Gleanings of the Week Ending September 3, 2022

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

Pregnant women are exposed to cancer-causing chemicals in dishware, hair coloring, plastics, and pesticides, study reveals – Something else for pregnant people to be anxious about. I wish these studies had a stronger component about how to reduce exposure, but it seems that the problematic chemicals are very pervasive.

The U.S. diet is deadly. Here are 7 ideas to get Americans eating healthier – These ideas a geared to making it easier for individuals to make healthier choices. Right now…it seems that the push is toward unhealthy food choices.

Cool planning for a hotter future – Actions we need to take to achieve the ‘late century rapid action’ maps.

Low physical function after age 65 associated with future cardiovascular disease – Individuals were assessed for walking speed, leg strength, and balance….and the scores were more predictive of cardiovascular disease risk than the traditional risk factors that work for middle-aged people (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking or diabetes).

On “Trash” Birds: Rethinking How We Label Common Species – There is no such thing as a ‘trash’ bird or any species. They are all just part of our world!

Can These Lights Make Crosswalks Safer for Pedestrians Distracted by Their Phones? – People shouldn’t be walking while looking at their cell phones more than where they are headed….but they do and maybe Hong Kong is ahead of us in developing a solution to reduce tragedies.

Is Breadfruit the Climate Change-Proof Food of the Future? – Not a food I know anything about…it’s not in our grocery stores yet. I looked at some recipes and it seems like it would be a versatile addition to our diet.

Archaeologists Call on UNESCO to Protect the Hagia Sophia – It’s sad when pieces of architectural history are not maintained. Hopefully this call will help organize what is needed to preserve Hagia Sophia.

Heat waves + air pollution can be a deadly combination: The health risk together is worse than either alone – There are ways to stay safe…but it is not possible for everyone all the time. We need to address the underlying issues for the health of everyone. Often – addressing air pollution also is step in a good direction of climate change as well.

See the Incredible Sunflower Superbloom in North Dakota – Wow! Maybe a trip to North Dakota some July/August should be added to our list of road trips we want to make.

eBotanical Prints – August 2022

20 botanical print books in August. My favorite book this month is the one about tree silhouettes! I will continue to browse Flora Costaricensis series in September.  

The whole list of 2,452 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. The list for the August 2022 books with links to the volumes and sample images is at the bottom of this post.

Click on any sample images in the mosaic below to get an enlarged version. Enjoy the August 2022 eBotanical Prints!

The Plant World Vol IX 1906 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1906

The Plant World Vol X 1907 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1907

The Plant World Vol XI 1908 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1908

The Plant World Vol XIII 1910 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1910

The Plant World Vol XIV 1911 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1911

How to draw & ink trees & shrubs in silhouette * Ehrlich, Frederic * sample image * 1931

The Plant World Vol XV 1912 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1912

The Plant World Vol XVII 1914 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1914

The Plant World Vol XVII 1915 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1915

The Plant World Vol XIX 1916 * The Wildflower Preservation Society * sample image * 1916

Flora Costaricensis No. 13 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1983

Flora Costaricensis No. 23 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1990

Flora Costaricensis No. 28 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1991

Flora Costaricensis No. 33 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1993

Flora Costaricensis No. 35 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1971

Flora Costaricensis No. 36 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1995

Flora Costaricensis No. 40 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1977

Flora Costaricensis No. 40 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 1999

Flora Costaricensis No. 41 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 2000

Flora Costaricensis No. 45 * Burger, William (editor) * sample image * 2005

Ten Little Celebrations – August 2022

The celebrations I noted in August 2022 are part of the continuum of transition to Missouri – our new home.

A neat garage. I celebrated how organized our garage looked after we set up the bunk bed frame for all the camping gear! Sometimes a quick and simple task can have a bigger impact than expected on our perception of place.

A rainy morning. It was a relief – and celebration - when we finally got some summer rain. The August temperatures have also been a little cooler than in July….and our grass has turned green again.

Roadtrip home. I celebrated my shortest time ever for the drive from Carrollton to Nixa. It was a Sunday so traffic was light…and the weather was dry.

Finding boxes of Atkins shakes. My husband only likes one flavor of Atkins shakes and I’d been challenged to find them in prior grocery shopping weeks…and then there were two on the shelf at Walmart! I celebrated (and put both of them in my cart).

Sooty, Pooky, and Puma. Celebrating new pets. Their antics are fun to watch…they demand interaction…challenge us to make small modifications to our household routine for their safety.  

Kittens napping. After times of high kitten activity (with 3 of them there are frequent chases, tussles, and a general tendancy to move small toys everywhere in the house), we celebrate some quiet time when all three are napping.

Mango chicken salad. I selected something new from the menu my daughter was ordering from….and celebrated the result!

Spider bite not infected. I went to Urgent Care with a bug bite different than I had ever experienced (painful and it looked different). They identified it as a probable spider bite and cautioned me that it might get worse before it got better. I got a tetanus shot and perscription strength topical antibiotic…celebrated that they said it did not look infected (and it never got infected although it is taking several weeks to heal).

Taking pictures through my office window. I like taking pictures through my office windows. A storm blew off one of the screens…and I’ve left it off. I haven’t taken many pictures through the window yet…but I am celebrating that I now have the physical setup to do it. I’ve seen chickadees and finches on the bird bath about 4 feet from where I sit….and a hummingbird investicated a plant nearby.

Coursera anatomy course. I celebrated completing another anatomy course (Anatomy of the chest, neck, and abdomen) from Yale on Coursera. Every module was well presented and interesting.

Unique Aspects of Days – August 2022

Most of the uniqueness in August was associated with our move to Missouri….although not as directly as back in July.

A juvenile grackle on our bird feeder. We had gackles under our feeder in Maryland too but they must not have nested nearby because I didn’t ever see a juvenile. They are smart birds and don’t seem to be as noisy around our house as the ones I see at the Josey Ranch Lake in Carrollton TX….maybe because there are not as many of them.

3 kittens. It’s been almost 40 years since we had a kitten in our house…and it was only one back then. 3 of them make for many unique experiences…usually positive.

Did not want a breakfast burrito. A McDonalds breakfast burrito has been my favorite mid-morning snack on driving days…but recently, it just did not appeal to me at all. Glad I realized how I was feeling before I made the purchase!

First time to vote in Missouri. The primary was in early August. We had registered but didn’t yet have our permanent driver’s license…fortunately the paper copy was sufficient. The polling place was convenient and not crowded. Evidently it was a new polling place.

Setting up a compost ring. I used some cedar edging with prongs that pushed into the soil to keep them in place. I was pleased with the way it looked on the first day and even more pleased with how fast the compost is ‘cooking.’

Urgent care for spider bite. I had never gotten a spider bite….wasn’t sure that it was a spider bite (since I didn’t see the spider). It seemed to be getting worse so I went to Urgent Care on the 3rd day. They said it was a spider bite…gave me a tetanus shot…topical antibiotic…instructions to come back if a list of symptoms developed. Fortunately none of the dire symptoms happened but it is taking considerable time to heal.

Ice pack on spider bite helped. The spider bite on the back of my calf caused considerable pain which was a new experience…as was the relief of 10 minutes with an ice pack!

Puddles and cruise control. It was a little scary to drive through a puddle…and have my cruise control turn off. It wasn’t raining very hard at the time but evidently the water had accumulated enough to slow the car too suddenly and a safety mechanism engaged.

Rat trying to get into flour canister. Definitely a unique experience I would prefer had not happened. I went into my parents’ kitchen one morning and found bits of brown plastic all around a metal canister. The plastic has been the seal on the canister which the rat chewed partially through….but not completely.

Using  the self-scan in a Missouri grocery store for the 1st time. They haven’t been doing it as long as my store in Maryland so there are a few kinks…but not too bad.

Kittens! – week 2

Two weeks of kittens…their antics are entertaining and, sometimes, worrying.

They have an affinity for anything like a cable or cord. Sometimes they just bat the ‘snake’ with their paws but other times they try to bite/chew or tangle themselves…which could be damaging and even tragic with electrical cables. So – my husband has covered the cables in his office with beach towels or big pieces of cardboard. It has worked reasonably well so far…the cats seem to enjoy sleeping on the cord coverings even more than the desk chair (like day 3 and 5).

One morning I noticed that all the pillows that had been on the window seat in our breakfast area were on the floor. I’d thought the cats would enjoy looking out the window there and seen them on the pillows previously…but not seen any behavior that would have resulted in the pillows being pushed off. Then – I noticed Sooty playing with the pulls of the blinds. She was having great fun…jumping and pouncing to catch the fob on the end of the cords. So – I tucked the cord/fob into the top of the blind…and the pillows have stayed in place since.

We are still sequestering the kittens in their room/bathroom at night. They are enticed in with a last meal of the day in the bathroom. One night my husband started the process at the usual time, but the kittens were playing a lot; he got them back and enjoying their meal…closed the door. And a few minutes later they were making little meows still wanting the run of the house. Since then, he has waited until they are quiet and then provided their last meal of the day….and they are OK with being in their room.

Previous Kittens! Posts: day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4, day 5, week 1

After Rain

We are finally getting some rain in our area of Missouri and our yard is green again. I went outside shortly after one of the rain showers and discovered the rose bush was full of water droplets – like jewels on the leaves and flowers. Sometimes that align with the edges or ridges of the plant but there was so much water that the beads sometimes were on any surface that would hold them! One of the flowers was acting like a bowl to hold the water and reminded me that some frogs in rain forests lay eggs in the bowls of water in bromeliads.

Other plants also were very wet and holding beads of water although the droplets seems smaller than the ones on the roses…and I noticed we have a lot of spider webs!

Gleanings of the Week Ending August 27, 2022

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

We asked children how they experienced poverty. Here are 6 changed needed now – This was a study done in Australia. I wonder how applicable these findings are around the world.

The identical twins who discovered their secret sibling – An adoption agency that separated twins for adoption in the 1960s…and the researchers that were part of that process. Fast forward to 2022.

Heat wave reveals 17th-century English gardens – Longleat Gardens….a whisper of the past…from before the transition to natural parkland in the 18th century.

Is this the end of DC’s most-beloved hidden landmark? – I’ve never seen (or known about) the Capitol stones in Rock Creek Park but I’ve noticed the old columns dating from the same period that are in the National Arboretum. They are certainly a landmark!

Painted Bunting: The Fun of Local Bird Quests – I remember seeing some painted buntings at a Florida National Wildlife refuge and an indigo bunting under my bird feeder in Maryland. They are special birds!

Colorful solar panels could make the technology more attractive – Color is a lower priority than efficiency for me, but it could be very important in some applications.

A Beginner’s Guide to Butterfly Watching – I wish there were more butterflies to watch! It seems like every year there are fewer of them around.

Taming Tomorrow’s Wildfires – There is a wildfire burning somewhere in the US all the time recently. It’s important that we make changes to reduce their devastation.

New drug candidate fights off more than 300 drug-resistant bacteria – Antibiotics have been around for my whole life…but there is always the discomfort that more bacteria are becoming resistant…and there could come a time that the pre-antibiotic killers will beginning killing people again. I’m glad there are new drugs in development to take up the fight.

Olmec contortionist Reliefs Uncovered in Mexico – Artifacts from a civilization known for colossal head sculptures….hints of their culture.

Macdougall Illustrations

William Brown Macdougall was a Scottish book illustrator. I’ve browsed 5 books on Internet Archive that he illustrated. The last three on the list were authored by his wife, Margaret Armour. These are easy books to browse….enjoy Macdougall’s illustrations…and the snapshot it represents of art history.  

Through my Office Window – August 2022

I am enjoying the office windows not having screens. It’s much easier to take pictures! The view from the sitting area in my office includes hollies, a bird bath, a rhododendron, and, if I look a little more to the left, a bird feeder.

After a rain I photographed some drops of water on one of the plants right outside the window…and the drops have reflections of the leaves!

More birds have discovered the bird bath recently. The most numerous birds I see there are the female and juvenile finches.

The doves and squirrel often share the shady place under the hollies in the hot afternoons.

I noticed a scruffy looking male cardinal that seemed to be displaying with his tail spread out and feathers fluffed…or maybe the behavior was just part of molting. The bird was under the bird feeder enjoying the seeds dropped by finches.

Another odd-looking bird was on the feeder this past week. I think it was a juvenile male grackle since I saw it with adult grackles….and the plumage does look like it is coming in black (the male color).

Finally, the one window that still has a screen on it looks out mostly to grass….and there was a butterfly hiding in the now lush green blades! I’ll take off the screen next time I do some yard work!

Our New Neighborhood – August 2022

I started out an early morning walk around the neighborhood ponds noticing the moon….almost matching the blue of the sky and the resulting image looking like a cyanotype print!

There were still a few flowers at the pond edge…and seed stalks that caught the light.

I noticed that river birches were the most numerous trees around the pond and decided that looking up into their canopy of leaves and curling bark was more interesting that viewing the whole tree. From further way.

There was a pine tree from a yard that hung over the path….a dense cross hatch of branches and needles that had detained a pine cone. All the cones that must have fallen to the ground had been picked up.

The tree I was most fascinated with was a willow – glorious with the light behind it. When I got closer, I noticed that there was a metal stake embedded in the trunk. Perhaps when it was a very young tree, it had been braced with a stake on each side….and no one came to remove the bracing. Slowly the tree is incorporating the stake into itself (this could be dangerous years in the future if the tree needs to be cut down).

I also noticed surface roots on all sides of the tree. Did the soil erode after the tree was planted?

There is probably more the this tree’s story…..

Spider Encounters

Earlier this month I had two close encounters with spiders.

The first happened when I noticed that one of the screens on my office windows had come off during a storm; I went out to retrieve it from the flower bed noticing that it was slightly warped – probably from being ripped out of the window frame. It was also very wet, so I put it in the shower stall. I checked the other screens, and one was partially out of the window frame; I stepped into the flower bed to take it the rest of the way out and put it in the shower too. That’s when I noticed several spiders making a new web from the bottom of the screens to the shower floor! I took a few photos and was thinking that the through-window photography would be better without the screens (i.e., I would just leave them off and enjoy the clarity of the view without the screens).

Back in front of my computer screens – I noticed that the back of my right calf felt strange. I saw a puncture wound already surrounded by redness; I went upstairs and applied cortisone cream. By the evening it was hurting like an injection into a tensed muscle and the redness was a bit larger. I started putting antibiotic on it. It was not better the next day; I had my husband draw around the redness with a Sharpie so we could tell if it was getting larger/smaller. A whitish gray area formed in the middle of the redness and the muscle was still hurting the next day and I realized that it was a something different than the usual bug bite – time to go to an Urgent Care facility. They decided it looked like a spider bite! I got a tetanus shot and prescription antibiotic. The bite looked worse before it started getting better! My theory now is that while I was having my positive experience retrieving screens/photographing spiders…I also got bitten – probably by a spider I didn’t even see when I stepped into the flower beds wearing a dress rather than my usual yard work jeans!

Kittens! – Week 1

One week of kittens….and we are all still in get-acquainted mode. My husband is managing to corral them into a bed/bath for night time but it takes a before-bed-meal as an enticement. We heard their first full meows when he was carrying the plate of food back for their night area…trying to avoid stepping on them as they all swirled around his ankles. They are generally up by about 5:30 AM; we hear them playing; by 6:30 they are indicating they want out and breakfast too.

They have gained proficiency on the cat tree – rarely jumping from the top to the floor like they did initially (we almost put the tree away but they learned to take intermediate jumps very quickly) …and they like to play on the tree as an added challenge to there activity on the floor.

Puma was the first to discover how to get into the tube part of the tree but the other two quickly followed; sometimes the tube has two of them at one time.

They like small toys and with guard one after intense play (hoarding it from siblings). A soft drink box became another part of the obstacle course in our den….the cats alternating between high levels of activity and napping. The highest activity level seems to be immediately after breakfast but there are other bursts throughout the day.

Early to mid-afternoon seems to be their quiet time. Sometimes they enjoy the office chair but there can be quiet times in the tree as well….as long as they are on separate levels! (Below – Pooky in the tube, Sooty, Puma at the top)

My husband serves their food on one plate – divided into three piles. He maneuvers to let Pooky (the female and smallest) to have the first bites). Puma and Sooty follow.

Previous Kittens! Posts: day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4, day 5

Yard Work

I had a high-priority bit of yard work to do after we set up the bunkbed frame for the camping gear: clear out the regrowth of the invasive pear tree in the crepe myrtle. On closer inspection there was another plant that was not the crepe myrtle also growing around the base.

I got my pruners and gauntlet gloves out…took the wheelbarrow to ease moving what I cut. I noticed that the poison ivy had regrown under the cedar on my way and pulled it. There was part of it that had grown up into the cedar enough to put out rootlets!

It didn’t take long to cut all the green on the pear sump and pull/cut the other plant too. The wheelbarrow was about half full. I cut one of the larger branches of the crepe myrtle because my attempt to brace it had not worked.

I opted to leave the cuttings in the wheelbarrow to dry out/reduce their bulk before I put them in the compost ring. I left the wheelbarrow on the patio under the deck and decided to photograph the longer crepe myrtle stem in the red wagon.

The red wagon had been under the stairs during recent rains and has some water in it – which is emptied out. I (thankfully) didn’t see any mosquito larvae in the water but there was a skeletonized leaf that stuck to the wagon when I poured the water off.

Took pictures of the bark, flowers, buds, and forming seed pods of the crepe myrtle…. appreciating the ease of my phone for some quick macros.

A little bit of yard work…that morphed into a photo shoot!

Gleanings of the Week Ending August 20, 2022

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

Photographer Creates Mesmerizing Flight Trails of Winged Creatures as a Meditation on Time – Action in the air (composite images).

The crab invading the Mediterranean Sea – The blue crab is native to the Indo-Pacific but reached the Mediterranean Sea in 1898…about a decade after the Suez Canal opened. With temperatures in the Mediterranean rising with climate change, more the crab larvae are reaching adulthood. Now the Tunisians are trapping and processing crabs for export. Other places in the Mediterranean are also harvesting and processing invasive species: Cyprus has local restaurants serving lionfish and jewelry/artwork is created from their soft colorful fins. Rabbitfish have also become a commercial fish. But will these measures be enough to rebalance the ecosystems and improve biodiversity?

Where did pigeons come from? – A bird that we see frequently….that humans have taken around the world…and it likes to stay near us!

Understanding the new Federal tax credit for electric cars – Why does it always have to be complicated?

Is dark chocolate really good for you? – Of course! I like my high % cocoa squares first thing in the morning…my perfect 1st breakfast.

The dangers of working in hot weather – Glad to see some attention on this…and a sharing of practices that can help while still getting work done. With the high level of employment (and often challenges hiring new people), businesses should have an elevated interest in keeping their workers healthy and productive.

 Home solar + storage will get a boost from the recent climate bill, claims Bloomberg – Hurray!

Banana peels make sugar cookies better for you – Ok – so maybe I should never put banana peels into the compost. I’d rather use them directly in recipes like Banana Peel Cake rather than making them into flour. I think I’ll start washing them and putting them in the freezer when I eat the fruit….process them as I need them for baking!

Meet the world’s largest land crab – And also learn a bit about Palmyra Atoll.

Is the river of grass really a river? – A little history…and discussion of what makes The Everglades a river (an unusual one!).

Rockwell Kent illustrations

Earlier this summer I browsed two books written and illustrated by Rockwell Kent and available on Internet Archive. According to the Wikipedia entry, he spent an extended period in Alaska (1918-19) and Tierra del Fuego (1922-23) so the art in these books emerged from being immersed in a place rather than a quick visit.  He is quoted as saying ‘I want to paint the rhythm of eternity.’

I selected two images from each book but there are many more that are just as appealing in both books….worth the time to take a look. These are not the typical illustrations of adventure and travel; they skew toward a deep inner journey….the place being a backdrop.

Wilderness; a journal of quiet adventure in Alaska (1920)

Repurposing a Bedframe

Before we moved from Maryland, I contemplated donating the frame of the bunk beds my daughter had enjoyed until middle school; it had been disassembled – stored in a basement closet for longer than it had been used! Then I came up with an idea to repurpose it and included the bedframe in the furniture to go on the truck to Missouri. So – now we’ve followed through on my idea.

The frame along with all our camping gear was unloaded into the bay that would not be used for a car in our Missouri 3-car garage. Last week we got around to assembling the fame (very easy…took a few minutes) and loading the camping gear onto the frame. The before and after pictures are below and there is still room for more gear!

The advantages of the frame are:

  • it gets everything off the floor,

  • handles the larger items very well, and

  • has plenty of room for lighter items (like ice chests) on the upper bunk!

The idea also appeals to me because the frame reminds me of my daughter’s early years…and how much fun she had with blankets hanging from the top bunk to enclose the bottom where she and all her stuffed animals slept.

Kittens! – Day 5

The kittens were contained in the room with the futon overnight and we started thinking about continuing that indefinitely because they are so rambunctious when they have the run of the whole 1st floor. We introduced the donut (round tube with openings on two sides, dangling toys in the openings) that our adult cats enjoyed so much. The kittens used it very differently….not as a place to curl up for a nap….rather an obstacle course they could run through or around taking a swing or bite at the toys as they entered or exited. Action was too fast for good pictures!

After a lot of running around, they still enjoy a nap together in the extra office chair…but only if my husband stays in the office with them! They all want to play if there is a human moving around in their vicinity.

The big discovery of the day was the cat tree. It’s been in front of the piano room windows from the beginning but they didn’t notice it immediately. Puma was the first to climb it and he went all the way to the top the very first time. Sooty followed --- also all the way to the top. Their little claws are sharp; my husband has bigger scratches than me because he kept trying to rescue them before they jumped down from the top of the cat tree. We moved a chair close to the tree to give them an easier path up and down. The chair may need to be reupholstered after they graduate to adulthood!

This is the last daily Kittens! Post…but I will do some weekly posts.

Previous Kittens! Posts: day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4

Kittens! – Day 4

The kittens became harder to photograph by the 4th day because they were much more active and the light was not bright enough to freeze the action. Sometimes they all three seemed to be playing a game of tag that ranged all over the 1st floor. They still went to the drawers under the futon but not as often.

Sooty is the most adventuresome and he is the only one that wants to be picked up. He wanted to climb up my leg but I managed to dissuade him before he put his claws out all the way (and into my skin). He discovered that the upholstered chair in the living room is a quiet place that, so far, he has all to himself; we’ve put a pad on the seat for him.

Puma is probably the largest although not by much. He likes a central location where he can see all the action. He was the first to try climbing drapery (which prompted us to take down the ones that were most tempting to him).

Pooky (formerly Suki) always seems to be in the thick of activities. She is probably the smallest and is the one my husband watches to make sure she gets her share of food.

All three of them play with toys differently than our adult cats did. They use their teeth a lot. They tore apart some older toys and tried to pull an automated wand toy across the room by the feathers on the end of the wand (that toy has been put way…saved for later). We’ve noticed that the scratching pads surrounded by a ball trough move on the wood floor which sometimes makes them even more fun – but also makes noise. Overall – I notice a lot more noise coming from the first floor when I am in my basement office!

Previous Kittens! Posts: day 1, day 2, day 3

Kittens! – Day 3

The kittens’ third day at our house was another milestone…the doors were opened to let them out into the whole 1st floor of the house. They played hard with each other and with us…lots of mad running to hiding places when anything startled them. Their favorite sleeping place was the extra office chair in my husband’s office….in various heaps. They’ll soon outgrow the chair…at least for all three at once.

Sooty was the first to do a lot of things – find the low window/door where he could look outside, jump up on the kitchen counter using a couch as ‘steps,’ explore the inside of the grand piano using the bench and keys as ‘steps’.

We renamed Suki to Pooky (we remembered that Pooky was Garfield’s bear in the comic strip…decided to spell it the same way) because Suki sounded too like Sooty. She is a little more timid than Sooty but often follows his lead on some adventures. She might be the smallest of the three.

Puma is more reclusive, but he is out and about when people are not too close. He, like the other cats, likes to sniff everything. They all like the small mouse toys with catnip inside.

In the early evening, a thunderstorm made some loud noises and they all retreated to the drawers under the futon; that is their ‘safe’ place.

We sequestered them in the room/bathroom overnight. Overall – they did very well in the larger space although they didn’t like the large cat tree. Maybe its size is overwhelming for them right now.

Previous Kittens! Posts: day 1, day 2