Kenilworth Gardens – Other Stuff
/Of course – lotuses, water lilies, buttonbushes and dragonflies were not the only things to see at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens last weekend. Even in the island of garden in the parking lot there were things to see. The most interesting (to me), were some tiny acorns on a lower branch of an oak
And a blue jay that seemed very acclimated to people.
I didn’t spend much time on the boardwalk out to the river but was there long enough to capture a sleepy duck.
There were some colorful canna leaves in the morning sun and
A gall on one of the trees with shelf fungus make it look something like a face (with a few too many eyes and eye brows!).
The showy flowers of the rose mallow seemed to be everywhere. I love the flowers with their deep red centers but maybe the tightly wrapped petal in bud form are ever more interesting. Enjoy the mallow slide show below!