Gleanings of the Week Ending November 22, 2014

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

Winter Lodging in the National Parks: The Choices Are Many and Intriguing - I’ve stayed at the Flagg Ranch in early spring….and it did snow while we were there. There are lots of other parks with winter lodging!

Prairie Ecologist’s Photo of the Week – November 14, 2014 - A series of photos of a Chinese mantis (feeding on a sphinx moth).

The strange world inside cheese - cheese=the castle built by microbes

IEA World Energy Outlook 2014: 5 Takeaways - None of the 5 seem surprising to me….only that they rank above other aspects of the world energy outlook. The International Energy Agency is looking out to 2040.

Scientists Have Climbed To the Bottom of the Mysterious Siberian Crater - The bottom is about 35 feet below the surface and is a frozen lake. The depth of the lake is estimated to be 35 feet deep, but it could be deeper. The picture look like it could be on another planet…but this is Earth and there could be more of these forming as the climate warms.

It Turns Out That "Longevity Genes" Don't Exist - Evidently the genetic underpinnings maybe real but they are so complex that this study that included 20% of the people alive today that are over 110 years old could not pinpoint anything that seemed like ‘longevity genes.’ One of the people even carried a gene variant that raises the risk of sudden death caused by irregular heart rhythms!

Epic 4K Sun Video, with Bonus Sunspot Tantrums - A video of the solar surface from the later part of October.

Butterfly Eyespots Deflect Predation - A video that shows just how effective the eyespots on butterfly winds are in saving their lives.

5 Reasons Why You Should Drink Ginger Lemon Tea - This has become my favorite hot drink as the cold weather sets in. I even like hot ginger water (no tea)! I make I in my tea maker (a coffee maker that has never ever made coffee) - putting the chunks of ginger in the carafe. I add lemon in the cup - if I add it at all.

Nothing fishy about health benefits of plant-based omega-3 fatty acid -The chia seeds I have for breakfast almost every morning are high in omega-3….and it’s a good thing!

Major Revamp Planned for D.C.’s South Mall - It’s a long way from happening but the proposal is more extensive than I expected. I want to take a lot of pictures of the ‘as is’ next time I go to the Smithsonian.

Gleanings of the Week Ending September 27, 2014

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

An Astronaut’s Guided Video Tour of Earth - Worth the 3-4 minutes to watch!

Toxic “Toupee”: Explaining the Most Venomous Caterpillar in the U.S. - I’m glad they don’t live in Maryland!

Do wearable lifestyle activity monitors really work? - The Fitbit has certainly caused me to increase my level of physical activity since I got my first one in June 2010. For the first few years I used it to monitor my sleep; I sleep consistently and well so I no longer wear it at night….but the steps and floors measurements are still something I check every day!

Nine fats to include in a healthy diet - A list from the Institute of Food Technologists.

This Is How You Make Art from Microscopic Forms - Diatom art….and video about how it is done!

6 Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder - A list for educators….but the suggestions seem valid for other professions as well.

Sugar Substitutes, Gut Bacteria, and Glucose Intolerance - Artificial sweeteners may have an unexpected - and not positive - effect.

American Farmers Are Growing Old, With Spiraling Costs Keeping Out Young - The average age of principal farm operators is now 58 years old in the US. I’m thrilled that the farmer at my CSA is young and seems to have a successful enterprise.

The secrets of the desert aircraft ‘boneyards’ - A few years ago I took the bus tour of The Boneyard at the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base near Tucson. The aerial view was a different perspective than we got from the bus window!

Planetary atmospheres and climate: An interview with Dr. Jonathan Mitchell - Interests and adventures in planetary science - there is a lot to do!