Quote of the Day - 2/13/2012

In Western cultures adults, regardless of gender, prefer cooler tones of color: the most popular color preference is blue and the second is green. Small children, by contrast, prefer red followed by yellow of white. Around the age of 8, children begin to shift to adult preferences. - Melanie and John Aves in Comfort Colors: Palettes for Liveable Rooms


This quote caught my eye because my color preference is different than the ‘most popular.’ I am not a ‘cool tone’ person at all. I like wearing red. If I wear blue - it is turquoise which is more bright than ‘cool.’ In my home I like warm colors - rusts or deep burgundies and very dark greens for accent colors. I like whites and beiges as the backdrop for the accent colors. We do have one room with Copenhagen blue carpet and the room always seems cool…good in summer but not as nice on cold days.

Are you color preferences aligned with the ‘most popular’ --- or different?