Fireworks - July 2017
Our local fireworks are held the Saturday after the 4th of we enjoyed them last Saturday. The parking lot of the building where my husband words is our preferred viewing location since it is a convenient 15 minutes from where we live and never over crowded; it has a large lawn where a second building will be built eventually. Families bring their camp chairs or blankets; children play with inflatable toys (this year it was sharks) or small flashlights as the sun goes down.
The fireworks are to the south and I always am challenged to keep the parking lot lights out of the pictures. About 10 minutes before the fireworks started there were some small red lights that went up and down near where the fireworks were going to be; we decided they were drones – maybe filming the main crowd gathered for the fireworks near Maple Lawn (Fulton, MD). I picked a few of my best images for the slideshow below. The fireworks lasted about 20 minutes and seemed more complex than in previous years – more structure to the explosions in terms of shapes and colors.
As I watched I thought how strange that we celebrate with fireworks when they duplicate sounds of war – loud explosions, ‘rocket’s red glare,’ and ‘bombs bursting in air.’ The fireworks displays are short but they leave their wafting remains in the air…and then they are gone. There is no rubble on the ground like from war.