Paton Center for Hummingbirds
Tucson Audubon’s Paton Center for Hummingbirds is located just outside of Patagonia, Arizona. January is not the best time to visit but that is when we were in the area. We didn’t see hummingbirds but there were plenty of other birds around although they were in winter plumage – so not very colorful.
There are numerous feeders and benches. The birds are not as wary of people as they are of potential predators. We say a larger bird fly over and all the birds disappeared from the feeders into the brush piles.
There are different kinds of feeders…with different kinds of seed. The feeders for the hummingbirds had no birds around them while we were there but it was a cold morning.

There were tussles at the popular feeders…lots of acrobatics to either keep or find a place at the feeder.

Sometimes it was uncomplicated…with only one bird at a feeder…munching.
This is definitely a place I want to visit again – in another season. If I lived in the area – I’d volunteer to help keep the feeders full. Kudos to the Tucson Audubon Society for acquiring it in early 2014!