Recipe of the Week: Stir-Fry Chicken and Onions

I’m taking a break from my continuing sourdough adventures to feature a main dish this week. It’s one of my favorites because of the many variations - additional ingredients and different ways to eat it.

Central Ingredients: 

  • Boneless chicken breasts
  • Olive oil
  • Onion, chopped
  • Seasoning (example: black pepper, favorite no-salt blend)

 Cut up chicken into bite size pieces (I tend to use my kitchen scissors for this). Heat the oil in a large pan. Add chicken and cook until it us all white on the outside at least - stir frequently so it doesn’t stick. Add onions and stir. Cook until onions are translucent and chicken is done all the way through.

Ideas for other ingredients that can be added at the same time the onions are added: 

  • Green pepper, chopped (this is may favorite addition)
  • Mushrooms, chopped
  • Celery, chopped
  • Canned water chestnuts, sliced
  • Canned bamboo shoots

 Serving suggestions: 

  • In Carb Balance tortillas with refried beans and salsa (This is my husband's favorite way to eat it. If he is using a large tortilla, he makes a large burrito. The small tortillas can be folded to make a soft taco.)
  • Over cooked rice
  • Over cooked quinoa
  • Over spaghetti squash
  • Over lettuce or other salad (This is my favorite way to eat it...with a little ranch dressing on the lettuce.)
  • Over shredded sweet potato


Additional spices: 

  • Orange or lemon zest
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Parsley or cilantro (on top after it is served)

The number of servings depend on how many additional ingredients are added. If you stick to just the central ingredients - 2 chicken breasts and one onion make a good meal for two…probably with some left overs if eaten over salad or in tortillas. It is good left over; I usually finish mine off reheated to top a salad or for chicken soup (for example: added to egg noodles cooked in chicken bouillon with some frozen peas).

Recipe of the Week: Salsa Meatloaf

You don’t need to measure exactly or pull out spices to make this delicious entree. Allow a quarter pound of meat for each serving. This re-heats well as a leftover too.



1 pound hamburger meat

1/3 cup oatmeal (preferably not the quick cook kind)

¾ cup salsa (Chi-Chi’s medium strength is my favorite)

1 egg


Begin heating oven to 350°F. Spray baking dish/pan with cooking spray. Process the oatmeal in a small food processor if you want the oatmeal less visible in the meatloaf. Place oatmeal, egg, and salsa in a large bowl. Use a fork to thoroughly blend. Add meat and mix thoroughly. Put in an over-proof pan and flatten/smooth with a fork so that it is equal thickness and flat on top. Cook for approximately one hour

(Note: cooking a sweet potato in the oven at the same time works well for the meal’s vegetable).