30 Years Ago – January 1992

The January of 30 years ago was a lull – between a hectic holiday and anticipated travel with a 2-year-old in February. We enjoyed indoor family projects at home. The most unique one involved a sturdy box that I had saved from immediate recycling at work when some equipment arrived in it. The box barely fit into  my car; it was an excellent size for my daughter to make into a playhouse. My husband cut a door in the side and I put blobs of finger paint on the top and sides for her to decorate it. It was too cold to do it outside, so the painting was a kitchen project with newspapers on the floor. She was already very disciplined…the paint was used on her box house and not other walls (or floors or cabinets).

She was still small enough to use the kitchen sink as a bath….a very neat cleanup for her house painting project. She probably spent more time in the sink bath than the box painting!

I don’t remember her doing much with the box after she painted it. It was in her room for the next few months…and then recycled.