eBotanical Prints – October 2022

20 botanical books in October. I continued to enjoy books about gladioli – finding them in September but saving them to browse in October; they are catalogs from a nursery that specialized in the bulbs that was in Indiana. I will probably plant some gladioli bulbs next spring…bring back some memories of my grandparents growing them for cut flowers during my childhood summers.   

There was a botanical atlas and textbook this month. And - I found quite a few publications by German botanists in October; 13 of the 20 books are in German!

The whole list of 2,492 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the October 2022 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the October 2022 eBotanical Prints!

Kunderd gladioli : 1925 / A.E. Kunderd * Kunderd, A.E. * sample image * 1925

Fourteen weeks in botany : being an illustrated flora  * Wood, Alphoso; Steele, Joel Dorman * sample image * 1879

Kunderd gladioli : 1922 * Kunderd, A.E. * sample image * 1922

The Botanical Atlas: A Guide to the Practical Study of Plants, containing Representatives of the Leading Forms of Plant Life, Vol. II * M'Alpine, Daniel * sample image * 1883

Kunderd gladioli for 1923 * Kunderd, A.E. * sample image * 1923

Kunderd gladioli for 1929 * Kunderd, A.E. * sample image * 1929

Lehrbuch der praktischen Pflanzenkunde in Wort und Bild * Hoffmann, Carl  * sample image * 1880

Die Coniferen und die Gnetaceen V2 * Strasburger, Eduard * sample image * 1872

A text-book of botany * Strasburger, Eduard; Schenck, Heinrich; Noll, Fritz; Karsten, George; Lang, William Henry * sample image * 1908

Vegetationsbilder ser 1  * Karsten, George; Schenck, Heinrich * sample image * 1904

Vegetationsbilder ser 2 * Karsten, George; Schenck, Heinrich * sample image * 1905

Vegetationsbilder ser 3 * Karsten, George; Schenck, Heinrich * sample image * 1906

Vegetationsbilder ser 4 * Karsten, George; Schenck, Heinrich * sample image * 1906

Vegetationsbilder ser 6 * Karsten, George; Schenck, Heinrich * sample image * 1909

Vegetationsbilder ser 7 * Karsten, George; Schenck, Heinrich * sample image * 1910

Vegetationsbilder ser 8 * Karsten, George; Schenck, Heinrich * sample image * 1911

Vegetationsbilder ser 9 * Karsten, George; Schenck, Heinrich * sample image * 1912

Vegetationsbilder ser 11 * Karsten, George; Schenck, Heinrich * sample image * 1914

Vegetationsbilder aus Südbrasilien * Wettstein, Richard * sample image * 1904

Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Vegetation der Canarischen Inseln Bd 2 T 1 Lief 2 * Schenck, Heinrich; Schimper, Andreas Franz Wilhelm * sample image * 1907

2 more Sir Arthur Evans eBooks on Internet Archive


The Rubáiyát of a Persian Kitten

Oliver Herford’s The Rubáiyát of a Persian Kitten is available from Internet Archive…it was published in 1904 with his drawings….showing that the antics of kittens were as amusing more than 100 years ago as they are today. The swatting of the ink bottle on the desk might date one of the sample images I selected, but the motion of the kitten is familiar… and equally disastrous for any small breakable/spillable object on a counter or table…as we experience every day with our 3 kittens.

Enjoy browsing this book online: The Rubáiyát of a Persian kitten!

Carl Lumholtz eBooks

I am featuring 5 books, available from Internet Archive, by Norwegian explorer and ethnographer, Carl Lumholtz. His way of working influenced the field of ethnography – broadening the field to include of social relationships, attitudes, and the role of women. The illustrations from 4 books about his work in Mexico skew toward material culture – which was, from the beginning, part of ethnography; he spent longer in the field than most researchers of the time. He was in Mexico off and on between 1890 and 1910.

Decorative art of the Huichol Indians (1904)

New Trails in Mexico (1912)

Unknown Mexico V1 (1902)

Unknown Mexico V2 (1902)

His expedition to Borneo was from 1915-1918 and it turned out to be his last. The sample image I chose from this book is a high-status couple. I was intrigued by the woman’s clothing…of the different kinds of materials and where they might have originated.

Through Central Borneo (1920)

 Lumholtz died in 1922 of tuberculosis.

eBotanical Prints – September 2022

20 botanical print books in September. My favorite books are the third and last ones on the list…because they reminded me of some of my own history. The third book is about the plants of the Four Corners area of the southwest US (New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah) – a lot of great vacation memories over the past 50 years. The last book on the list is about gladioli and it reminded me of my maternal grandfather’s garden in the 1960s. He had a long row of gladioli and there were always plenty of flower stalks to cut for bouquets; the most common place for the big vase was on top of the tea cart under my grandmother’s portrait; that tea cart is now in my daughter’s house.

The whole list of 2,472 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the September 2022 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the September 2022 eBotanical Prints!

Flora Costaricensis No. 18 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1986

Flora Costaricensis No. 49 * Pupulin, Franco * sample image * 2010

Flora of the four corners region * Heil, Kenneth D. * sample image * 2013

Fossil floras of Cape Colony * Seward, Albert Charles * sample image * 1903

Plant life through the ages * Seward, Albert Charles * sample image * 1933

Links with the past in the plant world * Seward, Albert Charles * sample image * 1911

Lewis David von Schweinitz drawings of fungi Part IV * Schweinitz, Lewis David Von * sample image * 1805

Historia muscorum * Dillenius, Johann Jakob * sample image * 1741

The Miscellaneous Botanical Works, Vol. III- Atlas of Plates * Brown, Robert * sample image * 1868

The Botanical Atlas: A Guide to the Practical Study of Plants, containing Representatives of the Leading Forms of Plant Life, Vol. I  * M'Alpine, D. * sample image * 1883

Eucalyptographia: A Descriptive Atlas of the Eucalypts of Australia and the Adjoining Islands * Mueller, Ferdinand von * sample image * 1879

Iconography of Australian species of Acacia and cognate genera * Mueller, Ferdinand von * sample image * 1887

The Vegetation of the Chatham Islands * Mueller, Ferdinand von * sample image * 1864

Description and illustrations of the myoporinous plants of Australia * Mueller, Ferdinand von * sample image * 1886

Histoire Naturelle des Vegetaux; Phanerogames; Atlas- Renfermant 152 planches gravees sur aoier  * Spach, M. Eduard * sample image * 1846

Atlas du Repertoire des Plantes Utiles et des Plantes Veneneuses du Globe  * Duchesne, E. A.  * sample image * 1840

Botanischer bilder-atlas nach De Candolle's Natürlichem pflanzensystem * Hoffman, Carl * sample image * 1884

The Alpine Flora * Correvon, Henry; Robert Philippe; Clayforth, E.W. * sample image * 1911

Atlas des caractères spécifiques des plantes de la flore parisienne & de la flore rémoise  * Lemoine, Victor * sample image * 1880

Gladioli * Macself, Albert James * sample image * 1925

120 interiors…from 1912

I like books that reflect when they were written…provide illustrations that allow easy comparison with today. Casimir Hermann Baer edited 120 interiors in colours, designed by modern artists and it was published in 1912 in Cleveland OH. It’s interesting to pick out elements of the designs that look familiar. It’s one of my favorite ways to think more deeply about history – in this case, the best-that-money-could-buy shelter in 1912…in contrast to modern homes. Here’s are some samples from the book:

Open floor plans and natural light

Bedrooms with plenty of storage, rugs near the bed

Plenty of room for dining

Sometimes exotic wall treatments and high ceils for entries/stairs…chandeliers

These illustrations are clearly not from 2022!

There were no pictures of kitchens or bathrooms in the books. Those have changed a lot over the last century!

Advertising and British Art in the 1920s

Walter Shaw Sparrow published Advertising and British Art in 1924. The illustrations in the book are historical as art…also for what they were ‘selling.’ Quite a few of them were about travel…places to go and how to get there!

The book got me thinking about art and advertising 100 years later. We do so much with photographs and digital media now….very different than the 1920s. Some of us have shifted somewhat to experience over additional possessions when it comes to discretionary spending – which would fit in with the ideas for travel in the book. But it seems like most of my ideas come from destination or topical searches rather than advertisements!

Through my office window – September 2022

I am finally situated to do ‘through the window’ photography from my home office in Missouri. The last tweaks were to put the screen in storage and clean the window. I also moved one of the bird baths for easier viewing. My husband and I moved a bird feeder to be surrounded on three sides by hollies….the open side being visible from my window; the other feeder, in a more open space, has become secondary based on bird traffic. Here are the best images from this month:

House finches at the bird bath

Rain drops pelting the bird bath

A chickadee that seemed to be looking at me!

Goldfinches at the feeder

A downy woodpecker at the feeder

Doves taking over one of the patio chairs

Reflecting the world when my grandparents were born

I recently browsed 12 books by Clifton Johnson in Internet Archive and realized that the years when they were published (1893 to 1915) were just prior and during the years my grandparents were born (1901-1912). My grandparents were born in Oklahoma and Texas; these places were not direct subjects of any of the books, but I thought my grandfather born in 1901 might have walked down a dusty road in Texas kicking up dust…dressed in overalls and a hat…just as pictured in The Farmer’s Boy. I couldn’t tell whether the boy in the picture had shoes or not; my grandfather talked about not wearing shoes when he was a child if it was warm enough because they always fit poorly and there was never enough money to buy new ones that fit. In the picture of “a schoolgirl at home” in Highways and Byways of the South – the bonnet reminds me of the type one of my grandmother’s wore when she was working outdoors for the duration of her long life.  

Johnson used both drawings and photographs to illustrate his books. The majority on this list are travel type books…but there are some fairy tale books too! According to the Wikipedia entry about him, he treated photographic prints as a “rough draft” – a challenging decision in pre-Photoshop days! He lived most of his life in the northeast of the US but travelled broadly…recording what he saw.

The Oak-Tree Fairy Book

The Farmer's Boy

New England and Its Neighbors

Highways and Byways of California

The New England Country

Highways and Byways of the Great Lakes

Highways and Byways of the Rocky Mountains

The Country School in New England

The book of country clouds and sunshine

Highways and Byways of the South

The Land of Heather

A book of fairy-tale bears; selections from favorite folk-lore stories


Enjoy the sample images (one from each book)!

Town Planning in 1909

Raymond Unwin’s 1909 Town planning in practice: an introduction to the art of designing cities and suburbs is available in Internet Archive…a snapshot of the ideas of period with illustrations of examples. The illustrations I found most interesting were town/city plans. The ones from Moscow and the excavated part of Pompeii are the two samples I picked from the book.

Of course – a lot has changed in all the places shown in the book in the years since it was published but there are anchors in the built environment that are still around….sometimes perturbing modernization efforts and making infrastructure improvement more challenging. And there are some concepts that are still very much in evidence in modern cities – like ring roads (interstates) that surround all our major cities!

eBotanical Prints – August 2022

20 botanical print books in August. My favorite book this month is the one about tree silhouettes! I will continue to browse Flora Costaricensis series in September.  

The whole list of 2,452 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the August 2022 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the August 2022 eBotanical Prints!

The Plant World Vol IX 1906 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1906

The Plant World Vol X 1907 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1907

The Plant World Vol XI 1908 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1908

The Plant World Vol XIII 1910 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1910

The Plant World Vol XIV 1911 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1911

How to draw & ink trees & shrubs in silhouette * Ehrlich, Frederic * sample image * 1931

The Plant World Vol XV 1912 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1912

The Plant World Vol XVII 1914 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1914

The Plant World Vol XVII 1915 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1915

The Plant World Vol XIX 1916 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1916

Flora Costaricensis No. 13 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1983

Flora Costaricensis No. 23 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1990

Flora Costaricensis No. 28 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1991

Flora Costaricensis No. 33 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1993

Flora Costaricensis No. 35 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1971

Flora Costaricensis No. 36 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1995

Flora Costaricensis No. 40 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1977

Flora Costaricensis No. 40 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1999

Flora Costaricensis No. 41 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 2000

Flora Costaricensis No. 45 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 2005

Macdougall Illustrations

William Brown Macdougall was a Scottish book illustrator. I’ve browsed 5 books on Internet Archive that he illustrated. The last three on the list were authored by his wife, Margaret Armour. These are easy books to browse….enjoy Macdougall’s illustrations…and the snapshot it represents of art history.  

Rockwell Kent illustrations

Earlier this summer I browsed two books written and illustrated by Rockwell Kent and available on Internet Archive. According to the Wikipedia entry, he spent an extended period in Alaska (1918-19) and Tierra del Fuego (1922-23) so the art in these books emerged from being immersed in a place rather than a quick visit.  He is quoted as saying ‘I want to paint the rhythm of eternity.’

I selected two images from each book but there are many more that are just as appealing in both books….worth the time to take a look. These are not the typical illustrations of adventure and travel; they skew toward a deep inner journey….the place being a backdrop.

Wilderness; a journal of quiet adventure in Alaska (1920)

Gothic Ornament eBooks by John Henry Parker

John Henry Parker published archeology/architecture books in the mid-1800s and I am featuring his books on Gothic ornament as the ‘books of the week.’ There are three of them available on Internet Archive.

A manual of gothic mouldings, and continuous ornament (1847)

A manual of gothic stone carving (1855)

A manual of surface ornament (1855)

The images are great prompts for Zentangle tiles!

I also think about the ornaments in terms of history – the people that labored to create them, the places where their work survived, and how the spaces were used…are still used today – or maybe how the wars between the 1850s and today might have destroyed some of them. The ornaments on outer surfaces of buildings could been damaged by the elements or air pollution too. So – these books also represent a snapshot of what was observable at the time Parker wrote.

He also published a series of books about Rome: The Archeology of Rome which are available on Internet Archive…worth browsing.

eBotanical Prints – July 2022

20 botanical print books in July. The topics include: plant relations/structures/geography (3), roses, gardens, orchids, ferns, water plants/lilies (3), wildflowers (3), and The Plant World periodicals (7). I will continue to browse The Plant World periodicals into August.  

The whole list of 2,432 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the July 2022 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the July 2022 eBotanical Prints!

Plant relations * Coulter, John Merle * sample image * 1901

Plant Structures * Coulter, John Merle * sample image * 1906

Popular geography of plants; or, A botanical excursion round the world  * Catlow, Maria E.; Daubeny, Charles * sample image * 1855

Roses and their Cultivation * Sanders, Thomas William * sample image * 1917

The Flower Garden * Sanders, Thomas William * sample image * 1919

Select orchidaceous plants [First series] by Robert Warner ; the notes on culture by Benjamin S. Williams. * Warner, Robert * sample image * 1865

Select ferns and lycopods * Williams, Benjamin Samuel * sample image * 1873

The Water Garden * Tricker, William * sample image * 1897

Water-lilies and how to grow them * Conard, Henry S.; Hus, Henry * sample image * 1907

The waterlilies: a monograph of the genus Nymphaea  * Conard, Henry S. * sample image * 1905

Wild flower preservation; a collector's guide * Coley, May; Weatherby, Charles Alfred * sample image * 1915

Useful wild plants of the United States and Canada * Saunders, Charles Francis; Aring, Lucy Hamilton (illustrator) * sample image * 1920

California Wild Flowers * Saunders, Elisabeth Hallowell * sample image * 1905

The Plant World Vol VI 1903 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1903

The Plant World Vol V 1902 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1902

The Plant World Vol IV 1901 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1901

The Plant World Vol III 1900 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1900

The Plant World Vol II 1899 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1899

The Plant World Vol I 1898 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1898

The Plant World Vol VII 1904 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1904

Japan’s 1891 Earthquake

The Great Earthquake in Japan, 1891 is available on Internet Archive; it was published shortly after the event and includes photographs by K. Ogawa. I picked 6 of them for this blog post. They must have been some of the first pictures of a major earthquake and I wonder how many people saw them around the world. Photography extends the understanding of this type of disaster beyond the people experiencing the destruction more effectively to the general population than written descriptions or drawings.

The Wikipedia article for this earthquake says that this is the still the largest known inland earthquake to have occurred in the Japanese archipelago.

One of the authors of the text, John Milne, had been in Japan since 1876 and had focused on seismology in Japan following an earthquake in February 1880 and initiated what would become the earthquake reporting system of the Japan Meteorological Agency. The 1891 earthquake was well measured because of the proactive work in the decades before it occurred and added to the data in the reporting system allowing for better understanding of aftershocks.

Mesozoic Plants

The 3 volume Catalogue of the Mesozoic plants in the Department of Geology, British Museum was published between 1894 and 1900…authored by Albert Charles Seward early in his career and earned him membership in the Royal Society at the youthful age of 35. The specimens are from the Wealden beds; the most important finds came from near Hastings. The beds accumulated in a freshwater estuary or lake and include representatives of many plants. The volumes are available on Internet Archive: Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3. Seward devoted years to create the catalog: sifting through the fossils…organizing the material…creating images. It was a worthy endeavor and set the trajectory for the rest of his life.

As I browsed these books, I made a game of looking for plants I recognized in the fossils…ferns, conifers, ginkgo-like leaves.

eBotanical Prints – June 2022

22 botanical print books in June. The topics were wide ranging: Japanese landscape gardening, sweet peas (4 books), roses, conifers (2 books), lawns, wayside trees (4 books), natural history of plants (7 books), and irises. The books were published a 56 year period; 5 have color illustrations.

The whole list of 2,412 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the June 2022 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the June eBotanical Prints!

Supplement to Landscape gardening in Japan * Conder, Josiah; Ogawa, Kengo * sample image * 1893

All about sweet peas * Hutchins, W.T. * sample image * 1894

The modern culture of sweet peas * Stevenson, Thomas * sample image * 1910

Sweet peas and how to grow them * Thomas, Harry Higgott * sample image * 1909

The rose book, a complete guide for amateur rose growers * Thomas, Harry Higgott; Easlea, Walter * sample image * 1914

Field notes of sweet peas * Morse, Lester, L. * sample image * 1916

Illustrations of Conifers - V2 * Clinton-Baker, Henry William * sample image * 1909

Illustrations of Conifers - V3 * Clinton-Baker, Henry William * sample image * 1913

Lawns, and how to make them, together with the proper keeping of putting greens * Barron, Leonard * sample image * 1909

Wayside Trees - Series 1 * Mathews, Ferdinand Shuyler * sample image * 1899

Wayside Trees - Series 2 * Mathews, Ferdinand Shuyler * sample image * 1899

Wayside Trees - Series 3 * Mathews, Ferdinand Shuyler * sample image * 1899

Wayside Trees - Series 4 * Mathews, Ferdinand Shuyler * sample image * 1899

The natural history of plants, their forms, growth, reproduction, and distribution V1 pt 1 * Kerner, Anton Joseph, ritter von Marilaun * sample image * 1896

The natural history of plants, their forms, growth, reproduction, and distribution V2  pt 1 * Kerner, Anton Joseph, ritter von Marilaun * sample image * 1896

The natural history of plants, their forms, growth, reproduction, and distribution V2  pt 2 * Kerner, Anton Joseph, ritter von Marilaun * sample image * 1896

The natural history of plants, their forms, growth, reproduction, and distribution V5 * Kerner, Anton Joseph, ritter von Marilaun * sample image * 1896

The natural history of plants, their forms, growth, reproduction, and distribution V6 * Kerner, Anton Joseph, ritter von Marilaun * sample image * 1896

A handbook of garden irises * Dykes, William Rickatson * sample image * 1924

The genus Iris * Dykes, William Rickatson, Round, F.H. * sample image * 1913

Encyclopédie d'histoire naturelle V1 Bontanique * Chenu, Jean Charles * sample image * 1873

Encyclopédie d'histoire naturelle V2 Bontanique * Chenu, Jean Charles * sample image * 1868

Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu

James Edward Quibbell’s book Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu was published in 1908 and is available on Internet Archive. Yuaa and Thuiu (Yuya and Thuya on Wikipedia) were ancient Egyptian courtiers…parents of Queen Tiye, the Great Royal Wife of Amenhotep III. The tomb was discovered in 1905 and was the best-preserved tomb discovered in the Valley of the Kings before that of Tutankhamun, their great-grandson. Both probably died in their early to mid-50s. Their mummies were largely intact, and the pictures of the faces show the sophistication of the mummification process in preserving the facial features.

Quibbell’s book includes many photographs of the contents of the tomb. He documented the find with many photographs very quickly after the initial discovery just as Carter would later do for the Tut tomb. Certainly, these finds and the documentation of them initially and over the years since, has increased the interest in ancient Egypt.

The initial publications may not be a starting point for learning about these finds now that there are books with color photographs of the artifacts, but they do provide insight from the historical perspective of the men that made the discoveries…and how much they learned from the excavation and first look at the artifacts. They are well worth browsing!

Morris’ A History of British Birds

The 8 volumes of A History of British Birds by Francis Orpen Morris are available on Internet Archive. I enjoyed browsing the images this past spring. I’ve selected an image from each book to share in this post.

(vol 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Volume 6 included two birds seen frequently in North America: the coot and the Canada goose.

Volume 7 included the Great Auk which was probably extinct – or near extinct – by the time the books were published in 1862. There were some birds – such as the swallow (volume 2) and the cormorant (volume 8)– that had generic entries.

Morris was an Irish clergyman – a ‘parson-naturalist’ of the 1800s; his professional role accommodated his natural history interests. According to the Wikipedia entry about him, he was a pioneer of the movement to protect birds from the plume trade…refused to accept the theory of evolution.