Sunrise – August 2020

It’s getting easier and easier to be up for sunrise. I was still a bit lazy this week and opted to photograph the sunrise from my front porch rather than getting in the car to find a place with a clearer view of the horizon. There are still plenty of leaves on the trees that block out any low view of the sun coming up in our neighborhood; a few clouds are required to see any color. It was a good view with the pink and orange wisps….and sky-blue background. Seeing a beautiful sunrise is always a good start to the day.

Unique Activities for Yesterday:

3 glass jars of flowers in the window. I am enjoying the kombucha jars reused as vases for flowers cut at the CSA; each one is a good size to hold 2-3 flowers. I have three on the windowsill in my office. The flowers in the center vase are a week old…the other two are from this week’s walk in the cutting garden (I also snipped catnip, stevia, and basil).


In the afternoon I took pictures when the sun was shining on the flowers…a little artsy photography. I sat far back in the office, rested the camera on my knee and zoomed in to get the pictures I wanted. Using the zoom rather than getting close to the subject captures more depth of field…and often gives a ‘painterly’ blurring that I like.

Hibiscus. I couldn’t resist stopping to photograph some yellow hibiscus in one of the beds to the side of one of the CSA barns. There are lots of buds on the plants - so we have a few more weeks of these flowers to enjoy. I’ll have to remember to look every week when I get my CSA share.