Early Morning Grocery Shopping
/I left the house about 7 AM to do some grocery shopping having decided to ramp up supplies to 3 weeks so that I would always maintain at least a 2-week supply in my house until this initial wave of COVID-19 wanes. With daylight saving time in effect since Sunday, the sun was just rising. I took a quick picture through my car window before I turned out of my neighborhood.
I often shop early but this trip was a little earlier than usual. The store had been open for more than an hour but there weren’t many cars and I didn’t see anyone buying more than an item or two while I was there. They were out of hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and foaming hand soap. I have some supplies of those items and have backup plans should they run low: regular household cleaners, liquid and bar soaps. We found some additional travel sized hand sanitizers that will last if we use them only when soap and water is not available.
The jarred spaghetti sauces were very picked over, but I managed to find a jar of my second choice. The same was true of non-dairy milk. I was in no mood to wait until the shelves were re-stocked.
I selected fresh veggies that like usually buy (this week it was cauliflower, celery, 3 kinds of potatoes, dandelion greens) and then some freezer veggies that I will keep in case there is a week or two that I don’t want to go to the grocery store at all (so no fresh veggies).
There was only one checker open when I was ready to leave….but no waiting. I loaded everything in the car by shortly before 8 AM. The parking area for the store was still relatively sparse; there were probably more employees in the store than customers!