Books and Bulletins from The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities

This week’s collection of books from Internet Archive are from The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm. The first two are books published in the 1960s. The rest are bulletins from 1929 to 2003. So many things to browse! I primarily looked at the images but some of the articles caught my attention as well. These volumes are a mix of history and art….from a part of the world I have never visited…but enjoy from afar. Enjoy the sample images from each volume!

Sung Ming: Treasures from the Holger Lauritzen Collection

Korean Ceramics

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 01

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 02

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 03

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 04

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 05

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 06

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 07

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 08

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 09

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 10

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 11

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 12

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 13

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 14

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 15

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 16

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 17

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 18

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 19

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 20

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 21

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 22

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 23

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 24

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 25

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 26

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 27

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 28

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 29

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 30

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 31

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 32

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 33

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 34

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 35

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 36

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 37

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 38

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 39

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 40

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 41

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 42

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 43

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 44

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 45

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 46

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 47

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 49

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 50

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 53

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 54

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 55

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 56

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 57

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 58

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 60

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 61

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 62

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 63

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 64

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 67

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 68

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 70

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 71

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 72

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 73

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities - Bulletin 75

1912 version of Twas the Night Before Christmas

Project Gutenberg has the 1912 version of Clement C. Moore’s Twas the Night Before Christmas illustrated by Jessie Wilcox Smith. The Santa is more elf like….short, very round…and not dressed in red and white! A little perspective on how the vision of Christmas has changed over the last 100 years….

Twas the Night Before Christmas

eBotanical Prints – November 2023

Twenty-four more books were added to the botanical print collection in November – available for browsing on Internet Archive. More than half the publications this month contain color images; I’m always pleased when I find new-to-me botanical books with images like these.

The publication range for this group is 1727-2012; it is interesting the think about how the technology behind publication of books such as these changes over that 200+ years.

The whole list of 2,761 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the November 2023 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the November 2023 eBotanical Prints!

Medical botany; or, illustrations and descriptions of the medicinal plants of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin pharmacopoeias: Comprising a poular and scientific account of poisonous vegetables indigenous to Great Britain V1 * Stephenson, John; Churchill, James Morss; Burnett, Gilbert Thomas * sample image * 1834

Medical botany; or, illustrations and descriptions of the medicinal plants of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin pharmacopoeias: Comprising a poular and scientific account of poisonous vegetables indigenous to Great Britain V2 * Stephenson, John; Churchill, James Morss; Burnett, Gilbert Thomas * sample image * 1834

Medical botany; or, illustrations and descriptions of the medicinal plants of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin pharmacopoeias: Comprising a poular and scientific account of poisonous vegetables indigenous to Great Britain V3 * Stephenson, John; Churchill, James Morss; Burnett, Gilbert Thomas * sample image * 1834

Medical botany; or, illustrations and descriptions of the medicinal plants of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin pharmacopoeias: Comprising a poular and scientific account of poisonous vegetables indigenous to Great Britain V4 * Stephenson, John; Churchill, James Morss; Burnett, Gilbert Thomas * sample image * 1834

Flora and pomona, or, the British fruit and flower garden * McIntosh, Charles * sample image * 1829

On buds and Stipules * Lubbock, John * sample image * 1899

George Engelmann :botanical notebook 38 : Yucca (Agavaceae) * Engelmann, George * sample image * 1851

On Welwitschia :a new genus of Gnetaceae * Hooker, Joseph Dalton * sample image * 1864

Annales Musei botanici lugduno-batavi V1 (1863) * Miquel, Fredrich Anton Wilhelm (editor) * sample image * 1863

Annales Musei botanici lugduno-batavi V2 (1866) * Miquel, Fredrich Anton Wilhelm (editor) * sample image * 1866

Annales Musei botanici lugduno-batavi V3 (1867) * Miquel, Fredrich Anton Wilhelm (editor) * sample image * 1867

Annales Musei botanici lugduno-batavi V4 (1869) * Miquel, Fredrich Anton Wilhelm (editor) * sample image * 1869

Cycadeae quaedam americanae, partim novae * Miquel, Fredrich Anton Wilhelm  * sample image * 1851

Monographia cycadearum * Miquel, Fredrich Anton Wilhelm  * sample image * 1842

Monographia generis Melocacti  * Miquel, Fredrich Anton Wilhelm  * sample image * 1840

Stirpes Surinamenses selectae * Miquel, Fredrich Anton Wilhelm (compiler) * sample image * 1851

Botanicon parisiense * Aubriet, Claude; Boerhaave, Herman; Vaillant, Sebastien; Verbeek, H.; Verbeek, J.; Wandelaar, Jan * sample image * 1727

Botanical review, or the beauties of flora * Donovan, E. * sample image * 1790

Botanical Report * Eduran, Elias; Hilgard, Theod. C. * sample image * 1855

Astragalogia, nempe astragali, biserrulae et oxytropidis *     Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de; Didot,; Garnery, Joann. Bapt.; Redoute, Pierre Joseph * sample image * 1802

Botanique (atlas from Astolabe Expdeition 1837-1840) * Hombron, Jacques Bernard; Decaisne, Joseph; Dumont d'Urville, Jules-Sébastien-César; Jacquinot, Charles Hector; Montagne, Jean François Camille * sample image * 1845

Text-book of structural and physiological botany * Thome, Otto Wilhelm; Bennett, Alfred William * sample image * 1877

Khawa karpo :Tibetan traditional knowledge and biodiversity conservation * Moseley, Robert K.; Salick, Jan * sample image * 2012

Advances in legume biology * Stirton, C.H.; Zarucchi, Jame Lee * sample image * 1989

History via art

Hannah (Nannie) Hudson Moore’s 1905 book includes many examples of children in paintings. My favorites are not the princes and princesses (which seem to be the majority). I like the ones that depict children that were obviously well cared for…in poses that look like children! Children then must have moved the way they do now – learning to walk and run…being outdoors…having quiet time indoors. Often the clothes seem cumbersome. How did they play? From another perspective - I always wonder if the children in the pictures managed to grow to adulthood; life expectancy was shorter then with a lot of children succumbing to diseases that are not prevented by vaccines. The book is available from Internet Archive:

Children of other days;notable pictures of children of various countries and times, after paintings by great masters

Decorative Arts Before WWI eBooks

James Ward was an Irish artist known for his murals in Dublin City Hall. It turns out that he was also a writer of textbooks including two books about decorative art and ornament…including the use of color published in 1909 and 1914 respectively.

Historic ornament: treatise on decorative art and architectural ornament

Colour decoration of architecture, treating on colour and decoration of the interiors and exteriors of buildings

The books present the history of decorative arts and are also a snapshot of how that history was viewed/applied at the time the books were written. I wondered how the field was impacted by the war, the roaring 20s, financial depression and WWII. These books were written in a ‘calm before the storm’ – before the faster and faster pace of the modern world was acknowledged.  

Both books are available on Internet Archive.

1897 Montgomery Ward’s Common Sense Cookery

In 1897, Montgomery Ward & Co. was a world-pioneering mail-order business. Its first serious competition (Sears) had opened the year before.

They also published a book about cooking in 1897 that is available via Internet Archive. The title page indicates it is about more than just recipes: what to eat and how to prepare it, hygienic and scientific cooking!

They also published a book about cooking in 1897 that is available via Internet Archive. The title page indicates it is about more than just recipes: what to eat and how to prepare it, hygienic and scientific cooking!

The illustrations try to show the ideal of food preparation and enjoyment in the late 1800s.

Montgomery Ward & co.'s Common Sense Cookery

My mother remembers her parents ordering from Montgomery Ward in the 1930s for Christmas presents. I remember looking at their catalogs in the 1960s although I also looked at Sears catalogs.

I remember two other books from Wards.

One was the Wendy Ward Charm Book from the 1960s. It was full of somewhat dated information for teenaged girls; much of it we absorbed then jettisoned the parts that didn’t work for us as we entered the work force in the 1970s (the “I am Woman” era).

The other was the book written by Robert L. May on assignment to Montgomery Ward 1939 – the creation of Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer. I bought a copy for my daughter in the early 1990s from Wards! It can be checked out from Internet Archive here.

Victor Tissot ebooks

Victor Tissot was a French journalist and writer. Two of his books from the later 1800s for the as ‘books of the week.’ They are both available on Internet Archive with illustrations worth browsing.

These books reflect the knowledge and perceptions of the time --- so remember ‘late 1800s’ when viewing the depictions of places and people. More people were interested in and traveling to remote places…hence more travel books being written. The authors sometimes combined the travels of others into their works…used multiple illustrators (some illustrators also relying on information from others rather than observing in-person). There was plenty of opportunity for incorporation of ‘not quite right’ information!

(click on small sample images to see a larger version).

L'Afrique pittoresque (Picturesque Africa)

Les contrées mystérieuses et les peuples inconnus (Mysterious countries and unknown peoples)

(Note the caption of the last picture mentions Missouri!)

eBotanical Prints – October 2023

Twenty more books were added to the botanical print collection this month – available for browsing on Internet Archive. More than half of the books are Harvard’s Botanical Museum Leaflets from 1957 to 1982. These are relatively modern botanical prints! The rest of the volumes for October are “Contributions from the Gray Herbarium.” My favorite image is the next to last: silhouettes of Monstera leaves.

The whole list of 2,737 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the October 2023 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the October 2023 eBotanical Prints!

Botanical Museum leaflets V17 * 1957 * Harvard University * sample image

Botanical Museum leaflets V18 * 1959 * Harvard University * sample image

Botanical Museum leaflets V19 * 1962 * Harvard University * sample image

Botanical Museum leaflets V20 * 1964 * Harvard University * sample image

Botanical Museum leaflets V21 * 1967 * Harvard University * sample image

Botanical Museum leaflets V22 * 1967 * Harvard University * sample image

Botanical Museum leaflets V23 * 1974 * Harvard University * sample image

Botanical Museum leaflets V24 * 1976 * Harvard University * sample image

Botanical Museum leaflets V25 * 1977 * Harvard University * sample image

Botanical Museum leaflets V26 * 1978 * Harvard University * sample image

Botanical Museum leaflets V27 * 1979 * Harvard University * sample image

Botanical Museum leaflets V28 * 1982 * Harvard University * sample image

Botanical Museum leaflets V29 * 1982 * Harvard University * sample image

Botanical Museum leaflets V30 * 1982 * Harvard University * sample image

Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University no. 40-50 * 1917 * Harvard University, Gray Herbarium * sample image

Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University no. 101-105 * 1934 * Harvard University, Gray Herbarium * sample image

Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University no. 179-184 * 1956 * Harvard University, Gray Herbarium * sample image

Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University no. 185-191 * 1956 * Harvard University, Gray Herbarium * sample image

Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University no. 206-208 * 1976 * Harvard University, Gray Herbarium * sample image

Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University no. 209-212 * 1982 * Harvard University, Gray Herbarium * sample image

Portland, Maine in 1940

The US Work Projects Administration sponsored Writers’ Projects in many states – putting people to work as a step out of the Great Depression of the 1930s. The project in Maine produced a well-illustrated city guide for Portland in 1940. The illustrations are a mix of photographs, painting, and drawings. The book is available on Internet Archive. The images are worth a look as a snapshot of the city at that time (i.e. history) and for the artistry of the illustrations.

Portland City Guide

I selected 6 sample images from the book. A quick search revealed that the Portland Head Light and Portland Observatory still exist. The Wikipedia article for the city includes a picture of the waterfront that looks quite different from ‘The Twentieth Century City’ image!

The Delineator from 1890 – 1932

Internet Archive has 39 volumes of The Delineator magazine from 1890 to 1932. It was published by Butterick Publishing Company – the same company that I remember from the 1960s and 1970s for patterns; I was making most of my own clothes at that time. The magazine always included patterns for clothes but as I gleaned images for this post – I also included advertisements, covers, educational displays. Click on any part of the mosaics below to see a larger version. Links to each volume are included…the historical perspective from browsing these volumes is worth it!

The first mosaic contains images from the magazines published in the 1900s. Some of my favorites are the ad for FAB flakes (Babes in the wools), the October 1922 cover full of fall foliage, covers showing active women (golfing and skiing), aquarium fish and Christmas trees. The most thought provoking was the one with a woman and, presumably, her two sons in miliary uniforms from the January 1919 issue; I wondered if the one on the left looking less serious was the younger brother. A peace conference was being held in Paris that month…but waves of the 1918 flu were happening around the world…and the US.  

The second mosaic contains images from the 1800s. The last color images were in 1897. The magazine was also more skewed to fashion/patterns than in the 1900s. Huge sleeves, corsets, and elaborate hats were in vogue (note that this was also the time when some birds were almost wiped out to get feathers for hats!). How did anyone really swim in those bathing costumes from 1894?

Nehrling/Ridgway North American Birds

There are 4 Henry Nehrling books about birds available on Internet Archive. The illustrations are the work of Robert Ridgway. Both men were products of the Midwest – born in Wisconsin and Illinois respectively in the 1850s. Both became ornithologists and horticulturists (Nehrling skewing toward horticulture and Ridgway toward ornithology). Were they friends or was the creation of the books just a transaction?

Die Nord-Amerikanische Vogelwelt Heft 1-10

Die Nord-Amerikanische Vogelwelt

Our native birds of song and beauty V1

Our native birds of song and beauty V2

It is easy to spot familiar birds in the illustrations!

eBotanical Prints – September 2023

Twenty-two more books were added to the botanical print collection this month – available for browsing on Internet Archive. More than half of the books are Harvard’s Botanical Museum Leaflets from 1932 to 1954…roughly the years between my parents’ births to my own. The publication was dominated by orchids!

The last two books were added well after I had finished the first 20; I opted to include the botanical books from the Natural History of New York series published in the 1800s. The last picture in the mosaic below is of the American Chestnut; I wondered how many other plants documented as being in New York are missing today, like that tree.

The whole list of 2,717 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the September 2023 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the September 2023 eBotanical Prints!

Orchid culture in Ceylon and the East  * Price, F. A. E. * sample image * 1918

Cactaceae of the Boundary * Engelmann, George * sample image * 1858

Botanic contributions relating to the flora of western North America * Engelmann, George; Gray, Asa; Fremont, John Charles0; Torrey, John * sample image * 1853

Report on the botany of the expedition * Torrey, John; Bigelow, John Milton; Engelmann, George * sample image * 1857

Botanical Museum leaflets V1 * Harvard University * sample image * 1932

Botanical Museum leaflets V2 * Harvard University * sample image * 1934

Botanical Museum leaflets V3 * Harvard University * sample image * 1935

Botanical Museum leaflets V4 * Harvard University * sample image * 1937

Botanical Museum leaflets V5 * Harvard University * sample image * 1938

Botanical Museum leaflets V6 * Harvard University * sample image * 1938

Botanical Museum leaflets V7 * Harvard University * sample image * 1939

Botanical Museum leaflets V8 * Harvard University * sample image * 1940

Botanical Museum leaflets V9 * Harvard University * sample image * 1941

Botanical Museum leaflets V10 * Harvard University * sample image * 1942

Botanical Museum leaflets V11 * Harvard University * sample image * 1945

Botanical Museum leaflets V12 * Harvard University * sample image * 1947

Botanical Museum leaflets V13 * Harvard University * sample image * 1949

Botanical Museum leaflets V14 * Harvard University * sample image * 1951

Botanical Museum leaflets V15 * Harvard University * sample image * 1952

Botanical Museum leaflets V16 * Harvard University * sample image * 1954

Natural History of New York Div 2 Part 1 * Kay, James, e. De * sample image * 1843

Natural History of New York Div 2 Part 2 * Kay, James, e. De * sample image * 1843

Louise Lamprey Books for 1920s Children

Louise Lamprey wrote historical fiction for young readers. She was known for including careful historical backgrounds/details in her stories. I browsed 4 of her books from the 1920s available on Internet Archive recently.

Days of the colonists, (1922)

Masters of the Guild, (1920)

Children of Ancient Gaul, (1927)

Long-ago people: how they lived in Britain before history began, (1921)

 These books reflect the 1920s perception of historical time periods. It is thought provoking to think about how that perception has changed over the past 100 years…broadening to include more perspectives from non-elites (people that were behind the scenes like women, minorities…whole cultures that interacted within a hierarchy). These are not books that would be suitable for children now. It is startling to realize that in the 1920s, many children did not survive childhood because of whooping cough and other childhood diseases that are avoided via vaccination now. There were no computers or video games. The audience for Lamprey’s books were children with very different experiences than children today! And perhaps only children from wealthy families has access to books like these.

Blanche McManus travel illustrations

Blanche McManus illustrated travel books written by her husband in the early 1900s. The books often featured automobiles…the new form of ‘road trip’ at the time. She evidently painted and sketched as they traveled. Enjoy the 6 books available on Internet Archive for the art, the places, and the history!

Castles and chateaux of old Navarre and Basque Provinces, including also Foix, Roussillon and Béarn   (1907)

The Spell of Algeria and Tunisia  (1924)

Northern Pacific Railroad eBooks from 1880s

The eBooks of the week are from a railroad company in the 1880s…illustrating some of its routes. They provide a view of some special places of the time – when the west was still somewhat ‘wild’ but developing rapidly with the extension of railroads and more people coming. Enjoying browsing these books on Internet Archive!

The Wonderland route to the Pacific coast (1885)

 I think about where my ancestors were at the time these books were published. One side of the family was still in Bohemia (Europe) – not emigrating to the US until a decade later. The other side was already in the US and mostly in Missouri.

eBotanical Prints – August 2023

Twenty more books were added to the botanical print collection this month – available for browsing on Internet Archive. The first 4 books in August were Japanese flower books by Bairei Kono from 1901 – the year one of my grandfathers was born.

The next three were published in the mid-1800s…not exactly botanical print books but about plants – their depiction, relationship to religion, and uses.

The next three are research publications from the Missouri Botanical Garden published in 1991.

The remaining 10 books are George Engelmann’s scanned botanical notebooks from the mid-1800s. He evidently made his notebooks from whatever paper was available…and used a variety of pencils!

Overall – quite a range of publications!

The whole list of 2,695 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the August 2023 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the August 2023 eBotanical Prints!

Sōka hyakushu V1 pt 1 * Kono, Bairei * sample image * 1901

Sōka hyakushu V1 pt 2 * Kono, Bairei * sample image * 1901

Sōka hyakushu V2 pt 1 * Kono, Bairei * sample image * 1901

Sōka hyakushu V2 pt 2 * Kono, Bairei * sample image * 1901

Lessons in flower painting * Andrews, James * sample image * 1836

A scripture herbal * Callcott, Maria * sample image * 1842

Wanderings among the wild flowers :how to see and how to gather them : with remarks on the economical and medicinal uses of our native plants * Thomson, Spencer * sample image * 1857

The ethnobotany of Aublet's histoire des plantes de la Guiane Françoise (1775) * Plotkin, Mark J.; Boom, Brian M., Allison, Malorye * sample image * 1991

Flora of Nigeria, Caryophyllale * Ghazanfar, Shahina A.  * sample image * 1991

Pollen and spores of Barro Colorado Island * Roubik, David W.; Moreno, Jorge Enrique * sample image * 1991

George Engelmann :botanical notebook 38 : Yucca (Agavaceae) * Englmann, George * sample image * 1851

George Engelmann:  botanical notebook 4 : Callitrichaceae * Englmann, George * sample image * 1860

George Engelmann :botanical notebook 18 : Gentianaceae * Engelmann, George * sample image * 1847

George Engelmann :botanical notebook 21 : Cuscuta  * Engelmann, George * sample image * 1839

George Engelmann : botanical notebook 27 : Nyctagineae, Chenopodiaceae, Polygonaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Loranthaceae, Urticaceae, Platanaceae, Juglandaceae, Fagaceae, Betulaceae, Salicaceae * Engelmann, George * sample image * 1842

George Engelmann :botanical notebook 10 : Phyllocactus, Disocactus, Epiphyllum, Lepismium, Rhipsalis * Englmann, George * sample image * 1856

George Engelmann :botanical notebook 45 : Polyanthus, Sagittaria, Echinodorus, Najadaceae, Najas, Potamogetonaceae, Cyperaceae, Gramineae * Engelmann, George * sample image * 1840

George Engelmann :botanical notebook 9 : Echinocereus, Cereus, Eulychnia, Pilocereus * Engelmann, George * sample image * 1846

George Engelmann :botanical notebook 8 : Cereus  * Engelmann, George * sample image * 1846

George Engelmann :botanical notebook 57 : Juniperus * Englmann, George * sample image * 1850

The Garden Magazine 1905-1924

Internet Archive has 34 volumes of The Garden Magazine – a New York based magazine “devoted to planting and managing the grounds about the home, and to the cultivation of Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers". The magazines are a window into the way life was during the early 1900s. I enjoyed browsing them all! Click on the sample images below to see an enlarged version….better yet – browse a whole volume (or two or three….maybe all of them)  by following the link.

The Garden Magazine V1 (1905)

The Garden Magazine V2 (1906)

The Garden Magazine V3 (1906)

The Garden Magazine V4 (1907)

The Garden Magazine V5 (1907)

The early issues had little color except for some of the covers and a few ads. Note that the ad for Japanese Iris included some birds among the flowers.

The Garden Magazine V6 (1908)

The Garden Magazine V7 (1908)

The Garden Magazine V8 (1909)

The Garden Magazine V9 (1909)

The Garden Magazine V10 (1910)

Farming was important to a lot of people and so - was an important aspect of the magazine…in all seasons. Note that Kodak was already advertising in 1909….and that the photographer was not always male!

The Garden Magazine V11 (1910)

The Garden Magazine V12 (1911)

The Garden Magazine V13 (1911)

The Garden Magazine V15 (1912)

The Garden Magazine V14 (1912)

Unusual garden features like Japanese lanterns and plants like lotuses/wisteria featured in some issues – popularizing new things for the garden. C. Coles Phillips’ work was part of a Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pen ad in 1912.

The Garden Magazine V16 (1913)

The Garden Magazine V17 (1913)

The Garden Magazine V18 (1914)

The Garden Magazine V19 (1914)

The Garden Magazine V20 (1915)

An overhead view of an idealized farm and a vine covered façade of a stately house featured on some covers. Cannas and poinsettias were plants of interest. Victor-Victrola ads depicted the sounds of the world come to your home.

The Garden Magazine V21 (1915)

The Garden Magazine V22 (1916)

The Garden Magazine V23 (1916)

The Garden Magazine V26 (1918)

The Garden Magazine V27 (1918)

As America entered World War I food was featured in covers – the slogan ‘America’s Part: to keep the Horn of Plenty Full.”

The Garden Magazine V28 & 29 (1919)

The Garden Magazine V30 (1920)

The Garden Magazine V31 & 32 (1921)

The Garden Magazine V33 (1921)

The Garden Magazine V34 (1921)

By 1919, the wounded were home. Davey Tree Surgeons was advertising…trees were a big topic. Gladiolas and other flowers in the garden were becoming a bigger business too.

The Garden Magazine V35 (1922)

The Garden Magazine V37 (1923)

The Garden Magazine V38 (1924)

The Garden Magazine V39 (1924)

The cover art for the last issues reflects the aesthetics of the 1920s….more children, relaxed fashion, abundant flowers.

Some Randolph Caldecott eBooks

14 books by artist/illustrator Randolph Caldecott are the ‘books of the week’ – all freely available from Internet Archive. He was a British and illustrator who died in 1886 so half of these were published after his death. Enjoy the sample images and follow the links to see more!

The Fox Jumps over the Parson's Gate (1883)

The three jovial horsemen (1890)

The house that Jack built (1878)

He began the trends we still see in picture books today! The positioning of pictures and words…the reduction in words when pictures tell the story…etc. The Caldecott Medal is name after him; it is an annual award for “"most distinguished American picture book for children" and was first awarded in 1938.

2 Ernst Kreidolf eBooks

Internet Archive has 2 books by Ernst Kreidolf -  published in the early 1900s. He was a Swiss painter know for illustrating children’s books that include flower people.

The first book was published in 1909 as a portfolio - Ernst Kreidolf – of his early (pre-flower people) works.

The second book was published in 1922 - Alpenblumenmärchen – and includes his best known images.

There are other books written during the early 1900s but not scanned and available yet. Later versions of the books were translations to English and are still under copyright protection.

eBotanical Prints – July 2023

Twenty-one more books were added to the botanical print collection this month. Eight of the books are ‘nature prints’ (a process in which an object as a leaf or flower) is pressed into a plane surface to make either a direct printing surface or a matrix); the images made via nature print this month were from the late 1700s.

Garden Books from Montgomery Ward from a few years before and after I was born are available on Internet Archive…clues about what home gardeners were planting during those years.

The most recent book was about liverworts and hornwarts of New Zealand – published in 2008. I chose a drawing for the sample image but there were many color photographs as well.

There were 3 volumes of American Grasses from 1899-1900 and 3 volumes of flora from the Pacific states from the 1944-1960.

Overall – quite a range of publications!

The whole list of 2,675 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the July 2023 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the July 2023 eBotanical Prints!

Ectypa plantarum Ratisbonensium, oder Abdrücke derjenigen Pflanzen, welche um Regensburg wild wachsen V1 * Hoppe, David Heinrich * sample image * 1787

Ectypa plantarum Ratisbonensium, oder Abdrücke derjenigen Pflanzen, welche um Regensburg wild wachsen V2 * Hoppe, David Heinrich * sample image * 1788

Ectypa plantarum Ratisbonensium, oder Abdrücke derjenigen Pflanzen, welche um Regensburg wild wachsen V3 * Hoppe, David Heinrich * sample image * 1788

Ectypa plantarum Ratisbonensium, oder Abdrücke derjenigen Pflanzen, welche um Regensburg wild wachsen V4 * Hoppe, David Heinrich * sample image * 1789

Ectypa plantarum Ratisbonensium, oder Abdrücke derjenigen Pflanzen, welche um Regensburg wild wachsen V5 * Hoppe, David Heinrich * sample image * 1789

Ectypa plantarum Ratisbonensium, oder Abdrücke derjenigen Pflanzen, welche um Regensburg wild wachsen V6 * Hoppe, David Heinrich * sample image * 1790

Ectypa plantarum Ratisbonensium, oder Abdrücke derjenigen Pflanzen, welche um Regensburg wild wachsen V7 * Hoppe, David Heinrich * sample image * 1791

Ectypa plantarum Ratisbonensium, oder Abdrücke derjenigen Pflanzen, welche um Regensburg wild wachsen V8 * Hoppe, David Heinrich * sample image * 1791

The Garden Book - Montgomery Ward - 1949 * Montgomery Ward * sample image * 1949

The Garden Book - Montgomery Ward - 1950 * Montgomery Ward * sample image * 1950

The Garden Book - Montgomery Ward - 1951 * Montgomery Ward * sample image * 1951

The Garden Book - Montgomery Ward - 1952 * Montgomery Ward * sample image * 1952

The Garden Book - Montgomery Ward - 1953 * Montgomery Ward * sample image * 1953

The Garden Book - Montgomery Ward - 1954 * Montgomery Ward * sample image * 1954

A flora of the liverworts and hornworts of New Zealand * Engel, John J.; Glenny, David * sample image * 2008

American grasses. I, Descriptions of the species * Lamson-Scribner, F. * sample image * 1900

American grasses. II, Descriptions of the species * Lamson-Scribner, F. * sample image * 1899

American grasses. III, Descriptions of the species * Lamson-Scribner, F. * sample image * 1900

An illustrated flora of the Pacific states - Washington, Oregon, & California V2 * Abrams, Leroy; Ferris, Roxana Stinchfield * sample image * 1944

An illustrated flora of the Pacific states - Washington, Oregon, & California V3 * Abrams, Leroy; Ferris, Roxana Stinchfield * sample image * 1951

An illustrated flora of the Pacific states - Washington, Oregon, & California V4 * Abrams, Leroy; Ferris, Roxana Stinchfield * sample image * 1960