30 years ago – November 1989
/30 years ago – I was still a ‘new’ mother…very aware that a pivot point had occurred in my life. I was still learning to use diaper wraps and how to take a baby into a restaurant or on a short road trip. I stopped wearing contact lenses; my sleep deprived eyes were better with glasses. An adventure: I took the baby in a front carrier to a used book sale; I bought a few books but decided that even with her in the front carrier, being in a tight, crowded place was not comfortable for her or me.
There were some unexpected things too…like getting a pay raise that started the day after I had my daughter…while I was on paid maternity leave. I was sticking to my plan of not going back to work until she was 6 months old and then staying part time for another 6 months before being full time again.
The Berlin wall came down and I remember thinking that the world was making a turn for the better just as by daughter’s life was beginning…that maybe fears of global annihilation during her growing up would be less than in my early life.