Red-Tailed Hawk
/I had a busy June and July…just catching up with some of the things that happened. One was a flurry related to a red-railed hawk in State College, Pennsylvania. We were coming back from dinner the day before the finally packing up and cleaning out of my daughter’s apartment – heading off to Springfield, Missouri.
As we turned into the apartment parking lot a large bird flew low just over the car toward the base of a tree. There was a lot of noise in the underbrush….and the hawk came up empty. The squirrel escaped into a nearby tree and the hawk sat on the ground for almost a minute – seemingly befuddled.
The bird flew up to a light pole and sat long enough for me to get my camera out and take a picture. It still looks a little scruffy (and maybe frustrated) from the encounter!
My daughter had told me about the red-tails she had heard and observed frequently from her apartment window in State College…and I was thrilled to see one in action.