Zooming – May 2017
/I used the zoom on my camera so much in May that almost every picture was a candidate for this post. I picked some images that were no previously included in posts for the slide show below:
- A fly perched on a tiny yellow flower covered in water droplets
- New leaves at the tips of the maple branch – and a fly that I didn’t see until I looked at the picture on a big screen
- A butterfly head and shoulders…the zoom is enough that the individual yellow scales show in the darker part of the wing.
- New leaves on the sycamore. The size variation of sycamore leaves is very large: small fingernail to dinner plate.
- A resting butterfly
- Peonies: flower and bud
- An insect that looks like dried leaves
- A monarch caterpillar
- A butterfly – again the individual scales can be detected as ‘powder’ over the darker markings
- A chipping sparrow making a mess at the feeder
- A butterfly wing collage