Temporary House Plants
/Watering has been a challenge since weather got cold enough for the heat to come on; our whole house humidifier does not seem to be working properly. The mints need watering almost every day. I repotted both into bigger pots and my daughter will probably have to do it again…and then plant them outside in the spring. There are two kinds: spearmint and chocolate mint.
The obedient plant is blooming. At first I thought it was just one stalk but then I looked to the shelf above and discovered a taller stalk that is in full bloom on the sunny side of the pot with the chocolate mint making an arc over the blossoms (maybe I need to trim the mint so that the obedient plant gets maximum sun.
The cardinal flower is just low growing leaves. It needs to be planted outdoors next spring to make its stalk and flower.
Finally – the blackberry lily looks about the same as when I got it.
The plant that didn’t make it was a turtlehead. It got dried out when the heat started coming on and I didn’t catch if fast enough. It was not as resilient as the mints.
I’ll be glad to hand off the plants to my daughter soon….and then be back to just enjoying the plants (and birds) I can see via the windows of my house!