Black Squirrel Antics
/I noticed a black squirrel at our feeder while I was watching one of the Crane Fiesta webinars…and took a few pictures.
Later I checked the birdfeeder cam and saw a series of squirrel antics - several strategies to get seed from the feeder. It started at the bottom where the holes are located and birds get seeds. As soon as the squirrel puts its weight on the feeder – the holes are closed! It got no seed that way.
Then it tried from the top. There is no seed at the top but the squirrel did a thorough sniff…trying to get into the feeder. No luck for the squirrel.
The next strategy was to jump on the feeder. The squirrel started out upside down then turned the other way while the feeder was swinging wildly…finally it jumped off the feeder.
It sat below the feeder for a bit – recovering – then left the area. Still hungry.
There was a black squirrel that visited our deck back in June but it didn’t explore the feeder. I wonder if this was the same individual. There have been times that I think I see a dark squirrel in our neighborhood as I drive out for errands. We see the gray/brown squirrels on our deck and at the feeder frequently…the black one is still ‘special’ because it doesn’t visit often.
Unique Activities for Yesterday:
Drying sunflower. I am still enjoying the sunflowers I bought earlier this month. They are drying on the windowsill in my office. I love the color that remains. I photographed one of them with a black fabric background so show off the color and curves.
Broken treetop. I glimpsed what I thought was a freshly broken tree through the pine needles from my office window and went out in the back yard (2 stories down) to see it without the pine being in the way. I was still looking though some other trees into my neighbor’s yard - but it does appear that one of the larger branches of a tree broke…and the top fell into the forest rather than toward houses. We did have a storm that came through last week with some high winds…which might have been when it happened.