Cheshire Cat Moon

Earlier this week, I glanced out my office window just after 9 PM and saw the Cheshire Cat moon in the treetops. It is the ‘grin without the cat’ of Alice in Wonderland fame. I took a picture, of course. It was a fun way to end the day – a little spice to the routine of shutting down screens and turning off the light…to do some reading before bedtime.

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The routine of my days is like a comfortable base…that increases my notice and appreciation of little things like the moon in the treetops. The mix of mundane and serendipity makes every day a good one!  

Through my Office Window – February 2021 (and Niagara Birding)

We’ve had a snowy/icy February so far. There are pines and cedars at the edges of our yard that catch the snow. They are easy to photograph from the warmth of my office. Sometimes I intentionally overexpose the pictures to blur the background further…make the most of the dim light.

Our feeder is popular and often has multiple birds visiting. The pictures below show a Junco - Carolina Wren – female Northern Cardinal and Junco – female Northern Cardinal (tail only) and male House Finch.

The female Red-bellied Woodpecker still comes as well – choosing the peanuts from the mix of seeds.

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I also managed some pictures of birds in trees – a Titmouse in the cedar

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And the male Northern Cardinal in the red maple.

We’ve also noticed deer coming through our yard. There are seven in the picture below….two groups coming together.

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I took several more pictures of the same group at various zoom settings. The portrait with just the head and shoulders shows how thick the winter coat is on the animals.

Over the past weekend, we watched the virtual Birds on the Niagara. All the videos are freely available online now: Feb. 12-13 videos and Feb. 14 videos.

I enjoyed all of them but by favorites were:

J. Drew Lanham (keynote)

Timothe Beatley on Biophilic Cities

Paloma Plant on preventing bird collisions with buildings

Anne McCooey on project to certify the City of Buffalo as NWF Habitat Communities

My husband and I talked about whether we would make the trek to the area in winter sometime post-pandemic….decided we’d go in spring or fall instead – try to see it during migration. Seeing it virtually in winter was good enough for us!

February Sunset

Sometimes the end of the daylight is spectacular…..and I celebrate when I look out the window at just the right time. The pictures in this post were taken back on February 5th. It seems like we’ve been cloudy/snowy since then!

Both pictures were taken through my office window.

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The sycamore is on the left of this picture. The branches pointing downwards are a broken branch that has been in the tree for most of this pandemic year – firmly wedged. I like the network of silhouetted branches with the billowing orange and pink and blue of the sunset.

Looking a little more to my right – the sycamore is out of the way (almost…there are a couple of branches in the upper left of the picture below) and the tulip poplars that are further away are on the horizon. I liked the upper levels puffs of pink in the darkening blue.

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Somehow sunrise and sunset are both special times of the day…they frame the day in beautiful beginning and ending. Clouds can block the color or I can miss the time…but there is always the potential. These moments of day fill me with appreciation of the Earth – our place in the universe.

Snowflakes (melting)

Trying to photograph snowflakes when the temperatures is in the low 30s is hard. The snowflakes clump as they fall with the temperature that high…and then the melt very easily even if the surfaces and equipment is cooled to ambient temperatures. I’d gathered all my usual equipment: phone (with a clicker to control the shutter on a lanyard) and clip on 65x magnifying lens (with light)…and was quickly frustrated with not very satisfying images toward my goal of photographing individual flakes.

So – I changed the goal and opted to create a series of a clump melting. I did several series and the one below is my favorite. It takes place over only 34 seconds!

Just before I went inside, managed to photograph some spheres on the sleeve if my coat. The magnification shows the black fibers of the coat. I think the spheres were ice (micro hail stones!) and the second one appears to have some crystalline structure inside…maybe a fracture.

Using frustration over a goal that has become impossible to prompt innovation/creativity is probably one of the best resilience strategies of all.

11 months in COVID-19 pandemic

It’s been 11 months since the WHO declared the COVID-19 pandemic. The US appears to be through the peak of cases and deaths that resulted from the late 2020 holiday celebrations but there is a lot of concern about more contagious variants of the virus that have been detected in the country. We could be nearing a low and then see another peak before enough people are vaccinated to bring it down again (assuming the vaccine still is effective with the variant). Vaccinations offer tremendous hope, but they are still in relatively short supply with only around 10% of people vaccinated. The administration of vaccines is still confusing – with a maze of sign-up processes and locations to navigate. There are times I think that the vaccine is going to people that are gaming the system rather than the intended groups.

The news stories about the COVID-19 variants have prompted several actions in our household:

  • Curbside grocery pickup. I decided to switch from early morning grocery shopping in the store to curbside pickup. We’ve done it twice now and I like it better than delivery to the house. There do not appear to be shortages like there were last spring and I include a bouquet of cut flowers on my list. I submit the order so that it is one of the first orders of the day for the shopper and have gotten an experienced shopper both times (judging from how fast they pull the order together). They also package the order in paper bags which I like much better than the plastic.

  • New masks. I ordered some new masks that had wires to help them fit better over the nose…thinking I would double mask from now on. Then we decided that we needed some better masks for the inner layer and my husband ordered some KN95 and the KF94. The KF94s are what my daughter and son-in-law are wearing when they teach…the university is still trying to continue in-person classes. The key is to have a mask that fits snuggly but does not muffle speech. My daughter said that the KF94s fit her the best – and her glasses did not fog at all!

  • My sisters and I have started a sisters zoom session every other week. I’m not sure why we didn’t do it before. I guess we thought the sisters text messages were enough. The zoom meeting is a positive addition to our routine.

My plan was to restart some mini-road trips, but I only managed one to Howard County Conservancy’s Mt Pleasant to photograph skunk cabbage. It worked out well since there were few enough people around that it was a solitary hike. I wore 2 masks….appreciating their warmth! It’s good to drive my car again and I’ll plan so more as the weather improves – either purely a driving activity or to a place I expect there to be very few other people.

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There were lots of webinars over the month. The birding festivals are a lot of webinars over a short time…the others an hour or less at a time. I like the variety of topics and places. They are my best substitute for travel right now.

  • Finishing up the Virtual Celebration of Cranes from Tennessee

  • Natural History Society of Maryland hosted a Snow Crystal Photomicrography session which reminded me to keep my gear ready for every snowfall…with limited success so far. We have some colder temperatures this week that might make for excellent snowflake photography.

  • Capital Nature hosted The Secret Life and Folklore of Winter Trees

  • Missouri State University Foundation hosted 2 sessions about the Jordan Valley Innovation Center

  • Brookside Gardens is hosting Friday lunch and learns. The first one was a video tour of the conservatories that are closed because of COVID-19. It was good to see the staff faces again. I miss seeing them and the ramp up for the butterfly exhibit that usually starts in April.

My big purchase of the month was a new Swopper chair. My previous one was 10+ years old and when it broke, it was an internal part….couldn’t get to it positioned again to reattach it to the base to it is currently acting as a stool rather than a bouncy chairs. The new one is at my desk…by back feels great again! I am so glad we can get items like this delivered to our front porch.

Of course – I still spend considerable time on various photography and Zentangle projects…browsing books…enjoying meal prep as much as eating.

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My husband has started a project to photograph birds every day using his camera on a tripod on our deck and his phone to control the shutter from inside where it is warm!

There is quite a lot that could happen over the next month:

  • I am full of anticipation about getting a vaccination, but our county hasn’t started my group yet (maybe in a few weeks).

  • There is a glut of birding festival webinars on the Valentine’s weekend from 3 places: Niagara Falls (New York and Ontario), Laredo (Texas), and Bosque del Apache (New Mexico). The forecast is for very cold weather here in Maryland so we’re planning a fire in the fireplace and hot foods (except for snow ice cream if the snow is deep enough and the right consistency).

We are staying at home except for curbside pickups at this point….but continuing to add projects to our routine. It’s not a boring time at all. Our outlook is more positive than it has been since last year this time….because of the vaccine and the transition of power away from a stress inducing national leader. I’m hoping to be able to see my family in Texas sometime in 2021!

Red-Shouldered Hawk

Sometimes the more frequent handwashing results in a surprise observation through the window above my kitchen sink. After putting away some groceries last week…just as I was finishing up the soap and water routine, I glanced at the sycamore tree and saw a larger bird that I expected there. It was a red-shouldered hawk! I alerted my husband and he grabbed his camera to try to get a picture. I went upstairs to my office because all my cameras were there. I got three pictures from my office window before it flew down into the chaos garden at the base of the sycamore…not visible from my vantage point upstairs.

My husband got a picture too, but he groused that the window had too much glare.


It was the most exciting minute of our day!


There are two virtual birding festivals coming up this weekend…visual treats for the Valentines weekend:

The Niagara birding festival is free – Feb 12-14 - - 19 species of gulls….sometimes arctic species like snowy owls.

The Laredo birding festival is $25 – Feb 13 – this is the one we went to last year just as the pandemic was beginning – not sure how much will be virtual local field trips but that area is very unique with lots of tropical and subtropical birds…I got the best look ever of a great horned owl there….and road runners…and an Audubon’s oriole and white pelicans feeding together (like a ballet, all dipping their heads to feed in unison)

I like the little surprise of seeing a bird I don’t expect to see in our backyard…gives a little serendipity to the day. It’s also a good feeling to realize that I am learning to recognize birds that I didn’t a few years ago. The pandemic has given us all a time out….and an extreme ‘learning experience.’ I am choosing to focus on the positive lessons.

Moon Set

Late in January, we had some clear nights, and I noticed the light streaming in from the full moon when I first got up…well before sunrise. At first the moon was still high enough that it was clear of the treetops. I used the ‘night scene’ setting on my camera to get some reasonable handheld pictures.

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A bit later, the moon was down in the upper branches of the tulip poplars and the pines – depending on which window of the house I was photographing through.

The next morning, I photographed it again while the moon was still above the treetops. Look at the lower left of the orb…notice the edges are not smooth: the craters of the moon.

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The natural world is full of things to notice – even in the cold of winter through a window. Somehow starting off the day noticing something like the moon setting, the sun rising, the frost on the rooftops, a breeze moving a pine branch….fills me with joy in the moment and anticipation of the day to come.

3 Days of Snow

Today our forecast is mostly cloudy…after three days of cloudy skies and snow. The streets are already clear, and the driveway has some clear patches without us ever shoveling. We enjoyed our snow days but are glad to see a bit more sun!

On the first day we had a lot of webinars from the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife which we were watching on the biggest screen in the house (the television) and had a fire going in the fireplace. We had a power failure a little before 8 AM for a few seconds and the cable/internet was out for about an hour afterward. It’s a good thing the first festival session of the day was recorded so we could watch it later!

I tried some snowflake photography twice during the day. I used my phone with a clip-on lens that included a light and a red glass plate to catch the snowflakes. The temperature was about 30 degrees which is on the warm side for good snowflake photography.

The flakes during the first session about 8AM were clumping although there was one that seems to look like a pyramid with a hexagonal base! Even though I had cooled down the plate and lens for over an hour, there was still some melting.

During the second session shortly after noon, it was easier to see individual snowflakes, but they were heavily encrusted with tiny ice spheres.

I tried to capture some scenes from our back and front yard over the course of the day. Our deck and bird feeder still drew the birds even while it was snowing.

I made snow ice cream in the afternoon – after enough snow had accumulated. We ate the whole big bowl!


Overnight there was freezing rain so there was an icy crust on everything the second day.

I cracked the ice of the top of the snow on the deck and made snow ice cream again. It was too icy, but we ate most of it anyway.

It snowed more overnight than we though it would so the third day had snow on top of ice. I worried that it might be too heavy for some of the trees because there was some wind as well….but we didn’t hear or see any breakage.  I took pictures of scenes through several windows.

Two of my favorite pictures of the day were taken through the windows on the side of the front door. The vertical ice and snow covered thread in the azalea is an old spider web that’s been there since last fall! The seed pod with a hat of ice and snow is a black-eyed Susan from last summer.

Our plum tree was so full of snow that it obscured the evergreens across the street. The view through the skylights was different too; one had patches of ice partially obscuring the branches of the sycamore in the background.

As always – the view from my office window was the best in the house.

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Red-Bellied Woodpecker and House Sparrow

My husband has started setting up his camera and tripod out on the deck pointed focused on the birdfeeder at times we anticipate high in bird activity. The most interesting interaction he has captured so far is between a House Sparrow and our resident female Red-bellied Woodpecker. The sparrow was there first;  when the woodpecker arrives, it threatens the sparrow. The sparrow moves to the other side of the feeder. The woodpecker moves and threatens again…driving off the sparrow completely. Enjoy the slideshow action! (Use the arrows to move between frames to see the encounter.)

The woodpecker is the top bird at the feeder as far as I can tell. It even drives starlings away! The smaller birds like finches and chickadees scatter when the woodpecker swoopes toward the feeder. The White-breasted Nuthatch often trades off with the woodpecker and may be the next up in the order although it is sometimes willing to share the feeder with a smaller bird. Fortunately, the woodpecker has other sources of food so the rest of the birds get a turn.

Zentangle® – January 2021

One of the outcomes of the pandemic is my increased production of Zentangle tiles. There are so many that picking per day is quite a challenge! I decided to count the Large Zentangle Tile as a project and posted about it separately back on the 17th. That still left 66 other tiles to choose the 31 to show in this post.

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My favorite is one I didn’t like as much until I colored and highlighted the pattern. That seems to happen to me a lot.

The square tiles had a variety of light weight cardboard made into 3.5 inch tiles with a paper cutter – the white boxes that tend to be slicker, the brown light weight cardboard, the green file folder. I’ve included the triangular tiles at the end of this group; they are the only ones that are not recycled materials! I tried to pick tiles that had a uniqueness about them – pattern, color, or highlighting. Some of these are old tiles that I colored/highlighted this month.

The rectangular tiles are all produced on cat foot box dividers – the smaller side is 3.5 inches. This is my favorite tile size. The cardboard absorbs the ink very well and has a slight texture. The size provides more room for the ‘magic’ of the patterns to emerge. It is thick enough use on both sizes – maybe that will be something to start doing in February.


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at

Ten Little Celebrations – January 2021

And 2021 is off to a roaring start. Even with the jarring events of Jan. 6 and the pandemic still raging, there were plenty of reasons to celebrate in January 2021.

Bluebirds at our bird feeder –I celebrate when a bluebird group comes to our deck since it doesn’t happen very often. They seem to show up most frequently when there is snow and ice!

Piliated woodpecker in our forest – They don’t come to our deck…but are in our forest. I see them a few times each the winter when the leaves aren’t in the way. Their red heads are like flames. I think I saw a bald eagle a few times too this January. Even the fleeting sight of these birds is a celebration.

Amanda Gordan and the transition to a new President – A young poet and a shift toward hope for our troubled country toward a ‘forming a more perfect union’

Tennessee Crane Festival (virtual) – Lots of good webinars….dreaming about going to the place in January 2022. Celebrating learning about the place this year…and anticipating a visit.

Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival (virtual) – We went in 2019…hope to go to Florida again in January 2022. Celebrating the virtual version this year.

Success making a cheese omelet – I tend to make scrambled eggs but have omelet pans to cook them.  This month I opted to try making an omelet – perfect on the first try…celebrated the accomplishment (and the meal)!

Steak lunch – Our January days have been pretty cold, but my husband grilled on one of the warmer sunny days. A special lunch.

Carrot – coconut – chicken salad – I’ve discovered that if I layer a spoonful of orange marmalade, carrots, canned chicken, and coconut in a bowl….microwave it for a minute…stir…it makes a warm version of a favorite salad to enjoy in winter. Celebrating warm salads!

Howard County Sustainability Legislative Breakfast – Getting an update of what is happening locally re sustainability. I celebrated that good things are being worked at both the county and state level!

Tree trunk macros – It was a short project that I enjoyed a lot. The color and texture of winter tree trunks in our yard were celebration worthy!

Bluebirds Visit

On the 26th – we had bluebirds at our birdfeeder! I heard a lot of chatter coming from the birdfeeder so got up to look. There was quite a crowd around the feeder with birds jostling for a perch. It was a cold icy day too. I took a few pictures from my office window then went downstairs where I took pictures through the panes of the French door in the breakfast area. The birds were moving so quickly I didn’t get a good count…but there were probably 6-8 birds…maybe only one male (he is the one that has the brighter blue feathers).

The birds that were not on the feeder were often directly below looking up!

I was using my new camera and took advantage of the zoom and vantage point of our first floor to capture some bluebird portraits…all females (not sure where the male went….the birds were very active).

I looked at the All About Birds entry for Eastern Bluebird – and found that the birds usually don’t come to feeders because they eat primarily insects and fruits. These birds must have been hungry! One of the foods they like is raisins so I’ve put some on my list for the next grocery pick-up!

Back in January 2016, I posted about bluebirds coming to our birdbath. It was a similar kind of day from a weather perspective. There were about the same number of birds in that group. There are many nesting boxes in our area which helps support the birds’ nesting. But we probably need to have more native bushes that have berries for our birds in winter; something to consider for an upcoming landscaping project.

Through my Office Window – January 2021

I seemed to be busy with other things during January…so I was a little surprised that there were enough pictures to make a ‘through my office window’ post this month. This time of year, the heated bird bath is popular with many birds. I managed to get pictures of blue jays, Carolina chickadees, and a mourning dove there.

 Both the male and female northern cardinals are coming to the deck and feeder. The male prefers the seed under the feeder, but the female takes her time there…stays on the feeder perch of minutes rather than seconds.

The gold finches come to the feeder in small flocks. There are often 2 or 3 of them at a time.

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The white breasted nuthatch comes to the feeder but has started checking around the shingles of the covered part of the deck. I wonder if the bird stores seed there or there is something else the bird is looking for there.

I photographed the red-bellied woodpecker at the feeder but also in the maple tree. There is one in this series where the bird is getting ready to take off from the maple to make a run at the feeder. We only have a female around right now. I hope a male shows up by the spring.

Deer come through our yard frequently. Their route is always on the south side of our house – either heading to or coming from the forest. Sometimes they seem to be looking right at the camera. I saw two males butting heads at dusk, but the light was too poor to get a picture.

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There is a small flock of house finches in our area. They enjoyed nibbling the red maple buds on a warm afternoon, but they are often at the feeder this time of year as well.

My favorite pictures this month were of a group of crows finding tasty things in the back yard. They were digging down into the leaf mulch and grass; note that one of them has dirt on his beak! Also – one has white feather.

30 years ago – January 1991

In January 1991 – we went down to the Smithsonian on the 1st. I didn’t note which museums we saw…just that our 16-month-old daughter walked across the mall on her own – stopping to exam interesting pebbles and clumps of grass, etc.

We had more snow that January than we have this year. There are pictures of our daughter sledding down the driveway in a plastic tub; her snowsuit is a little tight and she does not look happy at all…maybe because I forgot to put on her mittens! She was much happier indoors eating spaghetti.

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Her new skill was taking off her shoes and socks. Her father called me one morning after I’d gotten to work with the news that I was going to have to do something about her…he had gotten her ready to go to day care and was putting on his coat…turned around to discover that her shoes and socks were not on her feet anymore! Her day care provider said the same thing happened all day long. Once she discovered she could do it – we all had to be patient until the novelty wore off…or her feet grew a little and the shoes were not as easy to pull off. I also started putting her in tights, so she had at least one layer on her feet.

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We all enjoyed the Cats musical that we taped from PBS. Our daughter made the connection between the characters of the show and our cat. The cat slept through most of the video viewings.

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My husband and it were worried about events in the Middle East (Desert Storm); after the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, there had been such hope that the world was heading toward a better time, but the optimism did not last. I was feeling the physical distance between where I lived in Maryland with the rest of my family in the Dallas just as I am now. Maybe it was a little better in 1991 because I could travel – not something that can happen in January 2021.

Tree Trunk Macros – Part 2

A few days ago, I posted some macro images of our sycamore and cherry tree trunks. Today the macro images are of our Thundercloud Plum and Red Oak tree trunks.

The plum tree bark has fissures and a reddish tinge – maybe from the same pigment that makes its leaves red purple in summer. There are small growths of lichen. The tree is not as well colonized as the cherry but seems to have some the same type of lichen.

The red oak is a mini-ecosystem complete with the lichen (some with a dendritic type of growth) and moss. I appreciate the moss in the winter because it is the greenest thing in our front yard!

The oak also supports some Virginia Creeper vines…with moss and lichen growing under them. The suction cup like attachment to the tree are covered over by the moss.

Overall, this photographic project in our yard has encouraged me to try it someplace else. Maybe I’ll do some tree trunk photography down by the neighborhood pond or into the forest behind our house. Stay tuned.

Tree Trunk Macros – Part 1

A sunny day in the thirties…I decided to take a quick walk around the yard with my new camera for some landscape pictures and my phone with a 2x magnifying lens with a built in LED light (and clicker) for macro shots. The best images of the morning (before I got too cold) were the macro shots of tree trunks. My gear is simple. I wear both the clicker and the phone with the magnifier around my neck. I can easily hold the phone close to the tree trunk with one hand (often bracing my hand on the tree) and use the clicker to take pictures with the other.

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The sycamore bark is full of texture…fissures old and new. Some parts of the trunk are very smooth, but I am more interested in the cracks and crevices.

I noticed some Virginia Creeper stems on the painted surface of the exterior wall of our basement. They retain some reddish color even in winter. The way they attach to the brick looks like a suction cup!

The cherry tree has lichen and moss growing on it…and a different texture than the sycamore even though there are some occasional curls of bark.


A larger branch had fallen from the tree and I took a picture of the end of the branch.

I’ll post the macro images of other tree trunks in our yard next week. I’ve also added ‘pick up sticks/branches’ to my list of chores!

New Camera Experiments – Creative Filters

I got a new camera for Christmas – a Canon PowerShot SX70 HS. It’s a slight upgrade from a previous camera but I am taking time to browse through the manual to try a few things. The Creative Filters Mode is the topic of today’s post. The mode provides a series of image effects that are can be easily selected. My experiment was to try the different ‘filters’ with the view from my office window.

Filter 1: black and white, rough and gritty

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Filter 2: soft focus, gentle ambience

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Filter 3: distorting fish-eye lens

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Filter 4: art bold, like oil painting

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Filter 5: watercolor painting

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Filter 6: miniature effect, blurring of image outside a selected area

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Filter 7: toy camera with vignetting and different color balance

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I took a second series with the bouquet of flowers…using the art bold

And then the watercolor painting filters.

These are fun to play with but I’m not sure how often I will use you them in the field. At least I am more aware they are a feature of the camera after experimenting with them. I might try them in a garden or forest…but make some notes for myself so I remember what I used; they skew reality….and I am usually trying to capture what I am seeing rather than going for a special effect image.

Tennessee Sandhill Cranes

The Virtual Celebration of the Cranes hosted by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency is history…but there are videos available on their Facebook page. My favorite video is the hour-long Coffee with Cranes; it includes the morning activity of the cranes near the confluence of the Tennessee and Hiawassee Rivers and the intermittent commentary about cranes…a wonderful virtual field trip. I appreciated that I was warm inside while watching the birds in the light snow (with the bundled up commentators occasionally chiming in with sandhill crane info). The high point of the video is near the end – a large number of birds were startled from another field and flew into the mowed corn/millet field they were filming in the last 3-4 minutes of the hour!

I am full of plans for next January…attending this festival in-person and making a side trip down to Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge in Alabama (further down the Tennessee River and another location where there are lots of cranes in the winter).

If we wanted a road trip to see cranes earlier in the season – we might visit the Jasper-Pulaski Fish & Wildlife Area in Indiana. The peak number of birds at that location usually occurs in December and the birds migrate further south as it gets colder.  

We could do a themed birding travel year around sandhill cranes:

  • September for Yampa Valley Cranes (Colorado)

  • November for Bosque del Apache Festival of the Cranes (New Mexico)

  • December for Jasper-Pulaski Fish & Wildlife Area (Indiana)

  • January for Hiawassee/Tennessee River confluence and Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge (Tennessee and Alabama)

  • March for Platte River migrating cranes (Nebraska)

Of course – there are other birds (lots of waterfowl and some raptors) to see along with the cranes at the various locations…and we’d see both western and easter flocks…mostly greater sandhill cranes but some lesser sandhills in the west. There might be some whooping cranes with the sandhills in the east!

Maybe I’ll find other locations to add before we set out – or maybe this turns into a multi-year series of trips. It’s post-COVID travel to look forward to! We know a lot more after all the virtual festivals we’ve enjoyed during our ‘stay at home as much as possible’ time since last March.

2 Mornings in January

It is easy to catch the sunrise this time of year from our house: the leaves are off the trees so we have a better view of the horizon and sunrise happens well after 7 AM. I’ve discovered that the view is better from the second floor of our house rather than the first – even though that means the pictures are taken through a window. I’m sharing 2 recent sunrises in this post:

The first is from the 15th. The east was getting brighter, transitioning from red to orangish hues (left image)…but the pink haze of reflected light in the west (right image) was my favorite of the morning since it only happens occasionally…it was a great way to start the morning in my office.

On the 17th, the east had more cloud texture than on the 15th and it was a little redder…earlier in the sunrise sequence.

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Ten minutes later, the view from my office (looking toward the west) caught the special morning light ‘coming down from the trees’ as it came over the roof of our house. Most of the trees looking full of orange light are tulip poplars. The dark trees in the foreground (in shadow) are pines, black walnut, and red maple. The forest is lovely all the time…but the early morning is probably my favorite during the winter…do drab browns in sight!

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Large Zentangle® Tile

I found some 11-inch square pieces of white cardboard while I was cleaning out…not sure where they came from…I immediately started using one of them to make a large Zentangle tile.


I started out with a traditional frame and string made with pencil…non-traditional since I used a ruler. Then I started filling in the spaces with some of my favorite patterns – gingo, crescent moon, poke root and leaf, tipple, etc. There was a pattern to how I added the patterns into spaces…so patterns with patterns. Once I filled all the spaces with patterns (using a fine point black Sharpie),  I started to add color moving from the outer spaces toward the center with various colors of fine point Sharpies. The last ‘layer’ was some highlighting with white and light green gel pen. It took me a few days to do the whole surface and was a good experience. I still like the smaller tiles best – something I can finish in one or two sittings.

Enjoy the time sequence below!


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at