Lake Springfield Meadow (2)
/Continuing from yesterday’s post about our photography at Lake Springfield….this post features the images from my bridge camera (Canon Powershot SX70 HS).
The water at the edges of the lake was low enough for lotus to flourish. There were still a few blooms. The sun was shining though one of the leaves showing its intricate veins.
I used my camera’s zoom to photograph the meadow from the path or mowed area. There were plenty of flowers to photograph.
And critters too. There was a large spider that was mostly hidden behind its web.
The grasshoppers were still enough for some photography. One was much smaller than the others and I wondered if it was an earlier instar of the larger ones.
The skippers were active. I didn’t see larger butterflies…maybe it wasn’t warm enough yet.
Dragonflies were flitting about…harder to photograph. One stayed on the asphalt path for a few seconds…a terrible background but the image shows the great color and structure of the body (too bad that the wings don’t show up very well).
Another was on a grass head for longer and I moved to get a better angle. The light on the body showed the structure and colors better than I remember seeing in the past. There was a notch out of one of the forewings and some wear on the trailing edge of both wings on that side. This was not a recently emerged dragonfly!
Overall – a lot to see and photograph with a short walk.