Snow Ice Cream

On one of the last trips to the grocery store before a forecast snow storm recently, I asked by husband to pick up half and half. It could be our last chance for snow ice cream this season. The forecast came true and the snow was ideal; it rained at first then snowed for about 12 hour. That meant the air was cleaned and the top inch or so of snow (out of 6-8) was clean enough to make snow ice cream.

I used a large spatula to collect a large pan of snow.

Working fast, I put 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of half and half, 1/2 teaspoon of coconut flavoring and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla in a large bowl then add the snow. Green food coloring makes it pretty and provides a good visual for when it is all mixed up - ready to eat.


And this time I enjoyed the visual of the green food coloring swirl in the milk and flavorings….just before I added the snow. It reminded me of an old print (brownish spots) of magical green mountains.