Goslings at Brookside
We had just parked at Brookside Nature Center when my daughter commented that there were goslings in the woods near the stream. Sure enough, by the time we got to the boardwalk and bridge to walk toward Brookside Gardens, the Canadian goose and the goslings were in the stream!
They went under the bridge and kept going. Well - the mom kept going. The goslings were challenged by a riffle in the stream. In the slide show below you can see the mom coming back to give them some encouragement (image 6). They responded with much flapping of stubby wings and managed to get over the barrier!

They swam up stream for a short distance before the mom led them to a small beach.

The goslings paused in the shallow water - probably a bit tired from their adventure.

And then they followed the goose back into the forest. There is one gosling that appears to be a bit more adventuresome…not exactly following the mom.