I started out Wednesday morning making tomato sauce with all the tomatoes left in the crisper since I knew there would be more in this week’s CSA share. I ended up cooking all the red round tomatoes and about half the cherry tomatoes with onions (also from the CSA) and garlic and dried parsley (dried from the CSA share early in the season). I even added some orange peel I’d dried from organic oranges from last spring! My husband commented that the concoction smelled good.
I did pretty well clearing out everything else. The only items left from last week were a few potatoes.
As I expected there were a lot of tomatoes in the week 10 share. The heirloom tomatoes have become such a favorite that I swapped the jalapeno pepper for two more! They are delicious sliced and lightly salted. I got the black cherry tomatoes rather than the sun golds I had selected in previous weeks. And the poblano peppers were swapped for another eggplant. Half of one of those eggplants was grilled with orange ginger sauce last night.
The potatoes were purple skinned/white flesh and small enough to be great for roasting.
The watermelon was big enough to require a second trip to the car! My daughter has been getting watermelon from her CSA in Tucson for weeks and the newsletter for them this week had some advice for using watermelon rind - either marinating it or using it in stir fry. I’ll post about my experiments in a week or so.
Lots of good eating in this week 10 CSA share!