On the Road to Philadelphia

Last week we made the trek into Philadelphia to pick up by daughter after her conference; she’d arranged to spend a few days with us in Maryland before flying back to Arizona. We left after the morning rush hour traffic and I managed a few pictures through the car window.

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The Domino Sugar sign in Baltimore

The trees along the highway

The bridges over the Susquehanna River

Some of the big buildings of downtown Philadelphia

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And a closer look at a building façade while we drove around trying to find parking.

We were going to the Mutter Museum of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia and the nearby parking along the river was blocked off because of overnight flooding (the water had retreated by the time we arrived at mid-day but the muddy sediment remained).

And then we were on foot and it was easier to get a closer look at some of the buildings. I particularly liked the church courtyard (First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia) next to the Mutter Museum.

Ten Days of Little Celebrations - March 2014

Over a year ago I posted about finding something to celebrate each day. It’s an easy thing for me to do and the habit of writing it down reminds me to be grateful for these and a myriad of other things in my life. This month has been full of ‘little celebrations;’ here are my top 10 for March 2014.

STEM Fair - These spring events used to be called ‘Science Fair’ but the fair has enlarged to include Science - Technology - Engineering - and Math so they have changed the name. I have volunteered as a judge for our county fair for the past 10 years or so. It seems like every year is an improvement over previous years and this year there was a bigger improvement than usual! This year the middle school students were much more articulate about the statistics they were using (standard deviation in particular).

Great snowflake pictures - Some years we get snow in March and sometimes we don’t. This year not only did we get a good snow, the situation was ideal of snowflake photography. Of course, I celebrated with snow ice cream!

Raisins soaked in apricot brandy - I plumped some dried out raisins with apricot brandy for an apple - raisin - celery salad. Yummy! I may do this every time I make the salad from now on. Little culinary successes are always worth celebrating.

Volunteer naturalist classes - Last fall had did most of my prep for becoming a volunteer naturalist by shadowing people that had done it before; this spring I am taking the classes and enjoying them tremendously. I even won the drawing for the book give away - Bringing Nature Home by Douglas W. Tallamy. Wahoo!

Philadelphia buildings - I had a hard time choosing between the Philadelphia Flower Show itself and discovering the interesting buildings of downtown Philadelphia which will probably be the focus for my next foray into the city. Either way - the March day trip to Philadelphia was a daylong celebration.

The last two volcano lectures - I worked my way through a series of online lectures on material science related to volcanoes that stretched my memory of chemistry (from classes about 40 years ago) and was thrilled to get to the last two lectures that focused on how lab work is done with silicate glass and how all the research and field work gets translated onto geologic maps.

A clean car - With all the snow, my car became thoroughly encrusted with salt. Its shiny clean look coming out of the car wash was worth celebrating.

Lots of feathers - It was a little disconcerting to find a pile of feathers beside our house but then I realized that the presence of a predator was an indicator of a working ecosystem in our neighborhood….and  I enjoyed having the feathers for a photography project.

Pot luck lunch - I have always liked pot luck events. Sometimes there is a skew to desserts but this one had great variety. If anything, it was skewed toward fancy salads.

Work experiences to pass along - One day I was able to pass along two potential solutions to my daughter from my career: 1) Hotel too expensive for a conference? Room with someone. 2) Logo shirt required for an outreach event way too big to tuck into slacks? Wear it tucked into a skirt or belted like a short dress over leggings or skinny slacks. It’s worth celebrating any time lessons learned long ago are still relevant!


Philadelphia Flower Show 2014 - Part 3

This third post of photos from our day trip to the Philadelphia Flower Show is dedicated to the sites along the walk between the parking garage and the Convention Center. The Roman Architecture course I am taking via Coursera has sensitized me….I’m noticing more architectural features of buildings. Maybe the theme for my next trip to downtown Philadelphia will be architecture. There are a lot of old and new buildings to see.

One disappointment is how hard it is to see the grandeur of buildings when they are crowded together. It is hard to get a perspective when the whole building cannot be seen without a lot of other clutter. The church on the corner across from the Convention Center is a case in point. The PARK sign looms large in the picture above with the complete steeple!

Then again - the parking garage beside the church allowed me a vantage point to capture some pictures of the church from 7 plus stories up. It’s easy to see some of the weathering of the façade!

Philadelphia Flower Show 2014 - Part 2

This second post with photos from the Philadelphia Flower Show is dedicated to cactus. I like to photograph cactus; there is a starkness about the plants that matches their environment. The various thorn configurations draw my attention too. Now that I have made several trips to Arizona in the past few years and become more familiar with cactus, I discover myself noticing more about them.

The cactus display at the Philadelphia Flower Show was easier to photograph than many of the flower displays. (Now that I think about it - maybe the crowd was not as thick around the cactus exhibit…flowers were a bigger draw). Enjoy the cactus slide show below. I particular like the plant shown at position 8 below --- it looks like a plant that could be right at home in a science fiction novel!

Philadelphia Flower Show 2014 - Part 1

We went to the Philadelphia Flower Show last Friday. It was my first time for the event; Philadelphia is about 2 hours up I-95 from where we live so we made it a day trip. My husband bought the tickets and printed a parking coupon via the show’s web site. It opened at 10 and we arrived before 10:30. There were already quite a few people and it got more crowded. Next time I will do the exhibits first and shopping second (just opposite of what I did this first year) although I did enjoy the variety of vendors. I found some great gardening gloves to replace the ones that I threw away at the end of last season.

The flower show was in the Philadelphia Convention Center so it did not matter that it was cold outside. The indoors was full of color that won’t appear outdoors for months! It was a good break from the dull colors of winter.

I’m going to do several posts with photographs from the day trip. This first one is dedicated to flowers. I always like the ikebana arrangements. And the clever use of plants to create insect forms among daffodils was a lot of fun. There were big white paper flowers (with intricate folds and cuts) in one of the Convention Center hallways. Spring bulbs were blooming everywhere! Enjoy the slide show below of flowers from the Philadelphia Flower Show.