2024 Festival of the Cranes Last Hurrah
/This is the last post about our road trip to the2024 Festival of the Cranes in New Mexico in December! It is mainly about our trip home. My husband was driving again so I could take pictures!
We left after the morning with the falconer (peregrines and Harris’s Hawks) so the sun was almost overhead when we passed through Albuquerque NM. I hadn’t noticed the big pots between the two directions of the interstate when we can through in the other direction. I did remember the big aloe/yucca sculpture perched on a ledge above the highway – and was pleased that I managed to photograph it.
Santa Rosa NM was our stop again for the night and we left early the next morning for the long drive back to Missouri. We were near Tucumcari for the sunrise. The clouds and the vegetation along the highway made for a great photographic opportunity.
We were lucky that the clouds were thick when the sun popped above the horizon – no painfully bright sunshine in our eyes!
We saw the wind turbines in the panhandle of Texas again and a Route 66 mosaic in the rest stop bathroom.
Later in the day, there was Tulsa highway art.
We were glad to be home again but are still savoring our December time in New Mexico.
Previous Festival of the Cranes posts