Longwood Gardens – WaterLilies
/The water lily court at Longwood Gardens was open and beautiful. I am always fascinated by the large Victoria waterlily (the ones at Longwood are ones that they created in 1960 – a cross between Victoria amazonica and Victoria cruziana). The pads unfurl from the center and the outer edge stays vertical – showing the red underside of the pad. The flowers look like crepe paper as they unfurl rather than the spikey flowers of the other waterlilies. The buds have bristles. Look through my Victoria images by using the forward and backward arrows at the sides.

Of course – the other waterlilies are almost as exciting to photograph and they have brilliant colors. My husband had provided a polarizing filter for my camera which helps to surround the flowers with black background – sometimes. There were not many bees (late in the season for waterlilies) but I did notice one bee butt when I got home and selected images to use in this post. And there is one hibiscus in the slide show; I couldn’t resist the flaring of the petals…the color and shadows.
I always enjoy the waterlily court so I’m glad we got to see it during the first time back to Longwood since before the pandemic (I almost said post-pandemic but we’re not quite there yet!). It’s a great place for photography and has lots of benches to just enjoy the pools of waterlilies…and other water-loving plants lining the walls of the court and in pots standing in the water.