Charlottesville VA in 1980
I recently scanned pictures from a conference my husband went to at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville back in 1980. At the time, we didn’t even think about me accompanying him; I was working full time but we were both still in graduate school…and very conscious of living within our means. So – the one or two roles of film he took on the trip was the extent of my experience of the trip. I think my favorite image from the beginning was the oculus skylight from The Rotunda at the university. Evidently there was a tour offered to conference participant to Monticello as well.
The thing that I realized as I was looking more closely at these pictures was that we still take very similar pictures today but, because we don’t have to worry about the cost of film and its processing, we take many more images and probably try more experiments. Enjoy the slideshow of the University and Monticello in 1980!

I picture that my husband was surprised by was a picture of a Ryder truck that had gotten stuck under an overpass! It was with the pictures of Charlottesville so it was probably something he came upon as he was walking around the campus.