eBotanicalPrints – May 2017
/This last week of the year is very cold…the kind of weather best dealt with by staying inside…an enjoying botanical prints.
May 2017 included some more recent books; the first photograph is from the 1940s (Trees and Flowers the Hawaiian Islands) and the second is from the 1980s (Woodland Wildflowers from Illinois). There is a fanciful image with flowers and bees…and fairies; I decided to include it since I found the combination of realism and fancy so charming. My favorites of the month were the British Flower Garden series…lots of big beautiful botanical print in those volumes. Enjoy some botanical prints on a winter day!
- With the flowers and trees in California * Saunders, Charles Francis and Elizabeth Hallowell * sample image
- Trees and Flowers of the Hawaiian Islands * St. John, Harold * sample image
- Spring woodland wildflowers of Illinois * Mohlenbrock, Robert H. * sample image
- Blumen * Frey, Adolf; Kreidolf, Ernst * sample image
- The ladies' flower-garden of ornamental bulbous plants * Loudon, Mrs. * sample image
- The British Flower Garden V. 1 * Sweet, Robert; Smith, Edwin Dalton * sample image
- The British Flower Garden V. 2 * Sweet, Robert; Smith, Edwin Dalton * sample image
- The British Flower Garden V. 3 * Sweet, Robert; Smith, Edwin Dalton * sample image
- The British Flower Garden V. 1 (series 2) * Sweet, Robert; Smith, Edwin Dalton * sample image
- The British Flower Garden V. 2 (series 2) * Sweet, Robert; Smith, Edwin Dalton * sample image
- The British Flower Garden V. 3 (series 2) * Sweet, Robert; Smith, Edwin Dalton * sample image
- Gartengestaltung der neuzeit * Lange, Willy; Stahn, Otto * sample image
- Neue Arten von Pelargonien deutschen Ursprunges. Als beytrag zu Rob. Sweet's Geraniaceen mit Abbildungen und Beschreibungen V2 * Trattinnick, Leopold; Sweet Robert * sample image
- Neue Arten von Pelargonien deutschen Ursprunges. Als beytrag zu Rob. Sweet's Geraniaceen mit Abbildungen und Beschreibungen V3 * Trattinnick, Leopold; Sweet Robert * sample image
- Der Garten und seine Bepflanzung c. 1 * Lange, Willy * sample image
- Neue Arten von Pelargonien deutschen Ursprunges. Als beytrag zu Rob. Sweet's Geraniaceen mit Abbildungen und Beschreibungen V4 * Trattinnick, Leopold; Sweet Robert * sample image
- Neue Arten von Pelargonien deutschen Ursprunges. Als beytrag zu Rob. Sweet's Geraniaceen mit Abbildungen und Beschreibungen V5 * Trattinnick, Leopold; Sweet Robert * sample image
- Neue Arten von Pelargonien deutschen Ursprunges. Als beytrag zu Rob. Sweet's Geraniaceen mit Abbildungen und Beschreibungen V6 * Trattinnick, Leopold; Sweet Robert * sample image
- The Ornamental Flower Garden and Shrubery V1 * Sweet, Robert; Don, David; Lindley, John * sample image
- The British Flower Garden V. 4 (series 2) * Sweet, Robert; Smith, Edwin Dalton * sample image
- Cistinae. The natural order of cistus, or rock-rose * Sweet, Robert * sample image
- Geraniaceae : the natural order of gerania V1 * Sweet, Robert * sample image
- Geraniaceae : the natural order of gerania V1 * Sweet, Robert * sample image
- Geraniaceae : the natural order of gerania V2 * Sweet, Robert * sample image
- Geraniaceae : the natural order of gerania V3 * Sweet, Robert * sample image
- Geraniaceae : the natural order of gerania V4 * Sweet, Robert * sample image
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