July Yard
/Our yard is entering its summer exuberance. We’re still getting enough rain to enable rapid growth of grass and bushes. Even the shade loving plants are lush at this time of year. I take a round of pictures every time we mow the lawn. My husband always starts the mowing, so I have time to take pictures and complete a few other chores before it is my turn.
I took the kitchen scraps that had accumulated in the garage container back to the compost bin and took a picture of a fly on a leaf of the nine bark bush before I shaped it with the pruners (and then carried the clippings back to the compost bin).
There were small mushrooms growing in the grass that I noticed on my way back from the compost bin. I was glad I noticed them then since they probably didn’t survive the mowing.
There were black-eyed Susan buds and clover in the front flowerbed (along with the day lilies). The black-eyed Susans will provide some color once the day lilies are done for the year although I did notice that there are several plants that have already had their buds eaten by deer.
The small holly that I trimmed a few weeks ago is growing a lot of new leaves right now. They’ll get a darker green as they mature. The prickles on the leaves keep the deer away.
And then there were a lot of small plants thriving in the deep shade under the deck: ferns and mosses primarily.
There is a Virginia Creeper on the sycamore trunk. It looks good against the peeling bark.