February Celebrations
/February starts tomorrow. What do you celebrate in February? Here are some ideas:
Valentine’s Day. This is a holiday to celebrate as a twosome rather than with a larger group. Think about something that you would both enjoy…good food, warmth, favorite music. Savor how fabulous it is to be a couple. Alternatively - celebrate as a family and articulate the love you share. Chocolates and flowers are the tradition but they are just the glitz; think deeper and you may realize it is more about spending time together than purchasing a gift. Note: If you are planning an ‘out to eat’ be aware that many restaurants are crowded on the 14th. Consider designating another day (such as the monthly anniversary of your wedding or meeting) as your day to celebrate.
- Winter. February may be winter’s last hurrah so celebrate it. If you ski - February is a good time. If a snow storm is forecast, have the makings for snow ice cream on hand and wood by the door for the fireplace; make sure you know where the coats, boots, and sleds are.
- Harbinger’s of Spring. Celebrate the crocus and hyacinths peeking through the garden soil. They may even bloom in February if the winter has been particularly mild where you live.