Tiger Swallowtail on Pickerel Weed

The Tiger Swallowtail is one of the most common butterflies we see in Maryland; we have a lot of tulip poplar trees which are food plants for its caterpillar. I enjoy photographing Tiger Swallowtails and indulged when a male Tiger Swallowtail was fluttering about a stand of Pickerel Weed at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens last week. It seemed to start out at the bottom of the flower stalks and work upward in a spiral around the stalk. It never methodically sampled every flower…but tended to move on to another stalk when it got to the top of one. The whole sequence of 41 images below happening in about 3 minutes! It was a busy butterfly. I liked getting the different angles of the butterfly feeding…the varying levels of zoom. There was a bee that stole the show in one (#7 in the slide show).