Angel Trumpet

The Angel Trumpet flowers draw my attention every time I see them. What is it about Angel Trumpets that are so riveting?


Perhaps it is that the flowers hang downward instead of reaching for the sky and that their white or off-white color stands out from the abundant green foliage of the plant.


Or it could be the long tubes that are buds of the flower. They are so neatly rolled.


And then there are the spirals as they begin to unfurl….the spiral from the center and the spiral at the tips of the petals.

And then the petals are unfurled completely and the 5 rays from the center are visible


As they turn upward to make the trumpet.


There is a lot to notice about these flowers.

March 2013 Doodles

Themes for March turned out to be circles and deset….in red and black mostly. I was surprised at how much doodling I had done during the month when I picked up the two piles (one upstairs and one downstairs) to photography. I picked the best 7 out of 36! Enjoy the slide show.