Staunton River State Park Road Trip
/Toward the end of October, the annual Chaos Star Party was held at Staunton River State Park. It was rainy early and then cloudy later in the week, so we were only there for two good nights. The drive between home and the park is between 4 and 5 hours. We waited to leave home until after the morning rush hour around Washington DC was mostly over.
The Virginia rest stops on I95 prior to Richmond had a few late flowers…and their LOVE signs.
We stopped for lunch at an Arby’s….and I enjoyed their chicken salad on flatbread.
On the way home, I appreciated that the carrier bag on the top of our car accommodated enough of the normal expansion of packing up after camping; we didn’t feel like the car was overstuffed.
The drive on the narrow roads between the park and US-360 was full of fall color. And we relaxed into the drive home.
The drive on the narrow roads between the park and US-360 was full of fall color. And we relaxed into the drive ho.e.
I’ll be posting more about this trip into next week. What’s not to like about a fall camping trip (cold at night but no rain)!