Quote of the Day 1/12/2012

“Calories don’t count if they’re connected to a celebration. Everyone knows this.” - Janet Evanovich, Hard Eight


Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum novels are fun reads (or listens…Hard Eight keep me alert, and sometimes laughing, as I drove long hours on my recent road trip). While being entertained by these books, sometimes there is a sentence that just stands out - one that resonates with your own sometimes convoluted logic. The quote today is one of those points of resonance for me.

Great food is a key component to every celebration for me and my family. From November to mid-January there seems to be something to celebrate: birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, wedding anniversaries, the New Year. Every year I brace myself to gain a little weight during the holidays but I don’t ever follow through to forego any of the treats. My rationalization is exactly “Calories don’t count if they’re connected to a celebration.”

Logically I know that they do count - so maybe my philosophy is really “Don’t worry about calories connected to a celebration” which could lead to carefully defining “celebration” and thereby escaping the holidays without added weight (note to self  - think about next November).