Newport Farm Birding

Our last morning of the Winter Delmarva Birding Weekend was at Newport Farm – a privately owned area near Ocean City with lots of conserved and managed wetlands. We gathered outside the gate along the road before carpooling into the farm building area.

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In one if the first ponds, we saw Tundra Swans and Brant. Both species breed much furthers north and are only around in winter along the Maryland coast.

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Soon after we saw them, the swans took off for their day of foraging elsewhere.

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There were American White Pelicans on one of the ponds as well. I managed to catch one of them getting breakfast. This is another bird that is only in the area during the winter.

At the end of a road with water on the sides – a fox looked out over a meadow, then noticed us. It seemed torn about which way to go….started back toward us then ran into the trees before it got close to our group. These pictures were at about the maximum of my camera’s zoom capability!

Two Great Blue Herons were at the edge of one of the ponds. Maybe they have a nest nearby….eggs will be laid soon.

There were lots of plants that still held berries and seeds for wildlife.

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The clouds were thick enough that the morning never got very bright.

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Maybe the pelicans were enjoying a relaxing morning…not being very active. I photographed a group where only one seemed to be very awake…and keen to swallow breakfast that must have been in his pouch…tilting the head back, the pouch upright.

And that was the last of the 3-day weekend of birding close to the Atlantic coast of Delaware and Maryland.

Assateague Island Visitor Center

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Our first Delmarva Birding field trip was on the last Friday in January. We parked at the Assateague Island Visitor Center near Berlin, Maryland. It was cold and windy; there had been mist as we were driving but it was dry for the afternoon. They had large table maps of Assateague Island at the visitor center; we’d been to the Tom’s Cove end of the Island (when we went to Chincoteague, Virginia) but had never been to the northern part of the island.

After the group gathered, we headed off toward the Verrazano Bridge which has a nice walk/bike path on a separate span than the car traffic.

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Before we got to the bridge we saw a Mockingbird and then a cluster of Greater Black-backed Gulls as we started up the ramp of the bridge.

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Once on the bridge, there was a lot to see in the water underneath. I managed to photograph a few birds. There were a pair of Horned Grebe (non-breeding plumage) and then I got another as a silhouette in the glints of sunlight.

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A Red-Breasted Merganser (male) was below as well.

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The Bufflehead were numerous but diving a lot. I managed a few pictures…but they were mostly blurs or butts.

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We headed back to the visitor center and then on the trail toward the Rackliffe Plantation House. A Great Blue Heron was feeding in the wetland grasses.

I couldn’t resist a few botanical photos – a pinecone with sun glint needles in the background and a twig with some very curly lichen.

A flock of Brant (a small goose) were avoiding the golfers on the course.

They would fly up occasionally…move a short distance…settle down again.

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Then there were some Eastern Bluebirds that flew into some trees near our group…kept a wary eye on us.

We then hiked back to the visitor center and caravaned around toward the entrance to Rum Point Seaside Golf Links. The ponds had Ring-necked Ducks (and mallard and black ducks).

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A Great Egret was searching for food nearby.

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There were also some Canada Geese in a field. I am including a picture here to compare with the Brant. The Brant are smaller but they are both geese so have a similar look.

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And then the Canada Geese took off…and it was the ending time for the field trip anyway!

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Back Bay Birding Boat Trip

Our afternoon session on the second day at the Cape May Spring (birding) Festival, was a pontoon boat trip around Cape May’s back bay (Cape May Harbor and tidal wetlands along the Intracoastal Waterway). I saw more birds than I could photograph…but the boat was steady enough for photography as well. Can you identify the birds in this picture?

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They are easy enough: American Oystercatcher, Black-bellied Plover (2 of them), and a Laughing Gull. I didn’t identify the one facing the water.

There were lots of Laughing Gulls and they were close enough for portraits.

There were a few Brant (geese) that hadn’t left yet. From far away they look a little like a Canada Goose but smaller; taking a closer look…the markings are quite different.

Double-Crested Cormorants were abundant.

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I took a picture of the Great and Snowy Egrets to provide a comparison of the two birds in the same photo: size, bill color, etc.

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There was an island where there were a lot of nesting Laughing Gulls and Forster’s Terns.

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The terns (different stages of development) were feeding on the mud flat.

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A Least Tern seemed to enjoy the bobbing of a barrel.

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By far the ‘star’ of the nesting birds were the Osprey.  They seemed to be nesting on everything sticking out of the water that could hold a nest!

The Peregrine Falcons were also using a man-made structure for their nesting site: a bridge. The bird was protecting her young as our boat went underneath the bridge. The female was with the chicks. The male was having lunch on the next bridge support over.

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Being on a boat provides a different perspective….and we would not have seen the falcon any other way. Even though many of the birds seemed to be watching our progress…they were not disturbed by the boat as they are by large groups of people moving about on land.