Cancer Diary – Entry 9
/The next milestone after cancer surgery is the appointment with the surgeon 2 weeks after. I’m writing this post a week after the surgery…so halfway to that milestone.
I spent the night after the surgery in the hospital. It was a miserable night with the head of the bed at a 30 degree angle….pressure cuffs on legs…throat sore after two rounds of anesthesia…IVs. Sleep was not possible although I felt deeply exhausted. I ordered breakfast as early as I could…the first food since the day before surgery: scrambled eggs and fresh fruit. Eating was slower going than I anticipated because my throat was sore, and swallowing was not quite back to normal; on the plus side – I really savored that meal! There was the taking of meds (more challenging because of swallowing issue), waiting around for release orders, and finally it was time to go. The coordination of me being wheeled down to the pickup point just as my husband pulled up was successful...and I was on my way home on a sunny cold day.
My priority after getting home was to have some lunch (a smoothie) and then organize myself to follow the discharge instructions. There were not a lot of meds…but enough that were new-to-me that I made a little chart to make sure I took them at the right times for the upcoming week. The situation was more challenging because we decided that in all the flurry with my evening in the hospital, the risk of being exposed to COVID was enough that I needed to be sequestered in the house. I had two rooms upstairs to myself and would wear a mask elsewhere in the house; the sequestering continued through a negative rapid test on day 5 and then day 7. Getting my meals and carrying them back upstairs to eat…juggling to open and close doors…almost required more coordination that I could muster!
Pain was not a problem but the visual of the red and purple color that had moved from the hematoma location down across the front of my chest was disturbing. It was a shock to my sense of self that I had not anticipated…my body looked so different than before…a stranger to myself. I wanted it to improve rapidly; instead - the purple and red color reached its worst the day after I came home from hospital and then seemed to just stay the same for several days; some areas are still purple a week after; I’m hearted that some areas have faded to yellow; the body is cleaning up what happened.
My sleep improved at home but did not return to pre-surgery ‘normal’ until close to the end of the week. Every little odd twinge or tightness was something I monitored….constantly feeling the need to reassure myself that everything was OK. I noticed feeling ‘different’ as I was drifting in and out of sleep – my mind working on whether it was the surgery, the mediations, or just sleep changes…the net was little deep sleep the first few nights. I napped several times during the first half of the week to make up for the poor sleep during the night. By the end of the first week, sleep and energy level during the day were returning to normal.
My meals had been mostly things like smoothies and soup – easy to swallow – but I graduated to more normal fare by about the 5th day when my husband got us take out from Chipotle (no chips for me, though). The next day I made corn bread muffins with added cranberry/orange relish – somehow I had gotten very hungry for them! I had prepped a meatloaf before my surgery…stored it in the freezer. I moved it from the freezer to refrigerator to thaw the day before and my husband put it in the oven with some baked potatoes.
Bottom line – there are still a few residuals of the surgery that I am noticing 1 week afterward (swallowing not back to normal, color from hematoma event not totally faded) but overall, I am feeling good. Next week, I’ll have to experiment with how to cover up my scar when I am out and about; it helps that it is cold this time of year and bundling up is the norm!