eBotanical Prints – December 2020

20 new books for the botanical prints list in December….all from the Internet Archive. 12 of them are an annual publication from the Georgia Botanical Society published between 1986 and 2005; there are 7 more that I looked at in January and will include in next month’s eBotanical Prints post.

Just as in previous months, there is quite a range in the publication dates: 1687 to 2005. And different types of images: drawings, colored prints, and photographs. There is one image for each of the 20 new books; click an any sample image below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the December eBotanical Prints! The whole list of 2,041 eBooks can be accessed here.

Opera omnia, seu, Thesaurus locupletissimus botanico-medico-anatomicus * Malpighii, Marcelli * sample image * 1687

Gramineae Chilenses * Desvaux, Emile * sample image * 1853

Flora Peruviana, et Chilensis plates I-CLII * Ruiz, Hippolyto; Pavon, Josepho * sample image * 1798

Flora Peruviana, et Chilensis plates CLIII-CCCXXV * Ruiz, Hippolyto; Pavon, Josepho * sample image * 1798

Plantes equinoxiales recueillies au Mexique vol 1 * Humboldt, Alexander von; Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1808

Plantes equinoxiales recueillies au Mexique vol 2 * Humboldt, Alexander von; Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1808

Stirpes novae * L'Heritier de Brutelle, Charles Louis * sample image * 1784

A description of the genus Cinchona * Lambert, Alymer Bourke * sample image * 1797

Tipularia - 2005 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 2005

Tipularia - 1986 - 1987 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1987

Tipularia - 2004 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 2004

Tipularia - 2003 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 2003

Tipularia - 2002 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 2002

Tipularia - 2001 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 2001

Tipularia - 2000 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 2000

Tipularia - 1999 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1999

Tipularia - 1998 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1998

Tipularia - 1997 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1997

Tipularia - 1995 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1995

Tipularia - 1994 * Georgia Botanical Society * sample image * 1994

eBotanical Prints – November 2020

20 new eBooks added to the botanical prints list in November. They are all available from Internet Archive. The oldest is from 1682 – The Anatomy of Plants by Nehemiah Grew – the ‘father of plant anatomy.’ 6 books were published in the 1700s and the rest in the 1800s. I enjoyed the variety of books I browsed since I had been making my way through Annals of Botany for 2 months (September and October)! When I selected the sample images – I thought about why I made the selections I did from all the wonderful images in these books. Sometimes I choose because I know and enjoy the plant…sometimes it’s the color…sometimes it is a plant totally new to me. Overall – I like the mosaic of images in the post (and that each image can be enlarged with a click). Enjoy the November eBotanical Prints! The whole list of 2021 eBooks can be accessed here.

Medical flora or, Manual of the medical botany of the United States of North America Vol 1 * Rafineque, Constantine Samuel * sample image * 1828

Medical flora or, Manual of the medical botany of the United States of North America Vol 2 * Rafineque, Constantine Samuel * sample image * 1828

Thirty-eight plates, with explanations : intended to illustrate Linnaeus's System of vegetables, and particularly adapted to the Letters on the elements of botany * Martyn, Thimas; Nodder, Frederick Polydore * sample image * 1817

Flora rustica: exhibiting ... figures of such plants as are either useful or injurious in husbandry V1 and V2 * Martyn, Thimas; Nodder, Frederick Polydore * sample image * 1791

Flora rustica: exhibiting ... figures of such plants as are either useful or injurious in husbandry V3 and V4 * Martyn, Thimas; Nodder, Frederick Polydore * sample image * 1791

Traité des arbres forestiers : ou histoire et description des arbre indigènes ou naturalisés… * Jaume Saint-Hilaire, Jean Henri * sample image * 1824

Botanique medicinal * Jaume Saint-Hilaire, Jean Henri * sample image * 1799

The anatomy of plants * Grew, Nehemiah * sample image * 1682

Recueil de plantes coloriees * Rousseau, Jean-Jacques * sample image * 1789

Plants of the coast of Coromandel Vol 1 * Roxburgh, William * sample image * 1795

Plants of the coast of Coromandel Vol 2 * Roxburgh, William * sample image * 1798

Plants of the coast of Coromandel Vol 3 * Roxburgh, William * sample image * 1819

Plantarum Brasiliae icones et descriptiones hactenus ineditae * Pohl, Johann Emnuel * sample image * 1827

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 1 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1815

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 2 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1817

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 3 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1818

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 4 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1818

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 5 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1821

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 6 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1823

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 7 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1825

eBotanical Prints – October 2020

20 new items added to the collection in October and, like September, they are all volumes of Annals of Botany. The Biodiversity Heritage Library has the volumes fully available from 1888 (when the publication started) until 1923; the access page has a pull down to select the volume of interest. I finished the series in October and am thrilled to be looking at some very different individual works already in November. By the end of the series, it seemed like I needed to just slog through to the last one. The images in the Annals were for research and I found myself looking at them more as starting points for Zentangle pattern development than as botanical prints.

The whole list of 2002 books can be accessed here. Sample images and links for the 20 new ones are provided below. (click on the sample image to see a larger view). Enjoy!

Annals of Botany V20 (1906) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1906

Annals of Botany V21 (1907) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1907

Annals of Botany V22 (1908) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1908

Annals of Botany V23 (1909) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1909

Annals of Botany V24 (1910) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1910

Annals of Botany V25 pt1 (1911) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1911

Annals of Botany V25 pt2 (1911) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1911

Annals of Botany V26 pt1 (1912) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1912

Annals of Botany V26 pt2 (1912) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1912

Annals of Botany V27 (1913) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1913

Annals of Botany V28 (1914) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1914

Annals of Botany V29 (1915) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1915

Annals of Botany V30 (1916) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1916

Annals of Botany V31 (1917) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1916

Annals of Botany V32 (1918) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1918

Annals of Botany V33 (1919) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1919

Annals of Botany V34 (1920) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1920

Annals of Botany V35 (1921) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1921

Annals of Botany V36 (1922) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1922

Annals of Botany V37 (1923) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1923

eBotanical Prints – September 2020

19 new items added to the collection in September and they are all volumes of the same publication: Annals of Botany. The Biodiversity Heritage Library has the volumes fully available from 1888 (when the publication started) until 1923; the access page has a pull down to select the volume of interest. I looked at the volumes from 1888 to 1905 in September and will continue through the rest in October. So far – most of the illustrations are more micro oriented than the typical ‘botanical print’ but it’s another aspect of illustration of the botanical world that I want to include in the collection.

The whole list of 1,982 books can be accessed here. Sample images and links for the 19 new ones are provided below. (click on the sample image to see a larger view). Enjoy!

Annals of Botany V1 (1888) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1888

Annals of Botany V2 (1889) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1889

Annals of Botany V3 (1890) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1890

Annals of Botany V4 (1891) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1991

Annals of Botany V5 (1891) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1891

Annals of Botany V6 (1892) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1892

Annals of Botany V7 (1893) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1893

Annals of Botany V8 (1894) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1894

Annals of Botany V9 (1895) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1895

Annals of Botany V10 (1896) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1896

Annals of Botany V11 (1897) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1897

Annals of Botany V12 (1898) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1898

Annals of Botany V13 (1899) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1899

Annals of Botany V14 (1899) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1900

Annals of Botany V15 (1901) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1901

Annals of Botany V16 (1902) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1902

Annals of Botany V17 (1903) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1903

Annals of Botany V18 (1904) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1904

Annals of Botany V19 (1905) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1905

Unique Activities for Yesterday:

Maple tree seedling update. The maple seedling that I pulled from the front flowerbed is still healthy in the window. It’s grown a little - both in the upper stem/leaves and the roots. It will be interesting to see if the leaves turn red at the same time as the red maple outside or if they stay green because it is warmer on my windowsill than outdoors.

2020 09 IMG_2253.jpg

I am still enjoying flower from the CSA cutting garden but they’re probably close to the end. There were not as many to choose from this week and they don’t seem to last as long as cut flowers.

eBotanical Prints – August 2020

20 botanical eBooks in August 2020! The time range is quite long in this group from 1700 to 1999. The 4 Weinmann books are the only ones in color this month and they are quite old – from the 1700s.

The volumes are all freely available on the Internet. The whole list of 1963 books can be accessed here. Sample images and links for the 20 new ones are provided below. (click on the sample image to see a larger view). Enjoy!

Phytanthoza iconographia, sive, Conspectus aliquot millium V1 * Weinmann, Johnn Wilhelm et all * sample image * 1737

Phytanthoza iconographia, sive, Conspectus aliquot millium V2 * Weinmann, Johnn Wilhelm et all * sample image * 1737

Phytanthoza iconographia, sive, Conspectus aliquot millium V3 * Weinmann, Johnn Wilhelm et all * sample image * 1737

Phytanthoza iconographia, sive, Conspectus aliquot millium V4 * Weinmann, Johnn Wilhelm et all * sample image * 1737

The Agricultural Grasses of the United States * Vasey, George; Richardson, Clifford, US Division of Botany * sample image * 1884

Pomona, or, The fruit-garden illustrated - containing sure methods for improving all the best kinds of fruits now extant in England * Langley, Batty * sample image * 1719

Icones pleurothallidinarum V76 1999 * Luer, Carlyle A. * sample image * 1999

Icones pleurothallidinarum V39 1991 * Luer, Carlyle A. * sample image * 1991

Jacobi Zanonii Rariorum stirpium historia : ex parte olim edita, nunc centum plus tabulis ex commentariis auctoris  * Zanoni, Giacomo * sample image * 1742

Institutiones rei herbariae V2 * Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de * sample image * 1700

An illustrated guide to the flowering plants of the middle Atlantic and New England states * Stevens, George Thomas * sample image * 1910

Journal of Botany, British and Foreign XXXVIII - 1900 * Britten, James (editor) * sample image * 1900

Journal of Botany, British and Foreign XXXI - 1893 * Britten, James (editor) * sample image * 1893

Journal of Botany, British and Foreign LVII - 1919 * Britten, James (editor) * sample image * 1919

Journal of Botany, British and Foreign XLIV - 1906 * Britten, James (editor) * sample image * 1906

Journal of Botany, British and Foreign XLVI - 1908 * Britten, James (editor) * sample image * 1908

Journal of Botany, British and Foreign XXV - 1887 * Britten, James (editor) * sample image * 1887

Journal of Botany, British and Foreign XXII - 1884 * Britten, James (editor) * sample image * 1884

Journal of Botany, British and Foreign LIII - 1915 * Britten, James (editor) * sample image * 1915

Botany of to-day, a popular account of recent notable discoveries * Eliot, George Francis Scott * sample image * 1911

eBotanical Prints – July 2020

22 botanical eBooks found in July 2020! The volumes are all freely available on the Internet. The whole list of 1,942 books can be accessed here. Sample images and links for the 22 new ones are provided below. (click on the sample image to see a larger view). Enjoy!

Icones selectae plantarum quas in systemate universali ex herbariis parisiensibus, praesertim ex Lessertiano V4 * Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de; Turpin, PJF; Delessert, Benjamin * sample image * 1839

Icones selectae plantarum quas in systemate universali ex herbariis parisiensibus, praesertim ex Lessertiano V5 * Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de; Turpin, PJF; Delessert, Benjamin * sample image * 1846

Drawing of Plants collected at Cape Town * Wehdemann, Clemenz Heinrich * sample image * 1817

Iconographie des orchidées du Brésil : dessings originaux * Rodrigues, Joao Barbosa * sample image * 1869

Our South African flora = Ons Suid-Afrikaanse plantegroei * Compton, R. H. * sample image * 1900

Plantae mattogrossenses, ou, relação de plantas novas : colhidas, classificadas e desengadas * Rodrigues, Joao Barbosa * sample image * 1898

Saguaroland Bulletin - 1966 * Arizona Cactus and Native Flora Society; Desert Botanical Garden * sample image * 1966

Saguaroland Bulletin - 1947 (June-December) * Arizona Cactus and Native Flora Society; Desert Botanical Garden * sample image * 1947

Saguaroland Bulletin - 1969 * Arizona Cactus and Native Flora Society; Desert Botanical Garden * sample image * 1969

Saguaroland Bulletin - 1981 * Arizona Cactus and Native Flora Society; Desert Botanical Garden * sample image * 1981

Saguaroland Bulletin - 1975 * Arizona Cactus and Native Flora Society; Desert Botanical Garden * sample image * 1975

Saguaroland Bulletin - 1964 * Arizona Cactus and Native Flora Society; Desert Botanical Garden * sample image * 1964

Saguaroland Bulletin - 1974 * Arizona Cactus and Native Flora Society; Desert Botanical Garden * sample image * 1974

Saguaroland Bulletin - 1971 * Arizona Cactus and Native Flora Society; Desert Botanical Garden * sample image * 1971

Saguaroland Bulletin - 1980 * Arizona Cactus and Native Flora Society; Desert Botanical Garden * sample image * 1980

Saguaroland Bulletin - 1967 * Arizona Cactus and Native Flora Society; Desert Botanical Garden * sample image * 1967

Iconographie descriptive des cactees * Lemaire, Charles Antoine * sample image * 1841

Les plantes grasses autre que les cactees * Lemaire, Charles Antoine * sample image * 1819

L'Amérique Centrale. Recherches sur sa flora et sa géographie physique * Orsted, Anders Sandoe * sample image * 1863

Frilands-traevaexten i Danmark : veiledning til kundskab om de traeer og buske, som kunne dyrkes i friland in Danmark  * Orsted, Anders Sanoe * sample image * 1864

Le jardin du Roy tres chrestien, Loys XIII, Roy de France et de Navare * Vallet, Pierre * sample image * 1623

Useful knowledge: or a familiar account of the various productions of nature, mineral, vegetable, and animal, which are chiefly employed for the use of man Vol II Vegetables * Bingley, William * sample image * 1821

Some of the Saguaroland Bulletins are included in this group; they are not strictly botanical but do have some good images (and I was savoring memories of visiting the Desert Botanical Garden in recent year when my daughter was doing her graduate work in Tucson). There is also a very early botanical book in this group: Pierre Vallet’s Le jardin du Roy tres chrestien, Loys XIII, Roy de France et de Navare published in 1623.

Unique Activities for Yesterday:


2 tiles. I created to Zentangle tiles during my early morning hour on the deck as usual. For some reason they both appealed to me more than usual…and for different reasons. I was thinking ‘solar prominence’ as I finished up the first one.


The second one only took 9 minutes to make but I’m already thinking of making more tiles with the same string.

Clean Birdbath. I saved the scrubbing of the bird bath until the end of my hour cutting day lily leaves in the front flower bed. The glass held the grunge (biofilm?) when I dumped the accumulated rain water.


The spray got some off and then the scrubbing with an old dishrag got the rest.  There is something very satisfying about a clean birdbath…with and without water…but of course the water is what it’s all about! I’ve always liked this birdbath – carefully taking it indoors before the first frost and not bringing it out again until after the frosts are over. I bought it during a sale of seasonal things at the grocery store years ago. The stand stays out and has gradually become more buried in the mulch of the flowerbed.

Dryer broken. Aargh! Our dryer stopped working. It’s probably the heating element since we’ve had the problem before, and the tumbler part of the dryer is still functioning. My husband keeps excellent records and discovered that the element was replaced in 2006. We were able to get an appointment for a maintenance person to replace it in 7 days. Fortunately – it was sheets and not the load of towels that was in the washer when we discovered the problem. I draped plastic table clothes over the loft railing….and draped the sheets over that (and the shower rod). The house looks odd but we’re the only ones here and are relieved that we don’t have to find a laundry place or figure out how to create a clothesline on the covered deck! We were only discombobulated for about 10 minutes and now we are back to our regular Saturday activities. It’s a good indication of how resilient we are at this point!

eBotanical Prints - June 2020

25 botanical eBooks found in June 2020! The volumes are all freely available on the Internet. The whole list of 1,920 books can be accessed here. Sample images and links for the 26 new ones are provided below. (click on the sample image to see a larger view). Enjoy!

There are several series this month:

  • 7 issues of The English Garden magazine from the mid-2010s

  • 2 issues of Your Garden magazine from the 2010s

  • 2 volumes from Asa Gray published in the mid-1800s

  • 2 volumes from Johann Zorn published in the 1790s

  • 2 volumes of camellias from the mid-1800s

  • 2 volumes from H.A. Weddell from the mid-1800s

  • 3 volumes from Augustine Pyramus de Candolle from the early to mid-1800s

The most surprising to me was the Hesperides, sive, De malorvm avreorvm cvltvra et vsv libri quatuor by Giovanni Battista Ferrari published in 1646….about citrus fruits. The wild forms are quite different than the ones we know today in the grocery store!

Recueil de planches de botanique de l'encyclopédie * Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de * sample image * 1823

English Flower Garden:a monthly magazine of hardy and half-hardy plants * Thompson, William * sample image * 1852

The English Garden - October 2015 * Mahon, Stephanie * sample image * 2015

The English Garden - July 2015 * Mahon, Stephanie * sample image * 2015

The English Garden - December 2015 * Mahon, Stephanie * sample image * 2015

The English Garden - January 2016 * Foggett, Clare * sample image * 2016

The English Garden - April 2016 * Foggett, Clare * sample image * 2016

The English Garden - August 2015 UK * Mahon, Stephanie * sample image * 2015

The English Garden - September 2015 UK * Mahon, Stephanie * sample image * 2015

Your Garden - Autumn 2016 * Colls, Stephanie * sample image * 2016

Your Garden - Autumn 2011 * Lee, Mara * sample image * 2011

Genera florae Americae boreali-orientalis illustrata. The genera of the plants of the United States illustrated by figures and analyses from nature V1 * Gray, Asa; Strague, Isaac * sample image * 1848

Genera florae Americae boreali-orientalis illustrata. The genera of the plants of the United States illustrated by figures and analyses from nature V2 * Gray, Asa; Strague, Isaac * sample image * 1848

Auswahl schöner und seltener Gewächse als eine Fortsetzung der Amerikanischen Gewächse. Erstes [-Drittes] Hundert. V1 * Zorn, Johann * sample image * 1795

Auswahl schöner und seltener Gewächse als eine Fortsetzung der Amerikanischen Gewächse. Erstes [-Drittes] Hundert. V2 * Zorn, Johann * sample image * 1796

Iconographie du genre Camellia V1 * Berlese, Lorenzo * sample image * 1841

Iconographie du genre Camellia V2 * Berlese, Lorenzo * sample image * 1843

Iconographie du genre Camellia V3 * Berlese, Lorenzo * sample image * 1843

Chloris andina essai d'une flore de la region alpine des Cordilleres de l'Amerique du Sud 1855 V1 * Weddell, H.A. * sample image * 1855

Chloris andina essai d'une flore de la region alpine des Cordilleres de l'Amerique du Sud 1857 V2 * Weddell, H.A. * sample image * 1857

Hesperides, sive, De malorvm avreorvm cvltvra et vsv libri quatuor * Ferrari, Giovanni Battista * sample image * 1646

Icones pictae plantarum rariorum descriptionibus et observationibus illustratae * Smith, James Edward * sample image * 1790

Icones selectae plantarum quas in systemate universali ex herbariis parisiensibus, praesertim ex Lessertiano V1 * Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de; Turpin, PJF; Delessert, Benjamin * sample image * 1820

Icones selectae plantarum quas in systemate universali ex herbariis parisiensibus, praesertim ex Lessertiano V2 * Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de; Turpin, PJF; Delessert, Benjamin * sample image * 1823

Icones selectae plantarum quas in systemate universali ex herbariis parisiensibus, praesertim ex Lessertiano V3 * Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de; Turpin, PJF; Delessert, Benjamin * sample image * 1838

Filling a Day of Social Distancing - 5/9/2020 – eBotanical Prints

Continuing the blog post series prompted by COVID-19….

Here are the unique activities for yesterday:

2020 05 IMG_9511 (4).jpg

The first hour of the day. Somehow there was a lot to observe when I first went into my office yesterday. There was ice in the birdbath. It is cantilevered off our deck railing about 1 story off the ground and tends to freeze before things at ground level. The ‘freeze watch’ forecast had been right.

2020 05 IMG_9511 (2).jpg

Then I noticed that one of the buds on the iris stalks I brought in yesterday was open. I have a very flowery office at this point.

2020 05 IMG_9511 (3).jpg

I was cleaning my glasses when a bird flew to the roof of the covered deck and dropped something blue that rolled down into the gutter. I put my glasses on and could see that the bird was a robin before it flew away. Then I used the zoom on the camera to see what was in the gutter: a partial robin eggshell! The bird was doing some nest maintenance. I hope the baby bird was kept warm by the other parent.

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A few minutes later, there were two birds fluttering around in the air a little way from the bird feeder. I got up and took pictures of them after they flew to the sycamore. One flew off to the forest and shortly after a male Rose-breasted Grosbeak arrived at the feeder and the remaining bird flew off to the forest with the male. I think the two birds in the sycamore were female Rose-breasted Grosbeaks! I am glad we have the birds coming to our feeder occasionally this year. Maybe they did in previous years too…I just didn’t see them.

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The flowers of the tulip poplar look unharmed by the cold weather.

Browsing Life Magazine from 1958. Internet archive only has 2 issues from 1958 (March and December) – the year another of my sisters was born. There were a lot of articles on the entertainment industry. I collected some of the ads (click on the image to see a larger version). Some of the brands are still around: Disney, Campbells, Coke, Pepsi, General Electric, American Airlines, Northern, Jell-O. There were also a lot of ads for cigarettes and various kinds of alcohol.


Tangle background for the poppy. I used light colors to fill in the blank areas of the tiles around the poppy image that I had ‘colored’ the day before.

Links to my previous “filling a day of social distance” posts  here.

And now for the monthly post about the digital botanical print books I browsed through in April 2020….

There are 15 new books this month. The first 3 are by Anna Atkins and are cyanotype photographs (process invented by Sir John Herschel) of algae/seaweed. Then there were 11 volumes of Flora fluminensis – Brazilian plants publish in the 1820a. The last book is much more recent (2006) and about Hollies; the illustrations are photographs in this one.

The volumes are all freely available on the Internet by clicking on the hyperlinked title. The whole list of 1,879 books can be accessed here. Sample images and links for the 16 new ones are provided below. (click on the sample image to see a larger view). Enjoy!

Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions V1 * Atkins, Anna * sample image * 1853

Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions V2 * Atkins, Anna * sample image * 1853

Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions V3 * Atkins, Anna * sample image * 1853

Flora fluminensis - V 1 * Velloso, Jose Mariano da Conceicao * sample image * 1827

Flora fluminensis - V 2 * Velloso, Jose Mariano da Conceicao * sample image * 1827

Flora fluminensis - V 3 * Velloso, Jose Mariano da Conceicao  * sample image * 1827

Flora fluminensis - V 4 * Velloso, Jose Mariano da Conceicao  * sample image * 1827

Flora fluminensis - V 5 * Velloso, Jose Mariano da Conceicao  * sample image * 1827

Flora fluminensis - V 6 * Velloso, Jose Mariano da Conceicao  * sample image * 1827

Flora fluminensis - V 7 * Velloso, Jose Mariano da Conceicao  * sample image * 1827

Flora fluminensis - V 8 * Velloso, Jose Mariano da Conceicao  * sample image * 1827

Flora fluminensis - V 9 * Velloso, Jose Mariano da Conceicao  * sample image * 1827

Flora fluminensis - V 10 * Velloso, Jose Mariano da Conceicao  * sample image * 1827

Flora fluminensis - V 11 * Velloso, Jose Mariano da Conceicao  * sample image * 1827

Hollies foor Gardeners * Bailles, Christopher; Andrews, Susyn * sample image * 2006

Filling a Day of Social Distance – 4/1/2020 – eBotanical prints

Continuing the blog post series prompted by COVID-19….

Here are the unique activities for yesterday:


Weighing in at a new low for the year. 0.6 pounds lower than my last ‘new low.’ I am celebrated with 2 squares of dark chocolate for breakfast!

Hearing the recycle truck at 6:25 AM. That’s their usual time. It’s reassuring to know that they are still on the job making their rounds…that some things continue at a normal pace. I am thankful to the crews to hoping they stay well.

Catching up on Cincinnati Zoo’s Home Safaris:

Making two Ad Rinehardt Black Painting inspired Zentangle® tiles. I didn’t make the whole tile black but I did make a black square. The technique was not the same either since I used Sharpies and layers rather than making the special matte low-oil paint that Rinehardt is known for. I finished the Rinehardt module in the Coursera course: In the Studio: Postwar Abstract Painting yesterday.

Taking breaks with nature cams. There are a lot of them out there! A post from the Nature Conservancy here (the spoonbills and alligators swamp cam can be very noisy in the morning – a great way to start the day – they are in the EDT zone). A list I collected from the Maryland Master Naturalist emails:

Clearing my calendar for April. I had left some volunteer gigs on my calendar in April – being overly optimistic. I took them off this morning. The organizations are closed. Everyone is preparing for the coronavirus peak in Maryland; as of today, the model is saying it will be around April 28th. Maryland has a stay at home order (since 3/30), all educational facilities are closed (since 3/16), and non-essential services were closed (since 3/23…and the definition of non-essential is not ‘loose’). It looks like the social distancing measures are flattening our curve but there have been some outbreaks that are troubling (nursing home and mental hospital) and sad.

Links to my previous “filling a day of social distance” posts  here.

And now for the normal monthly post about botanical prints from eBooks.

There are 16 new books added to the list in March. There is quite a variety this month --- mostly from the 1800s although one book from the late 1700s and another from the early 1900s, some color others drawings, exotic places (Ceylon, India, Madagascar, and Australia), some traditional botanical prints and some textbooks of botanical traits.

The volumes are all freely available on the Internet by clicking on the hyperlinked title. The whole list of 1,864 books can be accessed here. Sample images and links for the 16 new ones are provided below. (click on the sample image to see a larger view). Enjoy!

A hand-book to the flora of Ceylon Plates I-XXV * Trimen, Henry * sample image * 1893

A hand-book to the flora of Ceylon Plates XXVI-L * Trimen, Henry * sample image * 1893

A hand-book to the flora of Ceylon Plates LI-LXXV * Trimen, Henry * sample image * 1893

A hand-book to the flora of Ceylon Plates LXXVI-C * Trimen, Henry * sample image * 1893

The British flora, or, Genera and species of British plants V1 * Thornton, Robert John * sample image * 1812

The British flora, or, Genera and species of British plants V3 * Thornton, Robert John * sample image * 1812

Indian medicinal plants : plates * Kirtikara, Kanhoba Ranachodadasa; Basu, Saman Das * sample image * 1918

Histoire naturelle des plantes (Madagascar) Atlas V3  * Baillon, H; Drake del Castillo, E. * sample image * 1903

Histoire naturelle des plantes (Madagascar) Atlas V4 * Baillon, H; Drake del Castillo, E. * sample image * 1890

Histoire naturelle des plantes (Madagascar) Atlas V1 * Baillon, H; Drake del Castillo, E. * sample image * 1902

Histoire naturelle des plantes (Madagascar) Atlas V2 * Baillon, H; Drake del Castillo, E. * sample image * 1904

Giftpflanzen-Buch, oder, Allgemeine und besondere Naturgeschichte sämmtlicher inländischen sowie der wichtigsten ausländischen phanerogamischen und cryptogamischen Giftgewächse - Atlas * Berge, Friedrich * sample image * 1845

Traité de botanique générale V1 * Herincq, Francois * sample image * 1860

Traité de botanique générale V2 * Herincq, Francois * sample image * 1860

A specimen of the Botany of New Holland Vol 1 * Smith, James Edward * sample image * 1793

A course in botany and pharmacognosy * Kraemer, Henry * sample image * 1902

eBotanical Prints – February 2020

19 botanical eBooks found in February! There were two series about alpine plants and then one series about medicinal plants. The publication dates range from 1868 to 1971…although heavily skewed to the second half of the 1800s. I always enjoy looking at botanical print books but in February – when the view from my window is winter trees – I find them even more appealing.  

The volumes are all freely available on the Internet. The whole list of about 1,850 books can be accessed here. Sample images and links for the 19 new ones are provided below. (click on the sample image to see a larger view). Enjoy!

Common Weeds of the United States * Reed, Clyde Franklin * sample image * 1971

Atlas Rostlin * Joh, Jan * sample image * 1899

Atlas de la flora alpine V1 * Correvon, Henry * sample image * 1899

Atlas de la flora alpine V4 * Correvon, Henry * sample image * 1899

Atlas de la flora alpine V5 * Correvon, Henry * sample image * 1899

Fleurs des champs et des bois, des haies et des murs * Correvon, Henry * sample image * 1922

Atlas der Alpenflora V1 * Hartinger, Anton; Dalla Torre, Karl Wilhelm von * sample image * 1882

Atlas der Alpenflora V2 * Hartinger, Anton; Dalla Torre, Karl Wilhelm von * sample image * 1882

Atlas der Alpenflora V3 * Hartinger, Anton; Dalla Torre, Karl Wilhelm von * sample image * 1882

Atlas der Alpenflora V4 * Hartinger, Anton; Dalla Torre, Karl Wilhelm von * sample image * 1882

Atlas der officinellen Pflanzen - Band III * Berg, Otto Carl; Schmidt, C. F.: Meyer, Arthur * sample image * 1899

Atlas der officinellen Pflanzen - Band I * Berg, Otto Carl; Schmidt, C. F.: Meyer, Arthur * sample image * 1893

Pflanzen-Atlas nach dem Linné'schen System * Hoffman, Carl * sample image * 1881

Botanischer bilder-atlas nach De Candolle's Natürlichem pflanzensystem * Hoffmann, Carl * sample image * 1884

Traité pratique et raisonné des plantes médicinales indigènes, avec un atlas de 200 planches lithographiées * Cazin, F.J.; Cazin, Henri * sample image * 1868

Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen in naturgetreuen Abbildungen mit kurz erläuterndem Vol 1 * Kohler, Hermann Adolph; Pabst (Gustav);  (Walther Otto Müller, C. F. Schmidt, and K. Gunther illustrators) * sample image * 1887

Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen in naturgetreuen Abbildungen mit kurz erläuterndem Vol 2 * Kohler, Hermann Adolph; Pabst (Gustav);  (Walther Otto Müller, C. F. Schmidt, and K. Gunther illustrators) * sample image * 1890

Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen in naturgetreuen Abbildungen mit kurz erläuterndem Vol 3 * Kohler, Hermann Adolph; Pabst (Gustav);  (Walther Otto Müller, C. F. Schmidt, and K. Gunther illustrators) * sample image * 1898

Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen in naturgetreuen Abbildungen mit kurz erläuterndem Vol 4 * Kohler, Hermann Adolph; Pabst (Gustav);  (Walther Otto Müller, C. F. Schmidt, and K. Gunther illustrators) * sample image * 1899

eBotanical Prints – January 2020

There were only 7 botanical print books in January because I shifted focus to volumes about shells last month. I finished up the ‘Illustrated dictionary of gardening’ volumes…enjoyed the drawings in a botany textbook by Asa Gray…marveled at how different woods look at the micro level.  The last two books (Familiar Trees) are from a series that I found back in 2015…but somehow I only looked at one of the three volumes then.

The volumes are all freely available on the Internet. The whole list of more than 1800 books can be accessed here. Sample images and links for the 7 new ones are provided below. (click on the sample image to see a larger view) Enjoy!

eBotanical Prints – December 2019

There are 7 more volumes of La Belgique Horticole from 1851-1885 that I added to the list in December (continuing from November). The month also includes some other books from the 1800s: shrubs of Ontario, thistles, field botany, and a 6-volume gardening dictionary. There were two volumes from 1949 about Malayan garden plants. All of them were found via Internet Archive.

The volumes are all freely available on the Internet. The whole list of more than 1800 books can be accessed here. Sample images and links for the 18 new ones are provided below. (click on the sample image to see a larger view) Enjoy!

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V29 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1879

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V30 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1880

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V31 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1881

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V32 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1882

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V33 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1883

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V34 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1884

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V35 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1885

Malayan garden plants, no. 1-7 * Botanic Gardens (Singapore) * sample image * 1949

Malayan garden plants, no. 8-11 * Botanic Gardens (Singapore) * sample image * 1949

Shrubs of Ontario * Soper, James H.; Heimburger, Margaret L. * sample image * 1982

Illustrated description of thistles, etc., included within the provisions of the Thistle Act of 1890 * Mueller, Ferdinand * sample image * 1893

The field botanist's companion : comprising a familiar account, in the four seasons, of the most common of the wild flowering plants of the British Isles * Moore, Thomas * sample image * 1862

The Illustrated dictionary of gardening Division I - A to Car. * Nicholson, George (editor) * sample image * 1887

The Illustrated dictionary of gardening Division VI - Pin to Sci * Nicholson, George (editor) * sample image * 1887

The Illustrated dictionary of gardening Division VIII - supplement * Nicholson, George (editor) * sample image * 1889

The Illustrated dictionary of gardening Division II - F to O * Nicholson, George (editor) * sample image * 1884

The Illustrated dictionary of gardening Division III - P to S * Nicholson, George (editor) * sample image * 1884

The Illustrated dictionary of gardening Division III - Ero to Lav * Nicholson, George (editor) * sample image * 1887

eBotantical Prints – November 2019

All the books added in November were from the same authors. Charles and Edouard Morren were a father and son. They produced 35 volumes of La Belgique Horticole from 1851-1885. Both men died in their early 50s and there was no continuation of the publication after the death of the son.  This monthly post has sample images from 28 of those volumes and I will continue the series into December (posting the images for those volumes in early January). The illustrations are quite varied. They are often illustrations rather that full botanical prints – still beautiful and particularly appealing this time of year when our gardens here in Maryland are mostly brown. I’m looking forward to the upcoming volumes. The list for the individual volumes from this month is after the sample images; for a list of all the volumes Internet Archive has – check here.

The volumes are all freely available on the Internet. The whole list of more than 1800 books can be accessed here. Sample images and links for the 28 new ones are provided below. (click on the sample image to see a larger view) Enjoy!

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V1 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1851

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V2 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1852

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V3 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1853

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V4 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1854

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V5 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1855

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V6 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1856

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V7 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1857

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V8 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1858

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V9 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1859

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V10 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1860

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V11 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1861

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V12 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1862

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V13 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1863

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V14 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1864

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V15 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1865

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V16 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1866

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V17 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1867

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V18 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1868

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V19 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1869

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V20 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1870

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V22 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1872

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V21 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1871

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V23 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1873

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V24 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1874

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V25 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1875

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V26 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1876

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V27 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1877

La Belgique horticole : Journal des jardins V28 * Morren, Charles; Morren, Edouard * sample image * 1878

Georgina Burne Hetley

Georgina Burne Hetley is best known for her book The Native Flora of New Zealand. She worked in the 1880s at a time when increased cultivation was reducing the botanical diversity of New Zealand. The Wikipedia entry for Hetley notes that Trilepidea adamsii (previously known as Loranthus adamsii) – one of the plants she painted – is now extinct. As I read her biography, it sounded modern in the sense that many biologists now feel the sense of working against an environmental degradation clock just as she did to “paint New Zealand’s indigenous flora before it was destroyed by the advance of cultivation.” She appears to have started out as an artist…coming to botany work in her 40s.

I am including 6 sample images from the book in this post. It is well worth browsing the images online in the book itself available from Internet Archive here. It was published in London in 1888.

Note that Art Album of New Zealand Flora was published shortly after this book in 1889 in Wellington, New Zealand. It was published in two parts and is also available from Internet Archive (part 1 and part 2). I posted about these volumes back in March 2013.

eBotanical Prints – August 2019

Twenty-one books added to the list of botanical ebooks collection this month. They are all freely available on the Internet. The whole list of over 1,700 books can be accessed here. Sample images and links for the 21 new ones are provided below. (click on the sample image to see a larger view) Enjoy!

These are not all the issues of Revue Horticole available from Internet Archive. I’m still working my way through issues in September!

Journal des Roses  (1906 ) * Cochet, M. Scipion * sample image * 1906

Manual of Grasses of the Unitied States * Hitchcock, Albert Spear; Chase, Agnes * sample image * 1950

The native flowers of New Zealand * Hetley, GB * sample image * 1888

Plantae utiliores V1 * Burnett, Mary Ann; Burnett, Gilbert Thomas * sample image * 1840

Plantae utiliores V2 * Burnett, Mary Ann; Burnett, Gilbert Thomas * sample image * 1840

Revue Horticole (1844-1845) * Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique * sample image * 1845

Revue Horticole (1846) * Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique * sample image * 1846

Revue Horticole (1847) * Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique * sample image * 1847

Revue Horticole (1848) * Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique * sample image * 1848

Revue Horticole (1850) * Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique * sample image * 1850

Revue Horticole (1851) * Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique * sample image * 1851

Revue Horticole (1849) * Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique * sample image * 1849

Revue Horticole (1852) * Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique * sample image * 1852

Revue Horticole (1853) * Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique * sample image * 1853

Revue Horticole (1854) * Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique * sample image * 1854

Revue Horticole (1855) * Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique * sample image * 1855

Revue Horticole (1856) * Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique * sample image * 1856

Revue Horticole (1861) * Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique * sample image * 1861

Revue Horticole (1862) * Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique * sample image * 1862

Revue Horticole (1863) * Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique * sample image * 1863

Revue Horticole (1864) * Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique * sample image * 1864

eBotanical Prints – July 2019

Sixteen books added to the list of botanical ebooks collection this month. The are all freely available on the Internet. The whole list of over 1,700 books can be accessed here. Sample images and links for the 16 news ones are provided below. (click on the sample image to see a larger view) Enjoy!

There is quite a variety this month – trees, mosses, wildflowers, mushrooms, pitcher plants and roses. A lot of plant types to savor.

Forestry handbooks * Maiden, Joseph Henry * sample image * 1917

Species muscorum frondosorum V1 * Hedwig, Johannes, Schwagrichen, Christian Friedrich * sample image * 1801

Species muscorum frondosorum V2 * Hedwig, Johannes, Schwagrichen, Christian Friedrich * sample image * 1801

British Wild Flowers * Loudon, Jane Wells Webb * sample image * 1846

The ladies' flower-garden of ornamental annuals * Loudon, Jane Wells Webb * sample image * 1840

Watercolor Album * Passmore, Deborah Griscom * sample image * 1911

Field book of common gilled mushrooms * Thomas, William Sturgis * sample image * 1928

Illustrations of British mycology V1 * Hussey, Thomas John, Mrs. * sample image * 1847

Illustrations of British mycology V2 * Hussey, Thomas John, Mrs. * sample image * 1855

Illustrations of North American pitcherplants  * Walcott, Mary Vaux; Wherry, Edgar Theodore; Jones, Frank Morton * sample image * 1935

Journal des Roses  (yr. 18-20, 1894-1896) * Cochet, M. Scipion * sample image * 1896

Journal des Roses  (36-37, 1912-1913) * Cochet, M. Scipion * sample image * 1913

Journal des Roses  (33-35, 1909-1911 ) * Cochet, M. Scipion * sample image * 1911

Journal des Roses  (1897 ) * Cochet, M. Scipion * sample image * 1897

Journal des Roses  (1880 ) * Cochet, M. Scipion * sample image * 1880

Journal des Roses  (1903 ) * Cochet, M. Scipion * sample image * 1903

Gleanings of the Week Ending July 27, 2019

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

Narwhals and belugas can interbreed -- ScienceDaily – It is a unique case….apparently not something that is common at all. It also utilized some relatively recent analytic tools to determine that the hybrid was a first-generation hybrid between a female narwhal and male beluga…and it was a bottom feeder rather than feeding like either of the parents.

Photography in The National Parks: Where Will That Trail Take You? Creating A Theme – For me - themes most often emerge from the experience rather than something I think about specifically in advance.

'Anthropocene Project' Artfully Captures How Humans Change Earth's Landscape: Goats and Soda: NPR – Some photographs from an exhibit currently in Bologna, Italy…depicting obvious, physical incursion on the Earth’s landscape created by humans.

Photographer Explores the Quiet Beauty of Venice at Night – A very different perspective on the city…sinking in its lagoon.

'Bathtub rings' around Titan's lakes might be made of alien crystals -- ScienceDaily – Rings made of solid acetylene and butane – maybe. It’s what happened in the lab. A spacecraft will need to visit Titan to know for sure.

Top 25 Wild Bird Photographs of the Week: July – National Geographic Society Newsroom – Birds!  There are so many different kinds out there.

Cholesterol medication could invite diabetes, study suggests: Patient data shows association between statins and type 2 diabetes -- ScienceDaily – A drug prescribed to reduce risk of heart attack and stroke…doubles the risk of diabetes diagnosis which would require other drugs to treat…for the rest of the person’s life. Not a good prospect.  

The Pomological Watercolors: A Collection of Watercolor Fruit Paintings – Watercolors of fruits and nuts created over 56 years beginning in 1886 by the US Department of Agriculture. They have recently been digitized and are available via the Pomological Watercolor Database. It’s not as easy to browse as a book in Internet Archive, unfortunately.

Ice Cores Preserved 1,500 Years of Industrial Lead Levels - Archaeology Magazine – I was surprised that lead levels in the atmosphere now are 60x higher than in the medieval period and that is an 80% decline since the enactment of the 1970 Clean Air act in the US. How is the lead in the air we breathe impacting our cognition – particularly for children?

Found: An ‘Undisturbed’ Roman Ship Near Cyprus | Smart News | Smithsonian – Lots of amphorae. Cyprus’ location would have made it a link on the trade route that spanned the Mediterranean but studying a wreck like this one could fill in more of the details.

New South Wales and Joseph Henry Maiden

Joseph Henry Maiden was advised to take a long sea voyage for his health when he was 21 years old. He left London for New South Wales (on the east coast of Australia) and stayed there for the rest of his life making a career as a botanist studying Australian Floral; he died in 1925 at the age of 66. There are quite a few of his publications available on Internet Archive. I particularly enjoyed illustrations in The Forest Flora of New South Wales (available here). The forest plants of Australia are often very different from North America….even though there are some that have been brought to places in North America where they could thrive (eucalyptus, for example).

Shirley Hibberd

Shirley Hibberd was one of the most popular and successful gardening writers of the Victorian Era. The name caught my eye on a list of authors of botanical books from the 1800s that were supposedly ‘Women in Natural History.’ I quickly discovered (via Wikipedia) that the author was a man! It reminded me of a choir director I’d known in my teenage years – also a man named Shirley. Following the tangent thought about Shirley as a first name – I found that Charlotte Bronte is the one that transitioned the name from male to female with her novel (Shirley) published in 1849.

Back to Shirley Hibberd - there are quite a few books available by Hibberd on Internet Archive (list here); some I had looked at years ago and some I found in June. My favorite of the June books was New and rare beautiful leaved plants published in 1870 and available on Internet Archive here.

Lots of ideas of house plants in this book. I was impressed by the variety of shapes, textures and colors.

Journal of Botanical Research Institute of Texas

16 volumes (from 2007 to 2014) of the Journal of Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT) are available from Internet Archive here. I browsed through all of them in late May and early June. It’s interesting to compare the botanical illustrations used for research papers today with those from the 1800s. There are still drawings that look very similar to botanical prints…but there are photographs too. The photographs have replaced the colored prints that were a cornerstone of the 1800s books (and made them collectable). I appreciated the drawings as I browsed these BRIT volumes. It is easier to see structures in the drawings than in the photographs (and it is easier to deconstruct drawings into Zentangle patterns)! The sample images from the volumes below show the wide range of illustration types. Click on an image to see an enlarged version.

I found this journal after I discovered Eula Whitehouse’s work back in March (see the blog post about her here). The organization she worked for eventually became BRIT.