Robert Ellice Mack’s Children of the late 1800s

The week’s eBooks are full of illustrations of children – mostly outdoors. They are probably somewhat idealized but are a window into the view people had of what children should be doing in the late 1800s. Certainly children were outdoors more often then than most children are today.

All round the clock

Sweet nature and other poems, with illustrations

Robert Ellice Mack was the editor of the books – selecting poem written by others and illustrations from several artists. There are other books from him that have been digitized; a good list is on University of Pennsylvania’s Online Books Page for him.

eBotanical Prints – September 2024

Twenty more books were added to my botanical print book collection in September - available for browsing on Internet Archive. These 20 books covered a range of botanical topics: woody plants, flower seasons, plant fossils, mushrooms, trees, ferns, a plant lore conference, and grasses as well as plants of particular places (English Lake Country, Santa Catalina Island, Yucatan, West Indies, and the District of Columbia).

The whole list of 2,963 botanical eBooks I’ve browsed over the years can be accessed here. Click on any sample images below to get an enlarged version…and the title hyperlink in the list below the image mosaic to view the entire volume.

Enjoy the September 2024 eBotanical Prints!

Our woodlands, heaths, and hedges : a popular description of trees, shrubs, wild fruits * Coleman, William Stephen * sample image * 1866

The romance of nature : or The flower-seasons illustrated * Meredith, Charles(Mrs); Twamley, Louisa Anne * sample image * 1839

Flora fossilis insubrica : studi sulla Vegetazione di Lombardia durante i tempi geologici  * Sordelli, Ferdinando * sample image * 1896

Florule Toulousaine * Sudre, Henri * sample image * 1907

An history of fungusses, growing about Halifax V 1-2 * Bolton, James * sample image * 1788

An history of fungusses, growing about Halifax V 3-4 * Bolton, James * sample image * 1791

The tree book : a popular guide to a knowledge of the trees of North America and to their uses and cultivation * Rogers, Julia Ellen * sample image * 1907

The Ferns of the English Lake Country : with a list of varieties * Linton, William James * sample image * 1893

Flora of Santa Catalina Island (California) * Millspaugh, Charles Frederick; Nuttall, Lawrence William * sample image * 1923

Plantæ Yucatanæ. (Regionis Antillanæ) Plants of the insular, coastal and plain regions of the peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico V1 * Millspaugh, Charles Frederick; Chase, Agnes * sample image * 1903

Plantæ Yucatanæ. (Regionis Antillanæ) Plants of the insular, coastal and plain regions of the peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico V2 * Millspaugh, Charles Frederick; Chase, Agnes * sample image * 1904

Old and new plant lore; a symposium * Chase, Agnes; Hitchcock, Albert Spear * sample image * 1931

The genera of grasses of the United States : with special reference to the economic species * Hitchcock, Albert Spear * sample image * 1920

A text-book of grasses with especial reference to the economic species of the United States * Hitchcock, Albert Spear * sample image * 1914

A Manual of Farm Grasses * Hitchcock, Albert Spear * sample image * 1921

Manual of the grasses of the West Indies * Hitchcock, Albert Spear * sample image * 1936

The Grasses of Hawaii * Hitchcock, Albert Spear * sample image * 1922

Flora of the District of Columbia and vicinity. By A.S. Hitchcock and Paul C. Standley, with the assistance of the botanists of Washington * Hitchcock, Albert Spear; Standley, Paul Carpenter * sample image * 1919

Flora Americae Septentrionalis, or, A systematic arrangement and description of the plants of North America V1 * Pursh, Federick * sample image * 1814

Flora Americae Septentrionalis, or, A systematic arrangement and description of the plants of North America V2 * Pursh, Federick * sample image * 1814

Gleanings of the Week Ending September 21, 2024

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

Congaree National Park to Remove Feral Hogs – There were feral hogs in the park when I visited in 2008!

Witness 1.8 billion years of tectonic plates dance across Earth’s surface in a new animation – I watched the video twice…the first just enjoying the overall moves. The second time I watched for how North America moved over time.

What Are the Best Policies for Reducing Carbon Emissions? - A systematic analysis of more than 1,500 climate policies from around the world found that only 63 were successful, reducing average emissions by 19 percent on average. Policies are more effective when implemented with a variety of other policies, instead of alone. In the U.K., banning coal-fired power plants worked when it was combined with tax or price incentives. The same was true for banning combustion engine cars in Norway. The study also found that successful strategies differed between countries—in developed countries, carbon pricing was effective, while regulation was successful in developing countries.

How thyroid hormone fuels the drive to explore - Research in mice sheds light on how thyroid hormone alters wiring in the brain. Findings reveal that thyroid hormone syncs up the brain and body to drive exploratory behavior. Too little thyroid hormone slows down metabolism and can result in symptoms of depression, while too much speeds up metabolism and can lead to symptoms of mania. The receptor for thyroid hormone is expressed by cells throughout the entire brain, including in areas of the cortex responsible for high-level cognition like planning and decision-making.

Cutthroats and Cottonwoods: Protecting the South Fork of the Snake - The South Fork contains the largest cottonwood gallery in the West. In the fall, the leaves on the tall-timbered giants lining the banks bounce in the breeze like gold coins exploding from the pot at rainbow’s end. Native Yellowstone cutthroat trout are in the South Fork. Most of the cutthroats spawn in tributaries contributing to the South Fork but they are found throughout and the farther you float, the bigger they get…. a river that is as it should be. Consistently wild.

Nutrition and healthy aging: The role of protein quality in combatting muscle loss - Aging may reduce our ability to digest, absorb and utilize the nutrients in food. It is important to consider increasing the amount and improving the quality of protein (probably higher than what is currently recommended for the general population) we consume. For example – research showed that consuming higher-quality (whey and pea) protein supplements at breakfast and lunch increased muscle-building in older adults by almost 10 per cent. However, collagen protein — a supplement heavily marketed towards older adults — did nothing to bolster muscle-building in older adults.

Flash Flood Roars Through Frijoles Canyon at Bandelier National Monument – One of my favorite places in New Mexico……hope I can visit again sometime when it isn’t flooded!

Cooler Communities for All - Four key design strategies to reduce urban temperatures:

  • Increase tree percentage in parks and green spaces

  • Provide shade

  • Use plant materials and water instead of hardscape

  • Switch to green ground cover, including grasses and shrubs

This Massive Egyptian Observatory Is Unlocking Celestial Secrets of an Ancient Culture - Archaeologists in Egypt have just uncovered a truly stellar find—a sixth century B.C.E. astronomical observatory in the ancient city of Kafr El-Sheikh. The observatory, made from mud bricks, is the largest and oldest of its kind in the region, spanning nearly 10,000 square feet. It was in ancient Egypt that the 365-day calendar was born, and the 24-hour day. They completely mapped the night sky, and had their own constellations and zodiac, some signs of which are still recognized today.

Looting of the Sudan National Museum – more is at stake than priceless ancient treasures - It was founded in 1959, ahead of the construction of the Aswan High Dam. A Unesco-led salvage campaign was launched in 1960 to protect and preserve the ancient monuments that would be flooded by the dam, which would alter the landscape of the Nubian region. The reported loss of parts of this collection represents a profound and multi-layered tragedy for future generations.

Frank Finn eBooks

Enjoy 11 well-illustrated eBooks this week by Frank Finn from the early decades of the 1900s. Most of them are about birds and there is a skew toward Asia since the author spent almost a decade in India. The Wikipedia article was shorter than I expected so I searched further and found an obituary in Nature from 1932 which was more informative. These books are freely available on Internet Archive and worth browsing!

The world's birds a simple and popular classification of the birds of the world

The wild beasts of the world

Bird Behavior physical and physiological

Phillips’ A Natural History of the Ducks

Internet Archive has the 4 volumes of John Charles Phillips’ A Natural History of the Ducks; the books were published in the early 1920s – well illustrated in color and black and white from drawings by Frank W. Benson, Allan Brooks, and Louis Agassiz Fuertes. The author was educated as a doctor but never practiced professionally…instead focusing on hunting, zoology, ornithology and the environment.  He published over 200 articles on his activities including animal breeding, sport hunting, ornithology, wildlife conservation, faunal surveys and systematic reviews, and Mendelian genetics. I enjoyed browsing these eBooks for their illustrations…wondering about the modern classification of ducks and how many of them have become endangered in the years since Phillips observed them.

A natural history of the ducks V1

A natural history of the ducks V2

A natural history of the ducks V3

A natural history of the ducks V4

eBotanical Prints – August 2024

Twenty more books were added to my botanical print book collection in August - available for browsing on Internet Archive and the Natural History Museum Library (London). I discovered that most of the volumes scanned by the NHML are available on Internet Archive and listed in the collection page for the library; I am more comfortable browsing books that way; however, these books would be harder to find in the Internet Archive outside of the collection list because they do not have ‘topics’ metadata. I was surprised at how many books I’d missed entirely. All 20 additions this month were scanned by NHML.

The whole list of 2,943 botanical eBooks I’ve browsed over the years can be accessed here. Click on any sample images below to get an enlarged version…and the title hyperlink in the list below the image mosaic to view the entire volume.

Enjoy the August 2024 eBotanical Prints!

Filices Britannicae  *  Bolton, James * sample image  *  1785

llustrations of Orchidaceous plants   *  Bauer, Frnaz Andres * sample image  *  1838

Tentamen Floræ Napalensis illustratae : consisting of botanical descriptions and ... figures of select Nipal Plants  *  Wallich, Nathanial * sample image  *  1824

Fossil Plants : sixty photographs illustrating the Flora of the Coal Measures  *  Arber, Edward Alexander Newell * sample image  *  1909

Plant life in Alpine Switzerland; being an account in simple language of the natural history of Alpine plants  *  Arber, Edward Alexander Newell * sample image  *  1910

Fifty Flowers Drawn from Nature at Halifax  *  Bolton, James * sample image  *  1785

The illustrated field guide to ferns and allied plants of the British Isles  *  Jermy, Clive; Camus, Josphine * sample image  *  1991

Ferny Combes : a ramble after Ferns in the Glens and Valleys of Devonshire  *  Chanter, Charlotte * sample image  *  1857

Alpine Plants at Home Series 1  *  Hastings, Somerville * sample image  *  1908

Alpine Plants at Home Series 2  *  Hastings, Somerville * sample image  *  1910

The fern paradise : a plea for the culture of ferns   *  Heath, Francis George * sample image  *  1878

Garden Companion and Florists' Guide  *  Henfrey, Arthur * sample image  *  1852

The fern garden : how to make, keep and enjoy it, or, fern culture made easy  *  Hibberd, Jaes Shirley * sample image  *  1881

The ferns of Derbyshire : illustrated from nature  *  Howe, W.E. * sample image  *  1863

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Botany (1995)  *  Natural History Museum (London) * sample image  *  1995

Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Botany (1999)  *  Natural History Museum (London) * sample image  *  1999

Weeds of Bhutan  *  Parker, Chris * sample image  *  1992

Rambles in search of ferns  *  Plues, Margaret * sample image  *  1861

Wild Flowers at Home Series 1  *  Todd, Cameron * sample image  *  1906

Wild Flowers at Home Series 2  *  Todd, Cameron * sample image  *  1906

Hume’s Game Birds

Allan Octavian Hume was in British India as a civil servant from 1849 to 1882; during that time, he also pursued his interests in ornithology. The 3 volumes on game birds were published in 1879. Charles Henry Tilson Marshall organized the plates for the books that were produced by multiple artists. The volumes are available from Internet Archive.

The game birds of India, Burmah, and Ceylon V1

The game birds of India, Burmah, and Ceylon V2

The game birds of India, Burmah, and Ceylon V3 

In 1883 he began the process to donate his collection to the Natural History Museum in London.  The material that went to the museum in 1885 consisted of 82,000 specimens of which 75,577 (258 being type specimens) were finally placed in the museum where it continues to be the single largest collection of Indian bird skins.

American Agriculture in the early 1990s (ebooks)

Liberty Hyde Bailey edited 4 volumes of the Cyclopedia of American Agriculture between 1900 and 1910. It was a time when horticulture and agriculture were becoming more organized at universities and Bailey was a proponent of America as a ‘great agricultural civilization.’

The books are easily browsed on Internet Archive and the photographs clearly reflect the ‘state of the art for agriculture’ in the early 1900s when they were written. I selected two sample images from each of the 4 volumes. (click on the image to see a larger version)

 Cyclopedia of American agriculture : a popular survey of agricultural conditions, practices and ideals in the United States and Canada V1 Farms

Eleazar Albin’s Birds and Insects

The week’s featured eBooks are from Internet Archive, originally published in the 1720s and 1730s. Eleazar Albin, according to his Wikipedia entry, was an English naturalist and watercolorist illustrator. He gives credit to daughter (Elizabeth Albin) for helping with the illustrations on the title page of his “A Natural History of Birds” series…and says that the drawings were made from live birds. The books are worth browsing for their illustrations!

 A natural history of birds V1

A natural history of birds V2

A natural history of birds V3

Children’s Books from the 1930s

My parents were born in the early 1930s; that prompted a little project to browse books written for children during that decade when I found the Library of Congress contributions from the Albert Whitman & Co. in Chicago. 43 books are included as this week’s eBook(s) of the week. They are all available from Internet Archive.

There are so many topics: make believe, holidays, history, other places and people, things to do, and pets. The illustrations reflect the perceptions of the world in the 1930s.  Most authors are women and don’t have easy-to-find biographies.

It’s interesting to think about the children that read these books. I don’t think either of my parents did unless they saw them at school; they were rural/small town children during the Great Depression when the family finances were tight and buying books would not have been the priority. Perhaps some children in towns large enough to have libraries might have seen books there. Carnegie had built about half his libraries by the 1930s but the libraries were short of funds to continue operating during the Depression too. I’m left with the thought that only children of people that were well off (those fortunes were not impacted by the Depression) would have had these books at home.


The adventures of a brownie - Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock; McCracken, James (illustrations)

The nutcracker and the Mouse-king - Hoffmmann, Ernst Theodoor Amadeus; Brock, Emma L. (illustrator)

The unknown Indian - Browne, Gertrude Bell; Vernon, David Thomas (illustrator)

Harry's newspaper;or The young publisher - Cox, Stephen A. D.

Peter Piper's playmates - Hubbard, Eleanore Mineah



Fluffy Cat's Tail - Sample, Ann Eliza

Moufflon, the dog of Florence - Ouida; Jenkins, Sara D. (retold by)

Wise Little Donkey -  Segur, Sophie, comtesse de



Runzel-Punzel,a story of two little mice - Donaldson, Lois

The Candy Cottage - Furlong, May

The Lost Log Cabin - Furlong, May

The little gardeners - Morgenstern, Elizabeth

Smoky, the lively locomotive - Donaldson, Lois

Farm Folk - Brendel, C.A.



Nimbo,the story of an African boy - Pease, Josephine Van Dolzen

Snowy for luck - Goode, Arthur Russell; Wiese, Kurt

Ho-Ming : girl of new China  - Lewis, Elizabeth Foreman



Over the castle walls - Mabry, Caroline

Buffin - Barrett, Leone

Bing of the Diamond Tail - Gauss, Marianne



The Traveling Gallery - Schiff, Besse; Brock, Emma

Sondo - a Liberian boy - Jospeph, Alfred Ward; Magnie, Bernice (illustrator)

Snipp, Snapp, Snurr and the yellow shed - Lindman, Maj

Snipp, Snapp, Snurr and the gingerbread - Lindman, Maj



Firecracker - Gauss, Marianne

Hans Christian of Elsinore - Kristoffersen, Eva M.

Cheeky - a prairie dog - Lau, Jospehine Sanger; Wiese, Kurt (illustrator)

Silver Chief To the Rescue - O'Brien, Jack; Wiese, Kurt (illustrator)

A doll's family album - King, Edna Knowles



Hoofbeats, a picture book of horses - Cannon, James Leonard

Me and Andy, a boy and dog story - Kelly, Raymond Ramsome

Carnival time at Strobeck - Harris, Mary V.

The luck of the house  -  the story of a family and a sword - Bedford-Atkins, Gladys

Dolls - an Anthology - Robinson, Julia A.

Donkey beads  -  a tale of a Person donkey - Ratzesberger, Anna

The runaway papoose - Moon, Grace and Karl

eBotanical Prints – July 2024

Twenty more books were added to my botanical print book collection in July - available for browsing on Internet Archive and the New York Public Library Digital Collection. I discovered the NYPL Digital Collection back in June and in July 15 of the 20 volumes are from that site! It is not as easy to access the multi-volume books (i.e. the multiple volumes in the list are accessed with the single link and there doesn’t appear to be a quick way to reposition to the beginning of each volume).

The whole list of 2,923 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. Click on any sample images below to get an enlarged version…and the title hyperlink in the list below the image mosaic to view the entire volume.

Enjoy the July 2024 eBotanical Prints!

The Herefordshire pomona, containing coloured figures and descriptions of the most esteemed kinds of apples and pears V1  * Bull, Henry Graves; Hogg, Robert; Bull, Edith G; Ellis, Alice B *

sample image * 1885

The Herefordshire pomona, containing coloured figures and descriptions of the most esteemed kinds of apples and pears V2 * Bull, Henry Graves; Hogg, Robert; Bull, Edith G; Ellis, Alice B * sample image * 1885

Pomona Herefordiensis : containing coloured engravings of the old Cider and Perry Fruits of Herefordshire * Knight, Thomas Andrew   *sample image * 1811

Traite des arbres fruitiers V1 * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis*sample image * 1768

Traite des arbres fruitiers V2 * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis*sample image * 1768

Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre V1 * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis; Redoute, Pierre Joseph (artist)*sample image * 1819

Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre V2 (page 63) * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis; Redoute, Pierre Joseph (artist)*sample image * 1819

Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre V3 (page 135) * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis; Redoute, Pierre Joseph (artist)*sample image * 1819

Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre V4 (page 193) * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis; Redoute, Pierre Joseph (artist)*sample image * 1819

Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre V5 (page 263) * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis; Redoute, Pierre Joseph (artist)*sample image * 1819

Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre V6 (page 349) * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis; Redoute, Pierre Joseph (artist)*sample image * 1819

Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France en pleine terre V7 (page 431) * Duhamel du Monceau, Henri-Louis; Redoute, Pierre Joseph (artist)*sample image * 1819

La botanique mise à la porteé de tout le monde - Tome 1 * Regnault, Nicolas-François*sample image * 1774

La botanique mise à la porteé de tout le monde - Tome 2 (page 161) * Regnault, Nicolas-François*sample image * 1774

La botanique mise à la porteé de tout le monde - Tome 3 (page 311) * Regnault, Nicolas-François*sample image * 1774

Hortus Romanus juxta systems Tournefortianum paulo V1 * Bonelli, Giorgio(Author); Martelli, Niccoló(Editor); Sabbati, Constantino (Author);  Sabbati, Liberato (Author)*sample image * 1772

Hortus Romanus juxta systems Tournefortianum paulo V2 (page 105) * Bonelli, Giorgio(Author); Martelli, Niccoló(Editor); Sabbati, Constantino (Author);  Sabbati, Liberato (Author)*sample image * 1774

Hortus Romanus juxta systems Tournefortianum paulo V3 (page 207) * Bonelli, Giorgio(Author); Martelli, Niccoló(Editor); Sabbati, Constantino (Author);  Sabbati, Liberato (Author)*sample image * 1775

Hortus Romanus juxta systems Tournefortianum paulo V4 (page 309) * Bonelli, Giorgio(Author); Martelli, Niccoló(Editor); Sabbati, Constantino (Author);  Sabbati, Liberato (Author)*sample image * 1776

Hortus Romanus juxta systems Tournefortianum paulo V5 (page 411) * Bonelli, Giorgio(Author); Martelli, Niccoló(Editor); Sabbati, Constantino (Author);  Sabbati, Liberato (Author)*sample image * 1778

Indian Architecture in 1896

Syad Muhammad Latif’s book with descriptions and drawings of historical buildings of Agra (including the Taj Mahal) as they were in the 1890s is the ‘book of the week.’  The drawings were the high point for me; I’ve included four samples in this post with many more to be viewed by following the link to the book on Internet Archive. Most of the drawings are the exterior of structures but there are also a few interiors.

Agra historical & descriptive with an account of Akbar and his court and of the modern city of Agra

eBotanical Prints – June 2024

Twenty more books were added to my botanical print book collection in June - available for browsing on Internet Archive (and the new-to-me New York Public Library Digital Collection where I found Pomona Britannica). The whole list of 2,903 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. Click on any sample images to get an enlarged version…and the title hyperlink to view the entire volume.

So many botanical print books available…and so beautiful. I’ve stopped thinking that I am about to run out of books. It seems likely that finding 20 that I haven’t seen before to share every month won’t be ending anytime soon.  Enjoy the June 2024 eBotanical Prints!

Wildflowers * Blanchan, Neltje; Dickinson, Asa Don (adaptor) * sample image * 1926

Pomona Britannica * Brooksaw, George * sample image * 1812

Annales d'horticulture et de botanique V1 * Socit royal d'horticulture des Pays-Bas * sample image * 1858

Annales d'horticulture et de botanique V5 * Socit royal d'horticulture des Pays-Bas * sample image * 1862

Annales de la Société royale d'agriculture et de botanique de Gand V1, 1845 * Morren, Charles (editor) * sample image * 1845

Annales de la Société royale d'agriculture et de botanique de Gand V2, 1846 * Morren, Charles (editor) * sample image * 1846

Annales de la Société royale d'agriculture et de botanique de Gand V3, 1847 * Morren, Charles (editor) * sample image * 1847

Annales de la Société royale d'agriculture et de botanique de Gand V4, 1848 * Morren, Charles (editor) * sample image * 1848

Annales de la Société royale d'agriculture et de botanique de Gand V5, 1849 * Morren, Charles (editor) * sample image * 1849

Fuchsia * Morren, Charles; Fusch, Remaclus * sample image * 1850

Lobelia * Morren, Charles * sample image * 1851

Pear Growing in California * Weldon, George Percival * sample image * 1918

Icones plantarum novarum vel imperfecte cognitarum floram Rossicam V 1-2 * Ledebour, Carl Friedrich von * sample image * 1830

Icones plantarum novarum vel imperfecte cognitarum floram Rossicam V 3-4 * Ledebour, Carl Friedrich von * sample image * 1833

Icones plantarum novarum vel imperfecte cognitarum floram Rossicam V 5 * Ledebour, Carl Friedrich von * sample image * 1834

Icones Plantarum V1 * Hooker, William Jackson * sample image * 1837

Icones Plantarum V2 * Hooker, William Jackson * sample image * 1837

Icones Plantarum V3 * Hooker, William Jackson * sample image * 1840

Icones Plantarum V6 * Hooker, William Jackson * sample image * 1843

Icones Plantarum V30 * Hooker, Joseph Dalton; Hooker, William Jackson * sample image * 1913

Restoring Ancient Bronzes eBook

Henry W. Nichols’ Restoration of ancient bronzes and cure of malignant patina was published in 1930 and documents the process used by Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History to restore ancient Egyptian bronzes (and some from Mesopotamia too) in their collection. They used the Fink electrochemical process which was inaugurated by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The author was the curator with a geology and chemistry background responsible for the work on a total of 360 bronzes from 1926 to 1929. The before and after images contained in the book are dramatic. The book is available from Internet Archive.

 Restoration of ancient bronzes and cure of malignant patina

Bird Homes

Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore published his Bird Homes book in 1902. It is illustrated with his photographs of nests and young birds – one of the earliest books on the topic with photographic illustrations. The book was published in the same year that he was elected to The Camera Club of New York and was noticed by Alfred Stieglitz (according to the Wikipedia article). The book is well worth browsing on Internet Archive. (There are also other books by this author available on Internet Archive.)

Bird Homes: The Nests Eggs and Breeding Habits of The Land Birds Breeding in the Eastern United States

 I was curious about what happened to Dugmore later in his life. He lived to 1955 but didn’t publish after 1930. I found an article about him from the Boone and Crocket Club but it didn’t document that period of his life either. Perhaps the gas injury from the trenches of World War I incapacitated him later in his life or maybe he decided that The Autobiography of a Wanderer (his book published in 1930) was a good finale.

Ships eBook from the late 1920s

Cecil J. Allen and John R. Hind’s My Book of Ships was published in 1928 in London – well after the Titanic sank in 1912. It is interesting that the Titanic is not mentioned in the book although page 47 is damaged (it appears that half a page was cut out) and is in the chapter about wrecks and salvage.

The book is illustrated with photographs and color illustrations. It is all history now but at the time it was published it was a little history but focuses on the state of the art for ships. It is well worth browsing!

My book of ships: their building and the wonders of navigation; illustrated and described for children

eBontanical Prints – May 2024

Twenty-one more books were added to the botanical print collection in May - available for browsing on Internet Archive. The whole list of 2,883 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. Click on any sample images to get an enlarged version…and the title hyperlink to view the entire volume on Internet Archive. Enjoy the May 2024 eBotanical Prints!

The set is unusual because the oldest book was published in 1928. Most months the books are from earlier decades/centuries. Another aspect that is unusual is that 19 of the books are from the same source (American Plant Life Society) and published over many years (1938 – 2006).

The Marine Algae of Florida with special reference to the Dry Tortugas * Taylor, William Randolph * sample image * 1928

The American species of Crepis, their interrelationships and distribution as affected by polyploidy and apomixis * Babcock, Ernest Brown * sample image * 1938

Herbertia V 1-5 (1934-1938) * American Amaryllis Society * sample image * 1938

Herbertia V 6-10 (1939-1943) * American Amaryllis Society * sample image * 1943

Herbertia V 40 (1984) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1943

Herbertia V 41 (1985) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1985

Herbertia V 42 (1986) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1986

Herbertia V 43 N1 (1986) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1987

Herbertia V 43 N2 (1987) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1987

Herbertia V 44 N1 (1988) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1987

Herbertia V 46 N1-2 (1990) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1990

Herbertia V 47 (1991) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1991

Herbertia V 48 (1992) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1992

Herbertia V 49 (1993) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1993

Herbertia V 50 (1994-1995) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1995

Herbertia V 51 (1996) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1996

Herbertia V 52 (1997) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1997

Herbertia V 53 (1998) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1998

Herbertia V 54 (1999) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 1999

Herbertia V 59 (2004-2005) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 2005

Herbertia V 60 (2005-2006) * American Plant Life Society * sample image * 2006

Fine Art History (collection on Internet Archive)

This ‘book of the week’ post features a collection found on Internet Archive that includes slideshow collections of art works from artists around the world and different time periods. There is a lot to browse in this collection and I will probably feature it again from time to time since I enjoy the images and learning about the artists. I have chosen 20 for this post…hopefully the sample images will provide enough of an incentive to look at these artists and the rest of the collection. Enjoy!

Fernand Léger (1881 - 1955)

John Hoyland (1934 - 2011)

Korean Art History eBooks

Internet Archive had 14 of the 15 volumes of the Chōsen koseki zufu – published beginning in 1915 in Japanese and full of illustrations of Korean antiquities. It was the result of the Japanese work to systemically organize and investigate cultural assets and sites throughout the Korean Peninsula after they annexed the country in 1910.

Most of what I know about Korea is in the context of the Korean War of the 1950s and, more recently, the products from South Korea that are exported to the U.S. These books enlarged my understanding of the deep history of the country via the pictures (although I probably would have gotten even more from the books if I could read Japanese!). I have selected a sample image from each volume…but there are many more in the books…well worth the time to browse.

Volume I. Sites of excavations, pottery, bronzes, inscription on stone, ancient metallic mirrors, etc. Chōsen koseki zufu V1

Volume II. Continuation of first volume, frescoes and other details of paintings from the tombs. Chōsen koseki zufu V2

 Volume III. Photographs and plans of sites excavated details of sculpture, beads, smaller bronzes etc. Chōsen koseki zufu V3

 Volume IV. Antiquities of the Silla period in Korea. Chōsen koseki zufu V4

 Volume V. Continuation of Volume IV (not on Internet Archive)

Volume VI. Antiquities of Koryo period. Chōsen koseki zufu V6

 Volume VII. Continuation of Volume VI. Chōsen koseki zufu V7

 Volume VIII. Pottery. Chōsen koseki zufu V8

 Volume IX. Metallic mirrors, bronzes, jewelry, household utensils. Chōsen koseki zufu V9

 Volume X. Temple architecture, including some details of decoration. Chōsen koseki zufu V10

 Volume XI. Continuation of preceding volume, sculpture. 1951. Chōsen koseki zufu V11

Volume XII. Temple architecture. Chōsen koseki zufu V12

 Volume XIII. Temple architecture. 1933. Chōsen koseki zufu V13

 Volume XIV. Painting. 1934. Chōsen koseki zufu V14

 Volume XV. Pottery. 1935 Chōsen koseki zufu V15

James W. VanStone – anthropologist

There are 16 eBooks in this week’s feature – authored by James. W. VanStone from 1979-1998 while he was Curator of North American Archeology and Ethnology for the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. These books have many illustrations – drawings and photographs – and are well worth browsing to glimpse of the cultures of the northern part of North America. VanStone’s research in the area started in the 1950s and he was a prolific scholar throughout his career. Enjoy the sample images (click on the image to see a larger version)…but there are so many more in the books themselves – all freely available on Internet Archive.

Material culture of the Davis Inlet and Barren Ground Naskapi: the William Duncan Strong collection -1985

The Bruce collection of Eskimo material culture from Kotzebue Sound, Alaska -1980

An ethnographic collection from northern Sakhalin Island -1985

Ingalik contact ecology : an ethnohistory of the lower-middle Yukon, 1790-1935  -1979