Downtown Dallas
/I’ve never spent a lot of time in a down area so I noted my perceptions as I moved around in downtown Dallas one day last month. It was a week day and the rain has held off on a warming spring day - making for a pleasant time to be in the city.
Tall buildings can be overwhelming up close. It is hard to get enough perspective on them without the frame including a lot of other buildings too.

I found myself using the zoom on my camera to capture the top of buildings.
I felt dwarfed and decided I was more comfortable with the older buildings that were not as tall. I also enjoyed the spaces that had been opened up into small urban parks and medians with trees. The downtown area had more vegetation than I expected.
The structures that were lower still seemed even more interesting. It was easier to see their architectural elements and enjoy their size.

I like the sculpture and the light fixtures that did not require a zoom at all.

These sculptures in a median seemed to fit right into the Dallas scene.