Springfield Botanical Garden – February 2025

It was not a great day to go to the Springfield Botanical Gardens – cloudy and chilly….but I wanted to try out my new Nikon Coolpix P950 camera. My husband did the driving to the garden and he brought along his camera too even though he didn’t use it.

It was not a day for landscapes but there was enough light to get some zoomed pictures of winter plants – dried flowers from last summers’ hydrangeas, some evergreens with enough color variation and texture to be interesting, berries that the birds are reluctant to eat, and dried grasses.

I saw one witch hazel and it was booming. This is its normal time to bloom so not exactly a sign of coming spring.

There were some bulbs peeping from the mulch….which seems more aligned with the notion that spring is coming.

There were some succulents and prickly pear cactus that seemed in better shape than I expected after the very low temperatures a few weeks ago.

It was a good first field trip with the camera…a learning experience without much pain. I somehow managed to not charge the battery completely so it was depleted very quickly…and I initially couldn’t see through the viewfinder with my glasses on….but my husband helped fix that problem with a slight adjustment on a knob that had no equivalent in my previous camera.

I am ready to try some bird photography later this week!

eBotanical Prints – November 2024

Twenty more books were added to my botanical print eBook collection in November - available for browsing on Internet Archive, New York Public Library Digital Collections, or Botanicus. They cover a range of botanical topics: medicinal plants, botanical link in literature (Milton), particular taxonomic groups, and fruit as well as plants of places (Italy, Russia, and Korea (7 volumes!)). Three volumes (1 by Cornut and 2 by Presl) were about North American plants from preserved plants collected by others – the authors never visit the New World. Overall - the 20 books were published over almost 300 years (1635-1933).

My list of eBotanical Prints books past the 3,000 volumes milestone in November – now totaling 3,003 botanical eBooks I’ve browsed over the years. The whole list can be accessed here. Click on any sample image below to get an enlarged version…and the title hyperlink in the list below the image mosaic to view the entire volume.

Enjoy the November 2024 eBotanical Prints!

Picturesque botanical plates * Thornton, Robert John * sample image * 1807

American medical botany * Bigelow, Jacob (artist) * sample image * 1820

Sorimachi 409 * Spencer collection * sample image * 1746

The Flowers of Milton * Giraud, Jane Elizabeth (Lithographer) * sample image * 1846

Pomona Italiana * Gallesio, Giorgia (illustrator); Capurro, Niccolo (pubisher) * sample image * 1839

Iac. Cornvti ... Canadensivm planatarvm, aliarumque nondum editarum historia.  * Cornut, Jacques Philippe * sample image * 1635

Eidodendron: views of the general character and appearance of trees foreign and indigenous connected with picturesque scenery * Burgess, Henry William (artist); Hullmandel, Charles Joseph (printer) * sample image * 1827

Flora Rossica * Pallas, Peter Simon * sample image * 1788

Reliquiae Haenkeanae V1 * Presl, Karel Borivoj; Haenke, Thaddaus * sample image * 1833

Reliquiae Haenkeanae V2 * Presl, Karel Borivoj; Haenke, Thaddaus * sample image * 1835

Hymenophyllaceae :eine botanische Abhandlung  * Presl, Karel Borivoj * sample image * 1843

Tentamen Pteridographiae * Presl, Karel Borivoj * sample image * 1836

The Hardy Catalpa * Record, Samuel James * sample image * 1906

Flora Sylvatica Koreana Pt 11 Caprifoliaceae * Nakai, Takenoshin * sample image * 1921

Flora Sylvatica Koreana Pt 16 Araliaceae and Cornaceae * Nakai, Takenoshin * sample image * 1927

Flora Sylvatica Koreana Pt 17 Elæagnaceæ, Alangiaceæ, Daphnaceæ, Flacourtiaceæ et Ternstrœmiaceæ  * Nakai, Takenoshin * sample image * 1928

Flora Sylvatica Koreana Pt 18 Piperaceæ, Chloranthaceæ et Salicaceæ * Nakai, Takenoshin * sample image * 1930

Flora Sylvatica Koreana Pt 19 Ulmaceæ et Moraceæ * Nakai, Takenoshin * sample image * 1932

Flora Sylvatica Koreana Pt 20 Bambusaceæ, Myricaceæ, Juglandaceæ, Magnoliaceæ * Nakai, Takenoshin * sample image * 1933

Flora Sylvatica Koreana pt. 21 Aristolochiaceæ, Lardizabalaceæ, Berberidaceæ, Pittosporaceæ, Malvaceæ, Empetraceæ, Urticaceæ * Nakai, Takenoshin * sample image * 1933

Identifying Woody Plants (Month 2)

The Identifying Woody Plants field class I am taking at Missouri State University has met 5 more times since my last post about the field sessions on the campus.

I am continuing to take pictures of items in the classroom before class:

An opened Maclura pomifera (Osage orange) fruit

Some Quercus macrocarpa (Bur oak) acorns

An herbarium page showing Tilia americana (American Basswood) fruit which we have seen in the field, but my pictures were not very good.

Cuttings from two plants were brought in and we were asked to ID them based on our notes – with the hint that the first one had milky sap (hard to see since it had been cut):

Morus alba (white mulberry) – a non-native that is frequently seen as a ‘weed’ tree and Vitis (grape).

Recently the walk from the parking lot to the classroom building has been full of late blooming pollinator plants and fall foliage.

The one session where we stayed on campus added some new trees to our list:

Quercus bicolor (Swamp white oak)

Sassafras albidum (Sassafras)

Carya ovata (Shagbark hickory)

Quercus lyrata (Overcup oak)

We also saw some review trees and I got better pictures of Celtis occidentalis bark (Rough hackberry)

And some add odd growth of a Liriodendron tulipifera (tulip/yellow poplar). The trunk of the tree was growing at a slant rather than straight upward and it had small branches coming out relatively close the ground.

The hikes on campus and further afield have been more pleasant this past month because the temperatures have been cooler. There have been no rainy days in the field either!

Previous posts about Identifying Woody Plants field class

eBotanical Prints – November 2023

Twenty-four more books were added to the botanical print collection in November – available for browsing on Internet Archive. More than half the publications this month contain color images; I’m always pleased when I find new-to-me botanical books with images like these.

The publication range for this group is 1727-2012; it is interesting the think about how the technology behind publication of books such as these changes over that 200+ years.

The whole list of 2,761 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the November 2023 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the November 2023 eBotanical Prints!

Medical botany; or, illustrations and descriptions of the medicinal plants of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin pharmacopoeias: Comprising a poular and scientific account of poisonous vegetables indigenous to Great Britain V1 * Stephenson, John; Churchill, James Morss; Burnett, Gilbert Thomas * sample image * 1834

Medical botany; or, illustrations and descriptions of the medicinal plants of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin pharmacopoeias: Comprising a poular and scientific account of poisonous vegetables indigenous to Great Britain V2 * Stephenson, John; Churchill, James Morss; Burnett, Gilbert Thomas * sample image * 1834

Medical botany; or, illustrations and descriptions of the medicinal plants of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin pharmacopoeias: Comprising a poular and scientific account of poisonous vegetables indigenous to Great Britain V3 * Stephenson, John; Churchill, James Morss; Burnett, Gilbert Thomas * sample image * 1834

Medical botany; or, illustrations and descriptions of the medicinal plants of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin pharmacopoeias: Comprising a poular and scientific account of poisonous vegetables indigenous to Great Britain V4 * Stephenson, John; Churchill, James Morss; Burnett, Gilbert Thomas * sample image * 1834

Flora and pomona, or, the British fruit and flower garden * McIntosh, Charles * sample image * 1829

On buds and Stipules * Lubbock, John * sample image * 1899

George Engelmann :botanical notebook 38 : Yucca (Agavaceae) * Engelmann, George * sample image * 1851

On Welwitschia :a new genus of Gnetaceae * Hooker, Joseph Dalton * sample image * 1864

Annales Musei botanici lugduno-batavi V1 (1863) * Miquel, Fredrich Anton Wilhelm (editor) * sample image * 1863

Annales Musei botanici lugduno-batavi V2 (1866) * Miquel, Fredrich Anton Wilhelm (editor) * sample image * 1866

Annales Musei botanici lugduno-batavi V3 (1867) * Miquel, Fredrich Anton Wilhelm (editor) * sample image * 1867

Annales Musei botanici lugduno-batavi V4 (1869) * Miquel, Fredrich Anton Wilhelm (editor) * sample image * 1869

Cycadeae quaedam americanae, partim novae * Miquel, Fredrich Anton Wilhelm  * sample image * 1851

Monographia cycadearum * Miquel, Fredrich Anton Wilhelm  * sample image * 1842

Monographia generis Melocacti  * Miquel, Fredrich Anton Wilhelm  * sample image * 1840

Stirpes Surinamenses selectae * Miquel, Fredrich Anton Wilhelm (compiler) * sample image * 1851

Botanicon parisiense * Aubriet, Claude; Boerhaave, Herman; Vaillant, Sebastien; Verbeek, H.; Verbeek, J.; Wandelaar, Jan * sample image * 1727

Botanical review, or the beauties of flora * Donovan, E. * sample image * 1790

Botanical Report * Eduran, Elias; Hilgard, Theod. C. * sample image * 1855

Astragalogia, nempe astragali, biserrulae et oxytropidis *     Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de; Didot,; Garnery, Joann. Bapt.; Redoute, Pierre Joseph * sample image * 1802

Botanique (atlas from Astolabe Expdeition 1837-1840) * Hombron, Jacques Bernard; Decaisne, Joseph; Dumont d'Urville, Jules-Sébastien-César; Jacquinot, Charles Hector; Montagne, Jean François Camille * sample image * 1845

Text-book of structural and physiological botany * Thome, Otto Wilhelm; Bennett, Alfred William * sample image * 1877

Khawa karpo :Tibetan traditional knowledge and biodiversity conservation * Moseley, Robert K.; Salick, Jan * sample image * 2012

Advances in legume biology * Stirton, C.H.; Zarucchi, Jame Lee * sample image * 1989

eBotanical Prints – March 2023

Twenty more books were added to the botanical print collection this month and most are about orchids: 19 volumes of the Australian Orchid Review from 2012 to 2015. I picked sample images that demonstrated the publications’ photography and drawings. I’ll continue browsing more volumes in April! The very first volume on the list is the only one not from Internet Archive; it is a recently published book - Pollinator-Friendly Parks - that I am using as a reference as I reduce the ‘turf’ in my yard. It is available free from the Xerces Society.

The whole list of 2,592 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the March 2023 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the March 2023 eBotanical Prints!

Pollinator-Friendly Parks * Frischie, Stephanie; Code, Aimee; Shepherd, Matt; Black, Scott; Hoyle, Sarah; Selvaggio, Sharon; Laws, Angela; Dunham, Rachel; Vaughan, Mace * sample image * 2021

Australian Orchid Review 2015 (February - March) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2015

Australian Orchid Review 2015 (April - May) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2015

Australian Orchid Review 2015 (June - July) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2015

Australian Orchid Review 2015 (August - September) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2015

Australian Orchid Review 2015 (October - November) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2015

Australian Orchid Review 2015 - 2016 (December - January) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2016

Australian Orchid Review 2014 (April - May) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2014

Australian Orchid Review 2014 (June - July) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2014

Australian Orchid Review 2014 (August - September) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2014

Australian Orchid Review 2014 (October - November) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2014

Australian Orchid Review 2014 - 2015 (December - January) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2015

Australian Orchid Review 2013 (February - March) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2013

Australian Orchid Review 2013 (April - May) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2013

Australian Orchid Review 2013 (June - July) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2013

Australian Orchid Review 2013 (August - September) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2013

Australian Orchid Review 2013 (October - November) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2013

Australian Orchid Review 2013 - 2014 (December - January) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2014

Australian Orchid Review 2012 (February - March) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2012

Australian Orchid Review 2012 (April - May) * Orchid Society of New South Wales * sample image * 2012

eBotanical Prints – December 2022

Another 20 botanical books in December. I started out the month with 12 volumes about mosses of North America published by A. J. Grout; the Wikipedia entry says that he taught at Curtis High School in Staten Island from 1908 to 1930…and evidently kept his primary focus on mosses for his entire adult life.

This month also includes 2 books by Agnes Arber (a British botanist) and one by her husband Edward Alexander Newell Arber (a botanist/paleontologist). The Wikipedia article on Agnes reflects the challenging research situation for female academics of her time.

George Vasey was a British-born American botanist of the US Department of Agriculture. Three of his books about grasses finish out the December botanical print books.

The whole list of 2,532 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the December 2022 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the December 2022 eBotanical Prints!

Moss Flora Of North America Volume I  Part 1 * Grout, A. J. * sample image * 1936

Moss Flora Of North America Volume I  Part 2 * Grout, A. J. * sample image * 1936

Moss Flora Of North America Volume I  Part 4 * Grout, A. J. * sample image * 1939

Moss Flora Of North America Volume II  * Grout, A. J. * sample image * 1940

Moss Flora Of North America Volume II Part 1 * Grout, A. J. * sample image * 1933

Moss Flora Of North America Volume II Part 2 * Grout, A. J. * sample image * 1935

Moss Flora Of North America Volume III * Grout, A. J. * sample image * 1906

Moss Flora Of North America Volume III Part 1 * Grout, A. J. * sample image * 1928

Moss Flora Of North America Volume III Part 2 * Grout, A. J. * sample image * 1931

Moss Flora Of North America Volume III Part 3 * Grout, A. J. * sample image * 1932

Moss Flora Of North America Volume III Part 3 * Grout, A. J. * sample image * 1934

Moss Flora Of North America Volume II Part 3 * Grout, A. J. * sample image * 1935

Water Plants - A study of aquatic angiosperms * Arber, Agnes * sample image * 1920

Herbals, their origin and evolution; a chapter in the history of botany, 1470-1670 * Arber, Agnes * sample image * 1912

Devonian floras; a study of the origin of Cormophyta * Arber, Edward Alexander Newell; Arber, Agnes Robertson * sample image * 1921

The ferns (filicales) V1 * Bower, Frederick Orpen * sample image * 1928

Plant-life * Hall, Charles Albert * sample image * 1915

Illustrations of North American Grasses V1 - Grasses of the Southwest * Vasey, George * sample image * 1891

Illustrations of North American Grasses V2 - Grasses of the Pacific Slope * Vasey, George * sample image * 1893

The agricultural grasses of the United States * Vasey, George * sample image * 1884

Carrollton Yard…before a first frost

It was fun to see so many flowers in the Carrollton yard – blooming into late October since there had been no frost. I enjoyed the colors and blooms realizing a lot will change soon.

Things could look very different by the time I am there in November.

I always enjoy photographing the red yuccas. My favorite picture from my time in Carrollton in late October is the flowers and seedpod together. The flowers might not get enough time to complete the cycle into seed pods, but the plants have already had a good year producing seeds.

Red Cabbage

My rule of thumb is to always buy the more colorful version of veggies when they are available – so I always buy the red cabbage rather than green (unless the red is not available)! The extra nutrients in the red cabbage make it worth the little bit of extra cost. However - red cabbage always looks more purple than red to me.

The outer leaves come off easily enough – to roll and then cut into thin slivers for slaw, but the leaves quickly are so tightly wrapped together that they cannot be separated; I cut cross sections through the head and then cut the pile on the board until the pieces are small enough for slaw. I am always fascinated by the patterns of the white and red/purple in the cross sections.

Of course, I never use the whole head at once…and I’ve saved pieces for a few days to see how the patterns change as they age. They shrink a little as they dry…and the purple color may deepen! The white part gets bumpy and begins to look spongy!

eBotanical Prints – February 2022

21 botanical print books browsed in February and added to the list. The month continued the browsing of Peter Henderson’s “Everything for the Garden” catalogs that I started in January. It’s easy to image people looking at these catalogs in the winters of the first half of the 1900s and planning their gardens. There are books dedicated to conifers and lilacs, two from Yokohama Nursery, and two about wild gardens. The last two books in February were the start another series…the rest will be in the March group.

The whole list of 2,331 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the February 2022 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the February eBotanical Prints!

Everything for the garden, 1926 * Peter Henderson & Co * sample image * 1926

Everything for the garden, 1928 * Peter Henderson & Co * sample image * 1928

Everything for the garden, 1932 * Peter Henderson & Co * sample image * 1932

Everything for the garden, 1934 * Peter Henderson & Co * sample image * 1934

Everything for the garden, 1936 * Peter Henderson & Co * sample image * 1936

Everything for the garden, 1938 * Peter Henderson & Co * sample image * 1938

Everything for the garden, 1940 * Peter Henderson & Co * sample image * 1940

Everything for the garden, 1945 * Peter Henderson & Co * sample image * 1945

Everything for the garden, 1948 * Peter Henderson & Co * sample image * 1948

Everything for the garden, 1950 * Peter Henderson & Co * sample image * 1950

Everything for the garden, 1951 * Peter Henderson & Co * sample image * 1952

Everything for the garden, 1952 * Peter Henderson & Co * sample image * 952

Hortus Veitchii : a history of the rise and progress of the nurseries of Messrs. James Veitch and sons * Veitch, James Herbert * sample image * 1906

Veitch's manual of the coniferae * Kent, Adolphus Henry; Veitch, James Herbert * sample image * 1900

The Lilac * McKelvey, Susan Delano * sample image * 1928

Descriptive catalogue of flowering, ornamental trees, shrubs, bulbs, herbs, climbers, fruit trees (1909-1914) * Yokohama Ueki Kabushiki Kaisha * sample image * 1914

The Yokohama Nursery Co., Ltd  - 1898 * Yokohama Ueki Kabushiki Kaisha * sample image * 1898

Taming the wildings * Durand, Herbert * sample image * 1923

The Wild Garden * Robinson, William * sample image * 1883

Refugium botanicum V1 * Saunders, William Wilson; Reichbach, Heinrich Gustav; Baker, John Gilbert; Fitch, W. H. * sample image * 1869

Refugium botanicum V2 * Saunders, William Wilson; Reichbach, Heinrich Gustav; Fitch, W. H. * sample image * 1872

eBotanical Prints – December 2021

20 botanical print books browsed in December and added to the list. The month started with 8 volumes of Edward Joseph Lowe’s Ferns: British and Exotic from the mid-1800s. Later in the month there were 7 books on New York fruits and vegetables (cherries, peaches, pears, plums, small fruits, vegetables, and grapes) from the early 1900s with U.P. Hedrick as the primary author. The range of publication dates was from 1788-1938…150 years.

The whole list of 2,289 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the December 2021 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the December eBotanical Prints!

Ferns: British and Exotic - V1 * Lowe, Edward Joseph * sample image * 1856

Ferns: British and Exotic - V2 * Lowe, Edward Joseph * sample image * 1858

Ferns: British and Exotic - V3 * Lowe, Edward Joseph * sample image * 1858

Ferns: British and Exotic - V4 * Lowe, Edward Joseph * sample image * 1858

Ferns: British and Exotic - V5 * Lowe, Edward Joseph * sample image * 1858

Ferns: British and Exotic - V6 * Lowe, Edward Joseph * sample image * 1857

Ferns: British and Exotic - V7 * Lowe, Edward Joseph * sample image * 1859

Ferns: British and Exotic - V8 * Lowe, Edward Joseph * sample image * 1860

A natural history of new and rare ferns * Lowe, Edward Joseph * sample image * 1871

Sertum Anglicum, seu, Plantae rariores quae in hortis juxta Londinum  * Brugiere, J.G.; Didot, Petri Francisci et al * sample image * 1788

Supplement to The ferns of southern India and British India * Beddome, R. H. * sample image * 1876

Burgess flower book for children * Burgess, Thornton Waldo * sample image * 1938

The Cherries of New York * Hedrick, U.P. et al * sample image * 1915

The peaches of New York * Hedrick, U.P. et al * sample image * 1917

The pears of New York * Hedrick, U.P. et al * sample image * 1922

The Plums of New York * Hedrick, U.P. et al * sample image * 1911

The Small Fruits of New York * Hedrick, U.P. et al * sample image * 1925

The Vegetables of New York * Hedrick, U.P.; Tapley, William Thorpe * sample image * 1928

The Grapes of New York * Hedrick, U.P.; Tapley, William Thorpe * sample image * 1908

Chrysanthemums * Stevenson, Thomas * sample image * 1912

eBotanical Prints – November 2021

20 botanical print books browsed in November and added to the list. There were several topics that show up several times in the list this month: grasses and grasslands, language of flowers, rock gardens,  ferns, and plants in particular geographical areas if the US. The age range of the publications is from 1808 to 2007…just under 200 years.

The whole list of 2,269 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the November books is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the November eBotanical Prints!

Rich Grasslands for Missouri Landowners * Missouri Department of Conservation * sample image * 2007

The Floral forget me not; A gift for all seasons * H.F.Anners (publisher) * sample image * 1854

The Language of flowers : an alphabet of floral emblems * T. Nelson and Sons (publisher) * sample image * 1858

The Language and poetry of flowers : with beautiful illustrations * Geo. A. Leavitt (publisher) * sample image * 1867

Collectio plantarum tam exoticarum, quam indigenarum, cum delineatione, descriptione culturaque earum V3 * Wendland, Johann Christoph * sample image * 1808

The Gentians of Canada, Alaska, & Greenland * Gillett, John M. * sample image * 1963

Plant studies for artists, designers, and art students * Haite, George Charles * sample image * 1886

Alpines and bog plants * Farrer, Reginald John * sample image * 1908

My Rock Garden * Farrer, Reginald John * sample image * 1907

The English Rock Garden * Farrer, Reginald John * sample image * 1919

Hortus gramineus Woburnensis or, an account of the results of experiments on the produce, and nutritive qualities of different grasses, and other plants, used as the food of the more valuable domestic animals - 1816 * Sinclair, George * sample image * 1816

Hortus gramineus Woburnensis or, an account of the results of experiments on the produce, and nutritive qualities of different grasses, and other plants, used as the food of the more valuable domestic animals - 1826 * Sinclair, George * sample image * 1826

Flora of West Virginia * Millspaugh, Charles Frederick * sample image * 1892

An illustrated guide to the flowering plants of the middle Atlantic and New England states * Stevens, George Thomas * sample image * 1910

Toadstools at Home * Hastings, Somerville * sample image * 1906

The vines of northeastern America : fully illustrated from original sketches * Newhall, Charles Stedman * sample image * 1897

The shrubs of northeastern America * Newhall, Charles Stedman * sample image * 1897

Our Native Ferns V1 * Lowe, Edward Joseph * sample image * 1865

Our Native Ferns V2 * Lowe, Edward Joseph * sample image * 1865

A Natural History of British Grasses * Lowe, Edward Joseph * sample image * 1858

Patuxent Research Refuge – Misc.

Of course, there are other things besides waterlilies, milkweeds and goldenrod to see this time of year at the South Tract of Patuxent Research Refuge. I did some experimental photography with some grass seed heads and asters…liked the results.

The cattails are exploding with fluff. If it doesn’t float away fast enough it becomes matted around the stalk.

Many plants are going to seed in the meadow.

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In the forest there are hits of color…just a few leaves at this point. Green still dominates.

There was an old jumble of trunks…some upright and others leaning over…with shelf fungus in profusion.

There is a bird blind around a collection of feeders but I wasn’t quiet enough to walk up to it without all the birds taking flight. I managed to notice finches on the feeders and mourning doves below.

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Sometimes something appears that I don’t expect – like this fire hydrant in the meadow. It isn’t that far from the visitor center but far enough that I would have thought one closer would be more useful and it was surrounded by wild vegetation – a little surprise. It was rusted enough that I wondered if it was still functional.

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Overall – every time I got to the refuge, I notice something that I haven’t seen before!

Springfield Yard and Xeriscape Garden

Last time I was in Springfield, the priority was getting my daughter moved into a new house – exhausting work. This time I am savoring the yard. I walked around several times….marveling at how beautiful it is, noting a few things that need to be done but nothing critical. It is relatively low maintenance. I am starting to think about the various areas as mini gardens.

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The Driveway Garden has two hollies flanking the extra parking area – a male and female. The female tree is full of green berries which will be red by winter…pretty and food for birds as well.

The Back Garden has a dogwood that may be problematic (some dead branches and overall not looking healthy) but underneath the Queen Anne’s Lace is blooming and some other plants (that will also provide food for birds. I’ve been watching a small rabbit nibbling on the plants around the brick patio every morning when I nibble my dark chocolate in the garden room. The hosta plants have already finished blooming. There are some legume type plants that are blooming behind some evergreens and a stand of poke weed that will have purple berries in the fall. There is a wood hydrangea that still has dried flowers from last year along with light grene flower clusters on the ends of this year’s growth. Overall – a lot of shrubs, trees and perennials…very little grass.

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The Side Garden has evergreens on one side of the stone walk and ferns on the other. I might move one of the yard chairs to this always shady area.

The Magnolia Garden is under a huge magnolia tree. There was some damage to the leaves from the extreme cold from last winter that I noticed last time I was here but those leaves were dropped and the tree looks wonderfully lush at this point - full of shining green leaves, developing seed pods and waning flowers. There are a few ferns and hosta under the tree. My daughter cleared away the thick layer of magnolia leaves and is planning to encourage (or plant) more of those types of plants under the tree.

The Front Garden is dominated by some big trees. The river birch and oak are the largest. The oak was probably planted when the house was built in the 1950s. Many other houses in the neighborhood have a large oak in the front.

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There is also an oak leaf hydrangea between the house and the big trees that is blooming; it’s a great shade loving plant!

We took a walk in the neighborhood to a city park that includes a Xeriscape Garden maintained by volunteers. Kudos to the people that do the work there! It is a mini-botanical garden. The arum seed clusters are attention getting! The variety of plants there would make it worth visiting any time except (maybe) the winter. I was pleased to see that goldenrod was included. There was also some sculpture among the plantings.

Overall – the gardens of the yard and the nearby Xeriscape Garden are something to look forward to see during future visits.

Carrollton TX Yard – Plant Curves

Sometimes when I look at plants….is see the embedded curves rather than the whole plant:

The spiral in the center of a new leaf

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The tight role of another leaf…rather like a tortillon I use for smudging when I make traditional Zentangle tiles

The lazy accordion pleats in a narrow leaf (how did that happen?)

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The wrapped petals of a swamp iris poised to open into a flower…overlapping curves within the bud framed by leaves.

eBotanical Prints – April 2021

20 botanical print books browsed in April and added to the list. There was a variety at the beginning then a series (Flora Brasiliensis) which I will continue browsing in May. I browse the volumes of Flora Braziliensis in Internet Archive but it is easier to find all the volumes in Botanicus.

There was quite an age range for the books in April too – 1786 to 1976…with the early 1900s dominating.

The whole list of 2,218 eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the April books is at the end of this post.

Click an any sample images below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the April eBotanical Prints!

The practical flower garden * Ely, Helena Rutherfurd * sample image * 1911

Hortus Nitidissimis * Trew, Christoph Jacob * sample image * 1786

How to know the wildflowers * Dana, Mrs. William Starr; Satterlee, Marion; Shaw, Elsie Louise * sample image * 1915

Genera filicum * Fee, Antoine Laurent Apollinaire * sample image * 1850

Iconographie des espèces nouvelles décrites ou énumérées dans le genera filicum et révision des publications antérieures relatives à la famille des fougères * Fee, Antoine Laurent Apollinaire * sample image * 1854

A Catskill flora and economic botany * Brooks, Karl L.  * sample image * 1979

Field guide to the aquatic plants of Lake George, New York * Ogden, Eugene Cecil * sample image * 1976

Flora Brasiliensis, enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum :quas suis aliorumque botanicorum studiis descriptas et methodo naturali digestas partim icone illustratas V1, Pt1 * Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von; Eichler, August Wilhelm; Urban, Ignatz * sample image * 1906

Flora Brasiliensis, enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum :quas suis aliorumque botanicorum studiis descriptas et methodo naturali digestas partim icone illustratas V1, Pt2 * Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von; Eichler, August Wilhelm; Urban, Ignatz * sample image * 1906

Flora Brasiliensis, enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum :quas suis aliorumque botanicorum studiis descriptas et methodo naturali digestas partim icone illustratas V2, Pt1-2 * Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von; Eichler, August Wilhelm; Urban, Ignatz * sample image * 1906

Flora Brasiliensis, enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum :quas suis aliorumque botanicorum studiis descriptas et methodo naturali digestas partim icone illustratas V2, Pt3 * Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von; Eichler, August Wilhelm; Urban, Ignatz * sample image * 1906

Flora Brasiliensis, enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum :quas suis aliorumque botanicorum studiis descriptas et methodo naturali digestas partim icone illustratas V3, Pt1 * Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von; Eichler, August Wilhelm; Urban, Ignatz * sample image * 1906

Flora Brasiliensis, enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum :quas suis aliorumque botanicorum studiis descriptas et methodo naturali digestas partim icone illustratas V3, Pt2 * Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von; Eichler, August Wilhelm; Urban, Ignatz * sample image * 1906

Flora Brasiliensis, enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum :quas suis aliorumque botanicorum studiis descriptas et methodo naturali digestas partim icone illustratas V3, Pt3 * Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von; Eichler, August Wilhelm; Urban, Ignatz * sample image * 1906

Flora Brasiliensis, enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum :quas suis aliorumque botanicorum studiis descriptas et methodo naturali digestas partim icone illustratas V3, Pt4 * Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von; Eichler, August Wilhelm; Urban, Ignatz * sample image * 1906

Flora Brasiliensis, enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum :quas suis aliorumque botanicorum studiis descriptas et methodo naturali digestas partim icone illustratas V3, Pt5 * Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von; Eichler, August Wilhelm; Urban, Ignatz * sample image * 1906

Flora Brasiliensis, enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum :quas suis aliorumque botanicorum studiis descriptas et methodo naturali digestas partim icone illustratas V3, Pt6 * Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von; Eichler, August Wilhelm; Urban, Ignatz * sample image * 1906

Flora Brasiliensis, enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum :quas suis aliorumque botanicorum studiis descriptas et methodo naturali digestas partim icone illustratas V4, Pt1 * Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von; Eichler, August Wilhelm; Urban, Ignatz * sample image * 1906

Flora Brasiliensis, enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum :quas suis aliorumque botanicorum studiis descriptas et methodo naturali digestas partim icone illustratas V4, Pt2 * Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von; Eichler, August Wilhelm; Urban, Ignatz * sample image * 1906

Flora Brasiliensis, enumeratio plantarum in Brasilia hactenus detectarum :quas suis aliorumque botanicorum studiis descriptas et methodo naturali digestas partim icone illustratas V5, Pt1 * Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von; Eichler, August Wilhelm; Urban, Ignatz * sample image * 1906

eBotanical Prints – March 2021

I finished browsing the rest of the Arnoldia volumes (from the Arnold Arboretum) available via Internet Archive in March; there are 24 of them. Sometimes the volumes are a single issue…sometimes groups of issues (not always divided on year boundaries). I am looking forward to the variety of botanical prints that are not from a series in April!

The whole list of 2,108 eBooks can be accessed here.

Click an any sample images below to get an enlarged version. Note that Arnoldia sometimes includes articles on historical botanical illustrations…sometimes includes traditional botanical drawings…and a lot of photography. Enjoy the March eBotanical Prints!

Arnoldia -  v.63:no.4 (2005) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 2005

Arnoldia -  v.65-66 (2007-2009) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 2009

Arnoldia -  v.64:(2005-2006) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 2006

Arnoldia -  v.67:(2009-2010) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 2010

Arnoldia -  v.68:(2010-2011) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 2011

Arnoldia -  v.69:(2011-2012) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 2012

Arnoldia -  v.70:(2012-2013) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 2013

Arnoldia -  v.49:(1989) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 1989

Arnoldia -  v.50:(1990) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 1990

Arnoldia -  v.51 no. 1:(1991) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 1991

Arnoldia -  v.51 no. 2:(1991) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 1991

Arnoldia -  v.51 no. 3:(1991) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 1991

Arnoldia -  v.51 no. 4:(1991) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 1991

Arnoldia -  v.52:(1992) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 1992

Arnoldia -  v.53:(1993) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 1993

Arnoldia -  v.54:(1994) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 1994

Arnoldia -  v.55:(1995) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 1995

Arnoldia -  v.56:(1996) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 1996

Arnoldia -  v.57:(1997) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 1997

Arnoldia -  v.58:(1998) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 1998

Arnoldia -  v.58-59:(1998-1999) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 1999

Arnoldia -  v.59:(1999) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 1999

Arnoldia -  v.60:(2000) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 2000

Arnoldia -  v.61:(2001) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 2001

eBotanical Prints – January 2021

22 new books for the botanical prints list in January – all from Internet Archive. 7 are a continuation from December: the annual publication from the Georgia Botanical Society (Tipularia).  I started through the magazines of the Arnold Arboretum (Arnoldia) toward the end of the month. There are a lot of them still go…fodder for the browsing in February and maybe beyond.

The dates for the publications range from 1822 to 2018…close to 200 years but not as broad as some recent months. There is one image for each of the 22 new books; click an any sample images below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the January eBotanical Prints! The whole list of 2063 eBooks can be accessed here.

Tipularia - 1993 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1993

Tipularia - 1992 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1992

Tipularia - 1991 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1991

Tipularia - 1990 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1990

Tipularia - 1989 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1989

Tipularia - 1988 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1988

Tipularia - 1987 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1987

The fern portfolio. All the species of British ferns are included in this volume * Heath, Francis George * sample image * 1885

Our woodland trees * Heath, Francis George * sample image * 1878

Autumnal leaves * Heath, Francis George * sample image * 1885

Garden Rockery: How to make, plant, and manage it * Heath, Francis George * sample image * 1908

The Fern World * Heath, Francis George * sample image * 1877

Monographie des prêles * Kornfeld, Albert (editor) * sample image * 1822

Phillipine Hoya species: a monograph * Kloppenburg, Dale * sample image * 1991

Flora and ecology of the Santa Monica Mountains * Southern California Botanists * sample image * 2007

Arnoldia -  v.48:no.1-4 (1988) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 1988

Arnoldia -  v.76:no.1 (2018) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 2018

Arnoldia -  v.76:no.2 (2018) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 2018

Arnoldia -  v.75:no.1 (2017) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 2017

Arnoldia -  v.75:no.2 (2017) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 2017

Arnoldia -  v.75:no.3 (2017) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 2017

Arnoldia -  v.75:no.4 (2017) * Arnold Arboretum * sample image * 2017

eBotanical Prints – December 2020

20 new books for the botanical prints list in December….all from the Internet Archive. 12 of them are an annual publication from the Georgia Botanical Society published between 1986 and 2005; there are 7 more that I looked at in January and will include in next month’s eBotanical Prints post.

Just as in previous months, there is quite a range in the publication dates: 1687 to 2005. And different types of images: drawings, colored prints, and photographs. There is one image for each of the 20 new books; click an any sample image below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the December eBotanical Prints! The whole list of 2,041 eBooks can be accessed here.

Opera omnia, seu, Thesaurus locupletissimus botanico-medico-anatomicus * Malpighii, Marcelli * sample image * 1687

Gramineae Chilenses * Desvaux, Emile * sample image * 1853

Flora Peruviana, et Chilensis plates I-CLII * Ruiz, Hippolyto; Pavon, Josepho * sample image * 1798

Flora Peruviana, et Chilensis plates CLIII-CCCXXV * Ruiz, Hippolyto; Pavon, Josepho * sample image * 1798

Plantes equinoxiales recueillies au Mexique vol 1 * Humboldt, Alexander von; Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1808

Plantes equinoxiales recueillies au Mexique vol 2 * Humboldt, Alexander von; Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1808

Stirpes novae * L'Heritier de Brutelle, Charles Louis * sample image * 1784

A description of the genus Cinchona * Lambert, Alymer Bourke * sample image * 1797

Tipularia - 2005 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 2005

Tipularia - 1986 - 1987 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1987

Tipularia - 2004 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 2004

Tipularia - 2003 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 2003

Tipularia - 2002 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 2002

Tipularia - 2001 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 2001

Tipularia - 2000 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 2000

Tipularia - 1999 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1999

Tipularia - 1998 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1998

Tipularia - 1997 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1997

Tipularia - 1995 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1995

Tipularia - 1994 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1994

eBotanical Prints – November 2020

20 new eBooks added to the botanical prints list in November. They are all available from Internet Archive. The oldest is from 1682 – The Anatomy of Plants by Nehemiah Grew – the ‘father of plant anatomy.’ 6 books were published in the 1700s and the rest in the 1800s. I enjoyed the variety of books I browsed since I had been making my way through Annals of Botany for 2 months (September and October)! When I selected the sample images – I thought about why I made the selections I did from all the wonderful images in these books. Sometimes I choose because I know and enjoy the plant…sometimes it’s the color…sometimes it is a plant totally new to me. Overall – I like the mosaic of images in the post (and that each image can be enlarged with a click). Enjoy the November eBotanical Prints! The whole list of 2021 eBooks can be accessed here.

Medical flora or, Manual of the medical botany of the United States of North America Vol 1 * Rafineque, Constantine Samuel * sample image * 1828

Medical flora or, Manual of the medical botany of the United States of North America Vol 2 * Rafineque, Constantine Samuel * sample image * 1828

Thirty-eight plates, with explanations : intended to illustrate Linnaeus's System of vegetables, and particularly adapted to the Letters on the elements of botany * Martyn, Thimas; Nodder, Frederick Polydore * sample image * 1817

Flora rustica: exhibiting ... figures of such plants as are either useful or injurious in husbandry V1 and V2 * Martyn, Thimas; Nodder, Frederick Polydore * sample image * 1791

Flora rustica: exhibiting ... figures of such plants as are either useful or injurious in husbandry V3 and V4 * Martyn, Thimas; Nodder, Frederick Polydore * sample image * 1791

Traité des arbres forestiers : ou histoire et description des arbre indigènes ou naturalisés… * Jaume Saint-Hilaire, Jean Henri * sample image * 1824

Botanique medicinal * Jaume Saint-Hilaire, Jean Henri * sample image * 1799

The anatomy of plants * Grew, Nehemiah * sample image * 1682

Recueil de plantes coloriees * Rousseau, Jean-Jacques * sample image * 1789

Plants of the coast of Coromandel Vol 1 * Roxburgh, William * sample image * 1795

Plants of the coast of Coromandel Vol 2 * Roxburgh, William * sample image * 1798

Plants of the coast of Coromandel Vol 3 * Roxburgh, William * sample image * 1819

Plantarum Brasiliae icones et descriptiones hactenus ineditae * Pohl, Johann Emnuel * sample image * 1827

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 1 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1815

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 2 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1817

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 3 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1818

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 4 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1818

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 5 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1821

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 6 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1823

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 7 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1825

eBotanical Prints – October 2020

20 new items added to the collection in October and, like September, they are all volumes of Annals of Botany. The Biodiversity Heritage Library has the volumes fully available from 1888 (when the publication started) until 1923; the access page has a pull down to select the volume of interest. I finished the series in October and am thrilled to be looking at some very different individual works already in November. By the end of the series, it seemed like I needed to just slog through to the last one. The images in the Annals were for research and I found myself looking at them more as starting points for Zentangle pattern development than as botanical prints.

The whole list of 2002 books can be accessed here. Sample images and links for the 20 new ones are provided below. (click on the sample image to see a larger view). Enjoy!

Annals of Botany V20 (1906) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1906

Annals of Botany V21 (1907) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1907

Annals of Botany V22 (1908) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1908

Annals of Botany V23 (1909) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1909

Annals of Botany V24 (1910) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1910

Annals of Botany V25 pt1 (1911) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1911

Annals of Botany V25 pt2 (1911) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1911

Annals of Botany V26 pt1 (1912) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1912

Annals of Botany V26 pt2 (1912) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1912

Annals of Botany V27 (1913) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1913

Annals of Botany V28 (1914) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1914

Annals of Botany V29 (1915) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1915

Annals of Botany V30 (1916) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1916

Annals of Botany V31 (1917) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1916

Annals of Botany V32 (1918) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1918

Annals of Botany V33 (1919) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1919

Annals of Botany V34 (1920) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1920

Annals of Botany V35 (1921) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1921

Annals of Botany V36 (1922) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1922

Annals of Botany V37 (1923) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1923