available on Internet Archive. The author did not travel but described and illustrated species based on collections of other naturalists.  It is obvious in some of the illustrations that he never saw the living bird! Still – the illustrations were my motivation to browse the books – thinking about how the numbers of these birds are reduced from when he worked…and how this author’s books are a natural history snapshot of birds (and insects) that were collected/available to him.   

The natural history of British birds V1

The natural history of British birds V2

The natural history of British birds V3

The natural history of British birds V4

The natural history of British birds V5

The natural history of British birds V6

The natural history of British birds V7

The natural history of British birds V8

The natural history of British birds V9

The natural history of British birds V10

eBontanical Prints – April 2024

Twenty more books were added to the botanical print collection in April - available for browsing on Internet Archive. The whole list of 2,862 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. Click on any sample images to get an enlarged version…and the title hyperlink to view the entire volume on Internet Archive. Enjoy the April 2024 eBotanical Prints!

There are two books from the 1500s written by Otto Brunfels – one of the ‘fathers of botany.’ He relied more on his own observations than ancient authors and the woodcuts in his books (done by Hans Weiditz) were also done from life.

Contrafayt Kreèuterbuch * Brunfels, Otto * sample image * 1532

Herbarum vivae eicones * Brunfels, Otto * sample image * 1532

Rembert Dodoens’s Historia frumentorum, leguminum, palustrium et aquatilium herbarum acceorum, quae eo pertinent is also from the 1500s…and he is another ‘father of botany.’

Historia frumentorum, leguminum, palustrium et aquatilium herbarum acceorum, quae eo pertinent * Dodoens, Rembert * sample image * 1566

This month continues the Hortus Malabaricus volumes published in the 1600s that document the varieties and medicinal properties of the flora of the Malabar coast. Note the different scripts/languages that label the plants; they are Latin, Malayalam, Konkani, Arabic, and English.

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V2 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1679

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V3 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1683

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V4 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1683

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V5 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1685

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V6 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1686

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V7 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1688

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V8 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1688

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V9 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1689

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V10 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1690

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V11 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1692

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V12 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1703

2 books were from the 1700s that documented plants from Peru and India respectively.

Hortus Peruvanius medicinalis * Petiver, James * sample image * 1715

Icones plantarum incognitarum quas in India Occidentali * Swartz, Olof * sample image * 1794

I found 4 more volumes of Gartenflora that I hadn’t seen before – from 1878 to 1915.

Gartenflora - 1909 (BD 58) * Regel, Eduard (editor) * sample image * 1909

Gartenflora - 1915 (BD 64) * Regel, Eduard (editor) * sample image * 1915

Gartenflora - 1912 (BD 61) * Regel, Eduard (editor) * sample image * 1912

Gartenflora - 1878 (BD 27) * Regel, Eduard (editor) * sample image * 1878

Fine Art History (collection on Internet Archive)

This ‘book of the week’ post introduces a collection found on Internet Archive that features slideshow collections of art works from artists from around the world and different time periods. There is a lot to browse in this collection and I will probably feature it again from time to time since I enjoy the images and learning about the artists. I have chosen 5 for this first post…hopefully the sample images will provide enough of an incentive to take a look at these artists and the rest of the collection.

Peter Beard (1938 - 2020)

Arctic Sculpture

The 4 eBooks for this ‘books of the week’ post are from Canadian Arctic Producers Co-operative published in 1980 and include sculpture from Inuit artists in 1979-1980…grouped by village. I enjoyed the figures of the Arctic as a place and culture.

Pangnirtung, recent sculpture

Igloolik, recent sculpture

Clyde River sculpture

Coppermine : Sculpture

 I found these 4 eBooks by accident but recently did a comprehensive search for the publisher and found a lot more books so there are more to browse – which I will do over the coming months! These books are a great way to become more familiar with modern Inuit art. There is a Wikipedia entry for the Co-op too.

eBotanical Prints – February 2024

Twenty more books were added to the botanical print collection in February – available for browsing on Internet Archive. There are 4 books about medicinal plants, and 2 about Yuccas…but all the books are worth browsing!

The publication date range for this group is over 400 years: 1532 to 1902 with 2 volumes in the 1500s, 4 in the 1700s, 13 in the 1800s, and 1 in the 1900s.

The whole list of 2,822 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the February 2024 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the February 2024 eBotanical Prints!

Flore forestiere illustree arbres et arbustes du centre de l'Europe * Kirkwan, C. de * sample image * 1872

Flore Medicale V1 * Chamberet, Jean Baptist Joseph Anne Cesar Tyrbas de; Chaumeton, Francois Pierre; Panckoucke, C. L. F.; Panckoucke, Ernestine; Poiret, Jean Louis Marie; Turpin, P. J. F. * sample image * 1833

Flore Medicale V2 * Chamberet, Jean Baptist Joseph Anne Cesar Tyrbas de; Chaumeton, Francois Pierre; Panckoucke, C. L. F.; Panckoucke, Ernestine; Poiret, Jean Louis Marie; Turpin, P. J. F. * sample image * 1829

Flore Medicale V3 * Chamberet, Jean Baptist Joseph Anne Cesar Tyrbas de; Chaumeton, Francois Pierre; Panckoucke, C. L. F.; Panckoucke, Ernestine; Poiret, Jean Louis Marie; Turpin, P. J. F. * sample image * 1830

Flore Medicale V4 * Chamberet, Jean Baptist Joseph Anne Cesar Tyrbas de; Chaumeton, Francois Pierre; Panckoucke, C. L. F.; Panckoucke, Ernestine; Poiret, Jean Louis Marie; Turpin, P. J. F. * sample image * 1830

Flore Medicale V5 * Chamberet, Jean Baptist Joseph Anne Cesar Tyrbas de; Chaumeton, Francois Pierre; Panckoucke, C. L. F.; Panckoucke, Ernestine; Poiret, Jean Louis Marie; Turpin, P. J. F. * sample image * 1831

Flore Medicale V6 * Chamberet, Jean Baptist Joseph Anne Cesar Tyrbas de; Chaumeton, Francois Pierre; Panckoucke, C. L. F.; Panckoucke, Ernestine; Poiret, Jean Louis Marie; Turpin, P. J. F. * sample image * 1832

The yucceae * Trelease, William * sample image * 1902

Further studies of Yuccas and their pollination * Trelease, William * sample image * 1893

The species of Rumex occurring north of Mexico * Trelease, William * sample image * 1892

The species of Epilobium occurring north of Mexico * Trelease, William * sample image * 1891

Genera Aroidearum exposita * Schott, H.W. * sample image * 1858

Gesamtbeschreibung der Kakteen (Monographia cactacearum)  * Schumann, Karl; Hischt, Karl * sample image * 1899

Gramineae Chilenses * Desvaux, E. * sample image * 1853

Herbarivm Oth. Brvnfelsii ... exacto tandem studio, opera & ingenio, candidatis medicinae simplicis absolutum * Brunfels, Otto * sample image * 1537

Herbarum vivae eicones ad naturae imitationem * Brunfels, Otto; Herr, Michael; Weiditz, Hans * sample image * 1532

Herbarium amboinense V1 * Rumpf, Georg Eberhard; Fransicum Changuion * sample image * 1742

Herbarium amboinense V2 * Rumpf, Georg Eberhard; Fransicum Changuion * sample image * 1741

Herbarium amboinense V3 * Rumpf, Georg Eberhard; Fransicum Changuion * sample image * 1743

Herbarium amboinense V4 * Rumpf, Georg Eberhard; Fransicum Changuion * sample image * 1743