CSA Bounty – October 2020

There were three CSA shares this month…all full of fall veggies: winter squash, cabbage, leafy greens (lettuce, spinach, arugula, bok choy), peppers and special items like ears of popcorn and fennel.  The last one was this week. I took some pictures of the bins as I walked around – appreciating the beauty of fresh food. I had a choice of turnips or radishes….got the turnips but appreciated the color of the radishes in the bin.


And then it was on to piles of broccoli, garlic, sweet potatoes, a choice of lettuce or arugula (I got arugula), carrots with their leafy tops, spinach, bok choy, a small pumpkin, cabbage, spaghetti squash, cauliflower and stevia from the cutting garden. I got fennel with a huge feathery top as a choice item too. The bags were almost as heavy as when melons are distributed during the summer.

While I was out in the cutting garden getting some cut flowers and the stevia, I noticed at least 4 black swallowtail caterpillars on the fennel; I wonder if they will make to it to a stage that will allow them to survive the winter.

The picture below is the last share on our counter after I got home - quite a pile which is now filling the refrigerator!


I’ll eat as much as I can of this last share over the next week then freeze the rest….even though I might have to do some creative processing and rearranging to fit it in. I still have zucchini for the early summer in there. I’m going to pay attention to how long it is before I draw down enough on the veggies in the freezer from this summer to require purchases from the produce section of my grocery store. My estimate is that it will be well into December or maybe January!

Unique Activities for Yesterday:

A few minutes at our bird feeder. I found a short segment (about 1.5 minutes) on our bird feeder camera when 4 birds visited the feeder and appeared satisfied. I didn’t see the sequence when it happened because the Downy Woodpecker is not noisy when he comes to the feeder like the red-bellied woodpeckers are. A Carolina Chickadee shows up and the two birds position themselves on opposite sides of the feeder.

The chickadee leaves, the downy woodpecker finally gets enough seed…and leaves.

Then an American Goldfinch arrives…followed very quickly by a White-breasted Nuthatch. The nuthatch strikes a classic nuthatch pose.

The two birds move to opposite sides of the feeder, the nuthatch quickly finds the seed it wants, and leaves.

And the goldfinch continues calmly nibbling on seeds with the feeder all to himself.


Fall in the Cutting Garden

Flowers are not the only thing I get from the cutting garden at my CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). I like getting extra basil and stevia as well. A few leaves of stevia in pots of tea give it just enough sweetness…and basil provides another flavor in my smoothies and stir fries. Both plants are about ready to go to seed. There are only a few stevia plants, but it seems I’m the only one going back to that part of the garden.


Next to the stevia were some big feathery plants that I glanced at just as I was cutting the stevia. There were two caterpillars!!!! I knew the type they were from several years ago when I had some black swallowtail caterpillars on a parsley plant in a pot on my deck.


As I walked to the end of the row where the sign that identified the plantings was located, I saw another caterpillar.

It turned out the plant was fennel! When I got home I did some research (I am old enough to remember having to go the library for references we now have with a simple search on our home computers!) and it is listed as a food plant for black swallowtail caterpillars! I also learned that the fennel seeds are edible and will harvest some of the seed heads on the plant next week. The leaves are being eating by caterpillars but otherwise the plants look ignored by other CSA folks.

The compost pile to the side of the cutting garden was very colorful. I guess some of the tomatoes and squashes had animal bites or got overripe before they could be picked/distributed.


Of course, I got the usual fresh flowers. They are bracketing the red maple seedling this morning. I still have 2 kombucha bottles with flowers from the previous week as well.


Unique Activities for Yesterday:

Frog in the street. I start out for my grocery shopping before 6:30 AM and these days it is still dark at that time. This week it was wet which might have also made it seem darker. After I passed the recycle truck heading further into the neighborhood, I saw a frog (in silhouette) hoping across the street toward the neighborhood pond! I stopped…to give it time to get across.  

Family BioBlitz at The Howard County Conservancy

The Howard County Conservancy hosted the Maryland Diversity Project last Saturday and I volunteered to help with the public part of the program that had families spending the morning photographing and recording the plants and animals at Mt. Pleasant.

Caterpillars seemed to dominate our finds: young milkweed tussock moth caterpillars as well as large Monarch, black swallowtail and orange striped oakworm moth caterpillars. There were also autumn tent worms.

We also saw a millipede, insects mating, a spider guarding a large egg sack…and a carpenter bee (male) that was lazing on a Joe Pye weed.

Near the end, I saw the birds nest fungus growing on mulch near the nature center. I was pleased that our group – which included a young child – all had fun and enjoyed our finds!

The slide show is in hike order….enjoy!