Filling a Day of Social Distance – 4/1/2020 – eBotanical prints
/Continuing the blog post series prompted by COVID-19….
Here are the unique activities for yesterday:
Weighing in at a new low for the year. 0.6 pounds lower than my last ‘new low.’ I am celebrated with 2 squares of dark chocolate for breakfast!
Hearing the recycle truck at 6:25 AM. That’s their usual time. It’s reassuring to know that they are still on the job making their rounds…that some things continue at a normal pace. I am thankful to the crews to hoping they stay well.
Catching up on Cincinnati Zoo’s Home Safaris:
Making two Ad Rinehardt Black Painting inspired Zentangle® tiles. I didn’t make the whole tile black but I did make a black square. The technique was not the same either since I used Sharpies and layers rather than making the special matte low-oil paint that Rinehardt is known for. I finished the Rinehardt module in the Coursera course: In the Studio: Postwar Abstract Painting yesterday.
Taking breaks with nature cams. There are a lot of them out there! A post from the Nature Conservancy here (the spoonbills and alligators swamp cam can be very noisy in the morning – a great way to start the day – they are in the EDT zone). A list I collected from the Maryland Master Naturalist emails: (Barred Owl) (Bald Eagle - 2 young) (Great Blue Heron – 4 eggs) (Peregrine Falcon – 4 eggs) (Osprey – nest building)
Clearing my calendar for April. I had left some volunteer gigs on my calendar in April – being overly optimistic. I took them off this morning. The organizations are closed. Everyone is preparing for the coronavirus peak in Maryland; as of today, the model is saying it will be around April 28th. Maryland has a stay at home order (since 3/30), all educational facilities are closed (since 3/16), and non-essential services were closed (since 3/23…and the definition of non-essential is not ‘loose’). It looks like the social distancing measures are flattening our curve but there have been some outbreaks that are troubling (nursing home and mental hospital) and sad.
Links to my previous “filling a day of social distance” posts here.
And now for the normal monthly post about botanical prints from eBooks.
There are 16 new books added to the list in March. There is quite a variety this month --- mostly from the 1800s although one book from the late 1700s and another from the early 1900s, some color others drawings, exotic places (Ceylon, India, Madagascar, and Australia), some traditional botanical prints and some textbooks of botanical traits.
The volumes are all freely available on the Internet by clicking on the hyperlinked title. The whole list of 1,864 books can be accessed here. Sample images and links for the 16 new ones are provided below. (click on the sample image to see a larger view). Enjoy!
A hand-book to the flora of Ceylon Plates I-XXV * Trimen, Henry * sample image * 1893
A hand-book to the flora of Ceylon Plates XXVI-L * Trimen, Henry * sample image * 1893
A hand-book to the flora of Ceylon Plates LI-LXXV * Trimen, Henry * sample image * 1893
A hand-book to the flora of Ceylon Plates LXXVI-C * Trimen, Henry * sample image * 1893
The British flora, or, Genera and species of British plants V1 * Thornton, Robert John * sample image * 1812
The British flora, or, Genera and species of British plants V3 * Thornton, Robert John * sample image * 1812
Indian medicinal plants : plates * Kirtikara, Kanhoba Ranachodadasa; Basu, Saman Das * sample image * 1918
Histoire naturelle des plantes (Madagascar) Atlas V3 * Baillon, H; Drake del Castillo, E. * sample image * 1903
Histoire naturelle des plantes (Madagascar) Atlas V4 * Baillon, H; Drake del Castillo, E. * sample image * 1890
Histoire naturelle des plantes (Madagascar) Atlas V1 * Baillon, H; Drake del Castillo, E. * sample image * 1902
Histoire naturelle des plantes (Madagascar) Atlas V2 * Baillon, H; Drake del Castillo, E. * sample image * 1904
Giftpflanzen-Buch, oder, Allgemeine und besondere Naturgeschichte sämmtlicher inländischen sowie der wichtigsten ausländischen phanerogamischen und cryptogamischen Giftgewächse - Atlas * Berge, Friedrich * sample image * 1845
Traité de botanique générale V1 * Herincq, Francois * sample image * 1860
Traité de botanique générale V2 * Herincq, Francois * sample image * 1860
A specimen of the Botany of New Holland Vol 1 * Smith, James Edward * sample image * 1793
A course in botany and pharmacognosy * Kraemer, Henry * sample image * 1902