3 Free eBooks – March 2016
/So many good books to peruse online….so little time.
There are two botanical print books this month:

Parsons, Frances Theodora. According to the season. New York: Scribner, 1902. Available on Hathi Trust here. This one is in color and included skunk cabbage. I couldn’t resist including the fiddleheads image too for this book!

Audsley, George Ashdown; Greve, W. Ornamental Arts of Japan. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1884. In two volumes from Hathi Trust available here. Mixture of chromolithographs, photoaquatints and carbon prints….beautiful work. I always like the cranes in Japanese art work.

Edwards, George Wharton. Alsace-Lorraine. Philadelphia: The Penn Publishing Company, 1918. Available from Hathi Trust here. Some of the plates are in color. The aspect that interested me the most was the artists emphasis on capturing the light just as it was on the subject.