Squash Blossoms

Earlier this week I noticed that the zucchini squash plant I have in a large pot on my deck had almost as many buds as it had leaves! The weather has been cool and the many of the leaves still had tears caused by hail a week or so ago.

A little over a day after the first two pictures were taken, most of the buds opened. I glanced out my kitchen window as I fixed my breakfast to see the plant full of blooms.  What a cheerful view to begin the day (and I’ll be even happier to see some squashes).

This morning the squash has more blooms!  In the morning light, the green veins seen on the outside of the blooms contrasted with the glowing yellow.

In addition, the blossoms from a few days ago have a deeper color in their curls - another stop along the timeline of a zucchini squash.

My Deck Garden - May 2014

I am enlarging my deck garden this year and done some planting in small pots indoors to be ready.  It was finally warm enough here late last week for them to all go outdoors. I’ve planted combinations of plants in larger pots - one that will spill out over the side and one that will grow upward….or one that makes a large root and one that grows tall. I’m not sure it will work or not, but at least the deck will look interesting this summer and I’ll do a monthly post about the deck garden until the fall. I supplied the plants I had started from seed with potted plants bought at Home Depot once they were sale priced. The mint that wintered on the deck has already sprouted so I simply added something else to those pots. I have pots or troughs of:

Sweet potato and bell pepper

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Watermelon and tomato

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Zucchini and cilantro

Tomato and spaghetti squash

Cucumber and cilantro

Tomato and cucumber

Spaghetti squash and mint (in the old ‘turtle’ sandbox)

Tomato and carrots (in a repurposed bin that cat litter came in)

Cantaloupe and cilantro

I just realized that I probably should plant some basil somewhere.