Brookside Gardens’ Garden of Lights
Earlier this week my husband and I enjoyed a walk around Brookside Gardens’ Garden of Lights. We’ve always liked this display because it is experienced on foot rather than driving through it in a car. We don’t go every year and were surprised at how brilliant the colors are with the LED lights; they are quite an improvement over the older technology. We arrived just as the display was opening at 5:30 PM. The sun had set more than a half hour earlier so it was already very dark. I enjoyed the ‘landscape’ of the garden in lights

And looking closer at the structure of some of the displays as well. Each flowers structure created takes many of the small lights – arranged to form the image.
Most of the displays are outdoors/nature themed although there are some fantasy elements too. Look at the slideshow below. Can you find a:
- Caterpillar
- Spider
- Rainbow
- Moon
- Campfire
- Sea serpent (and baby)
- Giraffe
- Coyote
- Fox
- Ent (from Lord of the Rings – in this garden it has big purple branches on a green trunk – two glowing eyes)
- Butterfly