Skylight Snow Slide

The skylight on the covered deck is easily photographed from my office window. After the snow covered it last Wednesday, I watched as the snow and ice started to melt. 48 hours after the snow fell…we had warm enough temperatures that the melt was starting, and the sheet started to slide.

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The overnight temperatures froze everything again. The next day…it melted some more but stayed intact as is moved down the slope.

The day after the sheet broke about noon.

The next morning the skylight was clear but there was still some ice melting on the roof -

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And the morning was full of fog.

Our forecast has us getting cold again later in the week…but no snow for Christmas.

CSA Bounty Continues

The Community Supported Agriculture shares ended in mid-October and my freezer and refrigerator were very full. I managed to use up the items in the refrigerator except for one sweet potato that got soft; it was good to have crisper space by mid-November! The freezer was still overloaded then but now is beginning to seem like it is just comfortably full.


I am trying to use a few things from the freezer every day. I thawed garlic scapes, cherry tomatoes and green onions to cook with bulgur wheat (I used scissors to cut them up after they thawed) served under a chicken stir fry).

The frozen greens (mostly kale) I use in smoothies.

I still have beets to give color to soups or smoothies….purreed orange veggies (pumpkin, sweet potato, butternut squash) to make custards.

And then there are the heads of garlic that I have on the counter and a small canister of dried stevia leaves I’ve been adding to tea as it steeps. Everything will be used up by the end of January --- with the garlic probably being the last of the 2020 CSA bounty.


I probably did the best job I’ve ever done of getting maximum value of the CSA’s produce because I was at home the entire season and had time to prep/preserve everything.

Remnants of Snow

Once we had snow on the ground, the cold kept it there for a few days. There was slow melting in the daytime but hard freezes at night – down to 20 degrees on one night.


I decided to try some 5x magnification photography with my phone using a magnifier with a light feature. A rubber band held the magnifier positioned over the phone’s camera which allowed me to hold it with one hand and use a external clicker to take pictures (I could have used voice commands but they aren’t as reliable as the clicker which I wore on a lanyard around my neck).

The depth of field makes it challenging to have everything in focus, but I picked images for the slideshow below where the blurred part is not essential to seeing the remnants of snow. I think some of the structures were just as they fell as snow and others were from re-freezing that occurred over several nights.

All these were taken in the early morning…very cold…on my front porch. The day was cloudy so the majority of the light was coming from the magnifier’s LED.

Gleanings of the Week Ending December 19, 2020

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

How Has Photography's Relationship With Nature Evolved Over the Past 200 Years? | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine – A little history…that I used as a prompt to look for some of the works on Internet Archive. I’ll post about what I found for Kazumas Ogawa in a post next week.

Infographic: Deciphering Diet from Blood and Urine Samples | The Scientist Magazine® - Full article also available and more interesting that the infographic! The approach is still not perfected…but it may eventually help us get to personalized nutrition plans without as much trial and error that is required now.

Connection between gut bacteria and vitamin D levels -- ScienceDaily – Lots more needed to understand Vitamin D. This study indicated that blood tests for Vitamin D might not be useful at all since they don’t measure active Vitamin D….and active vitamin D is what correlates to gut bacteria…and potentially bone health. “Maybe it’s not how much vitamin D you supplement with, but how you encourage your body to use it.”

Get a Bird's-Eye View of UNESCO World Heritage Sites Across the Globe – Some beautiful places…from overhead.

How Non-Native Plants Are Contributing to a Global Insect Decline - Yale E360 – Insect declines….then birds. Lots of reasons to focus on planting natives a much as we can. I’m glad the forest behind my house is full of native trees and that I’ve replaced 2 bushs in the front of my house with natives. The challenge is to control the small but prolific invasive plants growing on the forest floor and into our yard enough for non-natives to survive. There used to be native jack-in-the-pulpits in our forest until several years ago.

How do we separate the factual from the possible? New research shows how our brain responds to both -- ScienceDaily – This article was frustrating. The study found that factual language is something our brains respond to. That’s not the issue at this moment in our nation’s history. The problem is the use of factual language about something not factual! Maybe this article is why we need to be more worried about public discourse/pronouncements.

It's One Hot Place Deep Down On The Floor Of Yellowstone Lake – About studies at Yellowstone Lake…the sensors and what they are revealing.

Shuttering fossil fuel power plants may cost less than expected -- ScienceDaily – Interesting…but I hope we’ll retire them all well before 2035 with the cost of renewals coming down so quickly. It will make economic sense to just do it!

Keeping Black Bears Wild And People Safe – This article is about black bears in Smokey Mountains National Park and the BearWise program more broadly. We do have Black Bears in Maryland and they occasionally show up in our area; there was one that showed up at our nearby elementary school a few years ago – caused a school lockdown until it wondered off.

Meet the Dipper, the Songbird That Swims – Evidently they are easier to spot in Colorado during the winter when they are concentrated long streams that remain unfrozen…but they are in the Rockies all year round…Dippers are elevation migrants (higher in the summer….lower in the winter). Maybe some post-pandemic trip we’ll look for them!

Ice Day

The snow changed to sleet then rain around 3 PM and then the temperature dipped below freezing again overnight leaving it looking like snow on the ground but there was an icy crust on top of the snow and the streets were rutted ice. The gutters of the house were clogged with snow that had become icy. So – we had an Ice Day after a Snow Day.

I took some pictures in the early morning darkness. The temperature was about 25…and it looked like there was still white everywhere…the street looking white too. I’d heard a vehicle go by and there were enough cracking sounds to indicate that the street was not clear…was not turned to slush by an application of salt.

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As the sun came up, the street looked treacherous and our driveway looked snow packed. I took some zoomed pictures of the azalea outside our front door with ice nodules held by its leaves.

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I had scheduled a donation pickup from our front porch which I changed to leave in the garage – although I’m not sure they will come…maybe the street will be better by this afternoon.

The best picture of the morning was of our backyard. I didn’t realize until I was reviewing the pictures that I’d gotten the shadow of a dove in flight! My intent was to document the low place in our backyard making a little stream of melt water….but sometimes the unexpected happens and makes for more than a documentary picture.

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Snow Day


I kept checking to see if had started snowing even before it was daylight….and noticed the sunrise. It was a good way to start the day even without snow falling.


I enjoyed the pumpkin roll I had gotten at the grocery store when I went to buy half and half for the (potential) snow ice cream for my breakfast. It still wasn’t snowing.


And then it started. The temperature was 30 or 31….so it didn’t stick immediately to the street and sidewalk, but our deck is raised….and started accumulating snow. Soon there was a dusting. The juncos still found the seeds I’d spilled on the deck…scratching the snow away. The small openings in the mat on the front porch started to fill. Even leave litter turns beautiful with a dusting of snow.

The leaves on the azalea by the front porch caught snow…the occasional red leaf stands out. I went out on the deck to photograph the stairs down to the yard; the dark mound on the landing mid-way down must be racoon poop after one of their visits to our bird feeder.


All the equipment to try snowflake photography was outside to get cold: the glass plate in a bowl, the magnifiers, the wireless clicker to cause my phone to take the picture. The snow was coming down fast enough that it was a challenge to not get too much on the plate. The snowflakes were often already clumped into larger structures on the way down (there were ‘flakes’ falling that were quite large…gauzy looking). So – not a great day for photographing snowflakes. I did get to experiment with the clip on 65x magnifier with its own light and the 25x jeweler’s loupe. Both are used resting on the plate with the phone positioned above them; it makes it easier to hold everything steady for the photos. Hopefully, we’ll have another snow – an opportunity to try again.

Snow Ice Cream

We got enough snow to make snow ice cream (a little over 3 inches)! I skimmed off the top inch just as the sleet started (later it rained), filling a large bowl. I had already measured out a cup of half-and-half, ½ teaspoon of vanilla, and a cup of pepper candy chips. The snow was still so icy after I used the mixer to blend everything that I added another cup of half and half and even then it didn’t taste as creamy as I thought it would….but it looked pretty with the bit of color from the candy and we ate it anyway.

After 2 bowls of snow ice cream, I was so cold I sat in front of the fire in the fireplace – getting warm on one side at least. It was a good end to our snow day.

House & Garden Magazines

Internet Archive has quite few volumes of the House & Garden magazines digitized; they are in volumes with 6 issues each (like were in physical library reference sections). A search for the title “House & garden” provides a long list with all the volumes having a publication date of 1901 in the metadata (which is when the magazine was first published)!  It’s not possible to find the volumes for a particular year of interest on the list.   I am still working my way through the volumes…slowly but surely…but I am featuring 9 of the volumes in this post that I’ve already enjoyed.

The earliest volume is from July-December 1901. I always pay attention to books from 1901 because that is the year my paternal grandfather was born (earlier in the year). His parents had immigrated to the US from Eastern Europe and were tenant farms in Texas. Their lives were a far cry from the houses and gardens depicted in the magazine. I did find something familiar in this volume: pictures of Biltmore near Ashville, NC. George Vanderbilt would have been still alive when the article was written, and his daughter (born in 1900) would have been a toddler. What different environment it would have been to grow up in such a place!

I enjoy thinking about how people lived the magazine depict…the types of materials used for flooring and and lighting…elaborate gardens with water features…cottage gardens…architectural features like built-ins, garden rooms, and porches. The covers are often the only color pages in the early volumes…easy to spot when browsing through. Here are some samples:

July – December 1908

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There are pictures of the White House Rose Garden as it was during the Reagan administration in the September – December 1984 volume.

I’ve been browsing the volumes in no particular order so far, keeping track of the ones I’ve browsed…eventually I’ll have to go back and try to find the volumes I somehow missed.

Unique Activities for Yesterday:

Groceries. Snow is in our forecast and we had no half-and-half to make snow ice cream! I opted to make a quick trip to the grocery store for it and other items to avoid going again for 3 weeks. I went at the usual early time and it seemed like there were a few more people (maybe others that wanted to get ‘snow day’ foods) but still easy to stay distanced and find everything on the list quickly. I wore two masks; my daughter had talked about double masking now that our masks have been though the laundry enough times that the fibers might not be as tight. My glasses anti-fog wipe treatment worked just as well as it did with one mask.  I bought a slice of red velvet cake and ate it for my morning snack…felt like I had too much caffeine in me shortly afterward….but still enjoyed the treat. Overall – a good morning errand and reward!

30 Years Ago – December 1990

In December 1990, we were challenged to clear out my mother-in-law’s apartment after her funeral in late November and celebrate the holidays with our 15 month old daughter….but we made it.

We had several sessions to box up the apartment (usually while my daughter was at day care) – some to donate and some back to our house. Movers brought the things that came back to our house. My husband handled her last bills, and I did most of the unpacking at our house. The living room of our house was full of boxes for the early part of the month.

It was a lot to do overlaid on putting up holiday decorations and picking out gifts. Remembering it now – I’m sure the flurry of activity associated with the holidays helped lift our mood considerably. One memorable event happened at a shopping center where they had a roving Santa; our daughter’s response when he offered her a candy cane (even though she was standing between me and my husband) was to lay down on the sidewalk and cry….evidently traumatized by the Santa…or maybe it was the candy cane. I scooped her up and she calmed down almost immediately. We didn’t try to do anything else with a Santa that year.

We took her to the Christmas Party for children at IBM (where I worked); we attempted getting her face painted…but she only wanted to sit still for one small design; she enjoyed a large oatmeal raisin cookie…and she got her IBM bear (white bear with an IBM t-shirt) which was a good size bear for her to carry around.

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There were lots of things on Christmas that she enjoyed too – a phone (she was getting adept at pushing buttons), a panda bear that was about the same size as her (that was later named Mr. Zebra), and a Little Tikes grocery cart. I noticed in one of the old pictures that she must have used a small red basket I’d bought as part of our Christmas decorations years before she was born as a toy as well…just her size.

Even this early in her life, she’s already accumulated a lot of stuffed animals. We arranged them in her crib, and she liked to be there with them. Note that she was already adept at grabbing the big bears by the ear. She liked having them with her more than blankets!

Anticipating Snow

We are excited to have snow in the forecast for Wednesday.

Visions of snow ice cream!


I previously bought peppermint candy chips to be ready for the winter…sugar and vanilla we always have on hand. So – the ingredient we are missing is half-and-half.

Since last winter we didn’t ever have enough snow to make snow ice cream, my husband and I have decided that I should do a grocery shopping at 1.5 weeks rather than 3 weeks since the last time….for the half and half and other things we’ll need to see us through the holidays (in our case it’s not just Christmas…there is an anniversary and birthday too…all from home this year, connections via Zoom).

Here’s the strategy for making snow ice cream:

Wait until enough snow falls that most of the pollution is out of the air (i.e. 1-2 inches have fallen).

Once there is enough snow – set out all the ingredients (peppermint candy chips, vanilla, half and half, sugar is optional since usually the chips provide enough sweetness, food coloring is optional but helps to know when everything is thoroughly mixed) and the big bowl + electric hand mixer + spatula + serving bowls.

Collect snow with a egg turner or anything with a large flat are to skim the top snow layers and transfer the snow into a large pan. Remember the snow compacts as it makes the snow ice cream. The fluffier the snow is – the more snow the ice cream will require.

Inside quickly put the snow into the big bowl…almost filling it. Add the other ingredients on top. The amounts are somewhat variable since snow has a range of consistencies – I usually start with 0.5 – 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 cup half and half, and .75 cup of peppermint candy chips. Then mix. Add more half and half if the consistency is crumbly rather than creamy.

Serve and enjoy.

Snowflake Photography!

Another activity to prepare for…probably something to do before enough snow has accumulated to make snow ice cream…photograph snowflakes. I’ve tried it several times in the past. March 2014 was a big year.

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I still have glass plates that will work well to catch the snowflakes…provide good background color. They’ll be out on the deck the night before the snow starts to be cold and ready for collection.

I’m going to try my phone with the lighted magnifier first. It’s only 5x so might not be quite enough for snowflake pictures.

I have loupe with a light somewhere that I need to locate. For both I will attach the magnification to the phone with a rubber band.

I’m still thinking about how to get the plate and phone into focusing range (i.e. close) without being handheld (too much heat generated with my hands). I’ll use voice or an external clicker to signal the phone to take the picture. So – I have a deadline of Wednesday to jerry-rig a set up.

Or - I might end up reverting to the loupes that sit on top of the plate and laying the phone on the loupe – the other end on a box to make it horizontal. The trick it to not add too much heat that will cause the snowflakes to melt too quickly!

I am soooo looking forward to a snow day!

9 Months in COVID-19 Pandemic

The first vaccine for COVID-19 was approved in the US by the FDA on the 9-month anniversary of the WHO declaring the world wide pandemic. The rollout will take months but there is more hope now….if we can just get through the months until enough people get vaccinated to provide herd immunity. The US is not in a good situation right now with hospitals filling up, larger than ever numbers of people testing positive, and deaths per day about the same as 9/11/2001 – the trauma of that death rate repeated again and again instead of one day. Even a month ago, I thought there were more effective treatments that had been developed since last spring, but it now seems that either they don’t exist or they are in such short supply that they don’t make a difference. Even worse – the best treatments only seem to be available to favorites of the President…implying (or confirming) the corruption of at least part of the medical system in the US.

The psyche of everyone in the country is impacted by the pandemic – made worse by the leadership of the country, particularly at the Federal level and trickling down to some states. There is a lack of caring in American society that still surprises me. I limit the time I spend watching/reading news…stay more with stats and public health recommendations to guide the actions I take relative to the pandemic.

  • I have elongated my time between trips to the grocery store to every 3 weeks (rather than every 2 weeks like I did over the summer and fall or every week I did pre-pandemic). It takes more planning but is preferrable than going back to grocery delivery. I like to choose my purchases directly!

  • My husband and I celebrated Thanksgiving on our own at home and are planning to do the same for all the upcoming holidays. Special foods are still part of the celebration but we cook for 2 (or enjoy a lot of leftovers). I am intentionally trying some new recipes for desserts. We also do telephone calls/Zoom sessions with family on the special days.

  • We are getting take out every week or so. We haven’t eaten in a restaurant since back in February. It’s impossible to know how good the air circulation/filtration is in an enclosed area where 6 feet distance may not be adequate….and one cannot wear a mask while eating. Many municipalities/counties in Maryland are going back to take-out only because of the dramatic rise in cases over the past few weeks (although the rise might be more because of behavior around the Thanksgiving holiday than restaurants); whatever the cause - the likelihood of asymptomatic people in our community has increased and there is a need to respond to that to help avoid hospitals overflowing/starting to ration care.

  • My husband is still planning to do some amateur astronomy sessions with the local club…outdoors and masked and telescopes set up at least 6 feet apart….if the weather cooperates. He did some solar astronomy on his own from our driveway and backyard in November. The club meetings have been via zoom for months.

Over the past month, we enjoyed


I am looking forward to cooking holiday desserts, watching a virtual Holiday House Tour being produced by my county and a session on Wild Birds in Winter from our state Department of Natural Resources, and filling up the porch with items for a charity to pick up…and continuing day to day activities that give me joy like Zentangle tile creation, photographing birds and wildlife from my office window, finding good books to browse, and writing a blog post….taking a walk in the neighborhood or watching the trees gently moving in the winter wind from my office window.

I am looking forward to cooking holiday desserts, watching a virtual Holiday House Tour being produced by my county and a session on Wild Birds in Winter from our state Department of Natural Resources, and filling up the porch with items for a charity to pick up…and continuing day to day activities that give me joy like Zentangle tile creation, photographing birds and wildlife from my office window, finding good books to browse, and writing a blog post….taking a walk in the neighborhood or watching the trees gently moving in the winter wind from my office window.

Over the next month, we might get a better sense of when we will be able to get the vaccine. My plan is to get it as soon as I am eligible. Once I’m protected by it and my parents are in the same state…a road trip to Texas will be my first post-pandemic travel.

At the 9 month mark – I am more hopeful for 2021….but very focused on staying hyper vigilant – doing everything we know to do to avoid getting COVID-19 until we are protected by the vaccine.

Gleanings of the Week Ending December 12, 2020

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

Massive Arecibo Telescope Collapses in Puerto Rico | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine – Very sad. It was already being decommissioned which was wrenching….but then the collapse meant that even the instruments that might have been usable elsewhere were destroyed. My husband spent some time at Arecibo during his graduate school studies in the 1970s.

What do slight arm movements reveal about our breathing and health? -- ScienceDaily – Evidently it works best during sleep when there is not a lot of other movement other than breathing!

Hegra, an Ancient City in Saudi Arabia Untouched for Millennia, Makes Its Public Debut | Travel | Smithsonian Magazine – Undisturbed for 2,000 years…once an international trade hub although most of the surviving structures are tombs…a few hundred miles to the south of Petra

Proterra Sells Its 1,000th Electric Bus and New Electric School Buses In Virginia & Massachusetts – Electric buses are very appealing…I’ve always hated the sooty exhaust from diesel buses. Buses operate in situations where many people (and children) are in close proximity, so removing buses as a source of city and school pollution would be a good step forward.

Glyphosate may affect human gut microbiota -- ScienceDaily – A bioinformatics tool to predict if a microbe is sensitive to glyphosate – in the soil…in the digestive system of animals. The compound, widely used as a herbicide, biochemically targets plants but the same pathway is also in bacteria.

Opinion: The Biological Function of Dreams | The Scientist Magazine® - Learning more about sleep…and REM sleep in particular.

The mystery of Siberia’s exploding craters - BBC Future – Gas emission craters. Studies have revealed a 3-5 year life cycle: a mound forms…rising several meters, the gas underneath explodes. They tend to form in areas where there is a thick layer of ice over permafrost…with some areas of unfrozen ground surrounded by permafrost…and very deep deposits of gas and oil. The big challenge has been to identify the source of the gas that builds up – because after the explosion it is already gone.

Forest fires, cars, power plants join list of risk factors for Alzheimer's disease: Airborne pollution implicated in amyloid plaques, UCSF-led study shows -- ScienceDaily and Air pollution spikes linked to lower test scores for Salt Lake County third graders -- ScienceDaily – Studies that show the impact of air pollution on humans….other reasons to step up the pace of the shift away from fossil fuels. Thinking positively – actions to address climate change tend to improve air quality.

Mistletoe: A Natural and Human History – A plant associated with the season! And there are other species of mistletoe from around the world.

Top 25 birds of the week: December 2020! - Wild Bird Revolution – Beautiful birds….at the end of the gleanings list for this week.

Books Illustrated by Joseph Pennell

During November, I browsed through 24 books illustrated by Joseph Pennell published between 1889 and 1918. The project was initiated by his book on Modern Illustration published in 1894 that I found early in the month. As I browsed through it, it seemed like a good reference to use for searching Internet Archive to find books illustrated by artists he cited; it’s so easy to search for names of authors (even though sometimes the illustrators are not listed in the metadata which makes it harder…then it’s back to the reference or the Wikipedia entry for the illustrator and searching by title).  I opted to start my browsing with Joseph Pennell and collected some sample images from each book for this post. My main interest is the illustrations…the snapshots they provide of places as they were during Pennell’s time.

There are 4 more books  in the 24 where Pennell is the author and illustrator: Joseph Pennell's pictures of war work in England (1917), San Francisco, the city of the Golden Gate (1916), Lithography and lithographers (1916), and  Joseph Pennell's pictures of war work in America (1918). The books of World War I industrial scenes could easily be adjuncts to history classes about that time….most of them gritty…many awe inspiring.  

Then there are the Highways and Byways books by various authors but with Pennell as the illustrator (or one of the illustrators):

Highways and byways in Normandy - Dearmer, Percey; Pennell, Joseph (1910)

Highways and byways in East Anglia - Dutt, William Alfred; Pennell, Joseph (1901)

Highways and byways in Devon and Cornwall - Norway, Arthur Hamilton; Pennell, Joseph; Thomson, Hugh (1897)

Highways and byways in Yorkshire - Norway, Arthur Hamilton; Pennell, Joseph; Thomson, Hugh (1899)

This is another example of how to find books to browse on Internet Archive; a simple search for “highways and byways in” yielded other books in the series that I’ve put on my list to browse... another thread to those others illustrators of Pennell’s time.

3 books were authored by  Henry James with Pennell as the illustrator: English Hours (1905), and A Little Tour in France (1901), and Italian Hours (1909).

Pennell illustrated Maurice Henry Hewlett’s The Road to Tuscany (1904) published in 2 volumes (vol 1 and vol 2).

Pennell was an American but spent his career based in London…but he travelled widely. Aside from the San Francisco book which he authored himself, there are 2 books in the 24 about places in the US:  The Creoles of Louisiana - Cable, George Washington; Pennell, Joseph (1914) and The new New York : a commentary on the place and the people - Van Dyke, John Charles; Pennell, Joseph (1909).

3 books are about places in Italy:

Italian Journeys - Howell, William Dean; Pennell, Joseph (1907)

Gleanings from Venetian history - Crawford, Francis Marion; Pennell, Joseph (1905)

The makers of modern Rome - Oliphant, Margaret; Riviere, Henry Parsons; Pennell, Joseph (1895)

2 books about places in Spain:

The Alhambra - Irving, Washington; Pennell, Joseph; Pennell, Elizabeth Robins (1896)

Castilian Days - Hay, John; Pennell, Joseph (1903)

And then the last 3 that I didn’t group with anything else

Old Chelsea, a summer-day's stroll - Martin, Benjamin Ellis; Pennell, Joseph (1889)

On the Broads - Dodd, Anna Bowman; Pennell, Joseph (1896)

Raiderland; all about grey Galloway, its stories, traditions, characters, humours - Crockett, Samuel Rutherford; Pennell, Joseph (1904)


Overall – a lot to enjoy browsing through these 24 books on Internet Archive…great activity for a cold winter day.

Sweet Potato Soup

The forecast for our area this morning was for snow showers. We didn’t see a single flake! But – the cold did get me in the mood to make soup. I had cooked the last haul of sweet potatoes from the CSA a few days ago so I opted to start with the sweet potato puree for the primary ingredient. Things evolved from there.

I put some powered chicken bouillon with water in a pan…added a few cubes of frozen beets (also from the CSA) to increase the potential color of the soup. The beets cooked and softened while I got the other ingredients prepared. The seasonings were garlic (from the CSA too), fresh finger, onion powder, and curry. They were added while the beets were cooking.

I thawed 2 turkey sausage patties and cut them up. I decided a small handful of frozen cranberries would add to the flavor complexity.


After the beets were soft enough, I used the potato masher in the pan…then added the pureed sweet potato, sausage, and cranberries. I cooked everything until the cranberries began to split open.

When I poured it into the bowl, I realized the color had turned out to be similar to cream of tomato soup. The cranberries and sausage cubes floated on top.


Then for the topping of Chinese noodles (I like them better than crackers).


A fabulous winter-time lunch! One of my favorite things about soups is the combination of ingredients…the grand experiment. I just add ingredients that I want to taste together…because that’s what happens in soup. My experiments have become dependable enough that I am confident it will be edible….even tasty! This time it was also a success for the color – a seasonal shade between Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Around the House Macro – December 2020

A quick walk around the house looking at familiar items with the 5x magnifying lens with a light…photographing through it with my phone.

The first stop was the vase of peacock feathers from my maternal grandmother in the early 80s. She had peacocks and picked up feathers as they were shed. I got a bouquet of them one Christmas. I put the feathers in a tall gold glass vase I’d bought in the 1960s – purchased with my allowance when we were shopping for school supplies one fall. They’ve been in that vase all along….moved to a new house twice. The colors are still iridescent and vibrant – to be expected with structural color.

The second stop was to purchased flowers….a sunflower dried and on the window sill purchased fresh more than a month ago, the other a little over two weeks old but still vibrant.

The third stop was a peacock feathered ornament my sister bought about 10 years ago. It was interesting to compare the feathers to the ones from the vase that are so much older. Maybe with more magnification they would look more different.


Lastly – a macramé knot from a wall hanging one of my sisters in the 1980s for a Christmas gift.  

These are the most visually pleasing items in my office – beautiful on their own and full of my personal history. Together with the view from the window, they make it my favorite room in the house.

Unique Activities for Yesterday:

Last big leaf on the sycamore. The last big leaf has fallen from the sycamore. I kept taking pictures of it in the afternoon almost every day. This one was taken the day before it fell. It retained a bit of golden color until the end. Its falling has symbolized the shift from fall to winter for me this year.

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Thanksgiving at the Birdfeeder

It turns out the birdfeeder had some busy times on Thanksgiving — according to our birdfeeder cam. The day started about 1:30 AM when two racoons visited they feeder. They gave up very quickly. So far – none of the racoon visitors have gotten any seed.

There were the usual visitors off and on throughout the morning. Then there was a flurry of activity about 12 hours after the racoon visit…starting just after 1:30 PM. A White-breasted Nuthatch came to the feeder…was routed temporarily by a Tufted Titmouse…after the titmouse left, pair nuthatches returned….they came and went several times. Then a female Northern Cardinal was on the feeder with the male cardinal keeping watch below. The nuthatch and cardinal pairs are rarely on the feeder at the same time…the second bird waits on the deck railing or floor. The nuthatches take turns on the feeder; the male cardinal seems to be more in sentinel mode rather than waiting for a turn at the feeder. The nuthatches pick out the sunflower seeds. The female cardinal seems to like everything.

Toward the end of the day, the Red-bellied woodpecker was the last bird to get a snack at the feeder. The bird made a lot of noise….before it flew in and then when it was at the feeder. It does like to have the feeder to itself although sometimes it will share it with a small bird like a Carolina Wren.

Sunrise Moments

Sunrise pictures involve timing…a morning with some clouds but not too many to block out the light completely at the critical time…and I have to be in the right place at that time. I know the locations at our house: the front door looks to the east and the forest behind our house gets great morning glow.

I stand on the front porch and use the zoom to get pictures without houses or power lines. The big oak in our front yard is always in the foreground.

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On some mornings – the light coming down the trees as the sun comes up is more spectacular. The trees get an orangey glow. Again – I use the zoom on the camera to frame the image without a house or deck in the image.

The seed pods of the tulip poplars look more like flowers in the colorful morning light.

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On the morning I took these pictures, the clouds were on the move and the glow on the forest only lasted about 5 minutes…the clouds blinking out the magic light just as I finished with my camera.

Cemetery Reflections

Since we made our visit to the cemetery on Thanksgiving morning to put flowers on my mother-in-law’s grave, I’ve been thinking about it more.

It’s always a quiet place surrounded by relatively busy suburban streets and it’s big enough that there are always other people around. Going there is conducive to reflection – feeling alone but not too alone. On this Thanksgiving Day there seemed to be more people than usual scattered at graves to contemplate/put out silk flowers…one or two people usually although there was one group of 8 or so spaced out around a grave. We go on Thanksgiving because she died the Friday after Thanksgiving 30 years ago (and we also go on her birthday in June). I wondered if others in the cemetery had similar rationale or whether Thanksgiving is the type of holiday to remember past family gatherings…to savor those times that we had years ago…and an opportunity to be outdoors in a low-risk way during the pandemic.


The physical aspects of the place have improved somewhat over the years. The curb on the street where we park was asphalt and broken in the beginning; it’s been replaced with a concrete curb. And the pines have gotten bigger in 30 years. This year either they didn’t produce cones, or the cones had dropped and been gathered up by the maintenance crew. For some reason, I noticed that some of the grave makers did not include places for urns…and one was missing the urn (i.e. there was just a hole). Most of the markers are flat to allow for easier maintenance although there is a vertical marker that makes it much easier for us to find my mother-in-law’s grave. Even after 30 years – the markers are still level…not sunk into sod. I still like the dogwood flowers on the marker we chose for her.

What will happen when we eventually move from away from Maryland? My mother-in-law will be the only family member buried here…the rest of the family living elsewhere across the country. If we are ever back in the area – we’ll probably put flowers out again but our reminders of her will be the things that were hers that we use almost every day in our home – several end tables, a jar opener, a tin for cookies, a China cabinet, a desk. Actually – we probably think about her more often because of those items than the calendar prompting us to visit the cemetery. The cemetery is not central to our memories of her. I wonder if that is true for other families and eventually our cultural norms will shift way cemeteries.

Gleanings of the Week Ending December 5, 2020

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

Climate change presents new challenges for the drinking water supply -- ScienceDaily – Studying the Rappbode Reservoir in Germany and applying models….helping to predict what happens with warmer temperatures and increased drought…and what tweaks in reservoir management can mitigate.

The Lanterna of Genoa, the oldest lighthouse in Europe – The current Lighthouse of Genoa was built in 1543. The article includes some pictures of the technology used in the lighthouse from the 19th and 20th centuries.

Pollution and pandemics: A dangerous mix: Research finds that as one goes, so goes the other -- to a point -- ScienceDaily – Studying the relationship between along term ambient particles with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less and the spread of COVID-19….using air quality data and COVID-19 case across the country. There is a correlation – more pollution….higher COVID-19 transmission. Also: "We found black carbon acts as a kind of catalyst. When there is soot present, PM2.5 has more of an acute effect on lung health, and therefore on R0." This is an example of how air quality degradation has adverse health consequences.

Leila Jeffreys' Elegant Bird Portraits Show Feathery "High Society" and Photographer Tim Flach Captures Emotive Portraits of Fascinating Birds – I prefer birds in the wild…but sometimes portraits show the bird with more detail…certainly with less distraction. These two series were quite different but full photogenic birds.

Two centuries of Monarch butterflies show evolution of wing length -- ScienceDaily – Looking through museum collections and island populations of Monarchs, the researchers discovered how migration selects for longer, larger forewings….non-migrants have smaller wings! And they have determined that the effect is due to genetics rather than the rearing environment.

Photography In The National Parks: Birdy, Birdy In The Sky – Almost half the gleanings this week are about birds. I think this is my favorite. National Parks…great places for photography and birds add some action in the scene!

Top 25 birds of the week: Coastal birds – Some I’ve seen (particularly the ones in this group that were photographed in New Jersey). Others are totally new – like the Great Stone-curlew found in coastal areas of southern Asia…striking head pattern…and eye.

Tens of thousands of 12,000-year-old rock paintings found in Columbia – Found in an area previously inaccessible to researchers due to Columbia’s 50-year civil war. Made with red ocher.

Vitamin D regulates calcium in intestine differently than previously thought – Still new discoveries to be made about how our bodies work…how complex and interconnected the chemistry is….a system of systems.

Newly Discovered Underground Rivers Could Be Potential Solution for Hawai’i’s Drought – The potential for water wells off the coast of islands…supplementing fresh water available on the land to support the population living there.

Shopping for 3 weeks of groceries

How different is it to shop for 3 weeks rather than 2? I decided to try it to further reduce the potential of exposure to COVID-19 at the grocery store. Previously I was shopping every 2 weeks and had become very accustomed to the precautions: going early in the morning on a weekday when there are very few other shoppers, wearing a mask as every one else is, using the hand sanitizer at the door, wiping down the cart with a wipe the store provides, and staying well away from other people. I did the first shopping-for-3-weeks yesterday.

I planned ahead as usual – printed the list so I could keep my phone on the Scan app in the store (allows me to scan my items as I shop…checkout very quickly), got my bag of bags organized with produce bags and reusable bags, and attached my fully charged phone to a lanyard so that both hands would be free but with the phone easy to grab for scanning.


I had a piece of dark chocolate for provide caffeine/energy and was out the door by 6:20 AM. In noticed a little color at the horizon and a bright planet/star (my husband told me it was probably Venus) in the sky turning from black to dark blue. When I got to the store there was at least one other person in their car, masking up and carrying reusable bags into the store to shop. There were not very many cars around; I generally think there are more staff than customers in the store at that hour.

The shopping was mostly uneventful although there were some troubles:

The kind of almond milk I like was available, but it was in the very back of the slot and on the bottom shelf. I had to get down on my hands and knees on the concrete floor to reach back for it…painful in the moment but I have recovered.

The butterscotch chips were sold out. I’ll leave it on the list for next time since I want to make a holiday goodie with them.

The only kind of Organic hamburger meat they had was the 80% rather than the more lean I usually buy. I thought I would get the lean non-organic but they only had 80% there too. I bought the organic and we’ll have to pour off the extra fat…not something we are used to doing.

The cart was very full. I filled up the shelf under the main cart with larger boxes and realized that if I needed to buy toilet paper or paper towels, I would have to get those items at the end and balance them on top of everything else. This time I didn’t need to do that, but I did have one bag hanging from a hook off the side of the basket.


The back of the car was full. The bag with the fresh flowers went in the front passenger seat floorboard.


When I got home, my husband helped carry everything in…complaining that I pack the bags too heavy! And then we both washed our hands thoroughly…and I rewarded myself with my serving of pumpkin roll that I had purchased.

Overall – as long as I find the critical items on my list, I can shop every three weeks and reduce my exposure….until we are vaccinated. Maybe I’ll get used to the bit of extra planning and fitting everything I need into the cart. I might continue shopping every 2 weeks post-pandemic even though I had shopped weekly for many years. Some pandemic habits might stick.


Note: I brought the bouquet of fresh flowers from two weeks ago up to my office (behind my laptop….left the just-purchased ones in vase on the breakfast table.

eBotanical Prints – November 2020

20 new eBooks added to the botanical prints list in November. They are all available from Internet Archive. The oldest is from 1682 – The Anatomy of Plants by Nehemiah Grew – the ‘father of plant anatomy.’ 6 books were published in the 1700s and the rest in the 1800s. I enjoyed the variety of books I browsed since I had been making my way through Annals of Botany for 2 months (September and October)! When I selected the sample images – I thought about why I made the selections I did from all the wonderful images in these books. Sometimes I choose because I know and enjoy the plant…sometimes it’s the color…sometimes it is a plant totally new to me. Overall – I like the mosaic of images in the post (and that each image can be enlarged with a click). Enjoy the November eBotanical Prints! The whole list of 2021 eBooks can be accessed here.

Medical flora or, Manual of the medical botany of the United States of North America Vol 1 * Rafineque, Constantine Samuel * sample image * 1828

Medical flora or, Manual of the medical botany of the United States of North America Vol 2 * Rafineque, Constantine Samuel * sample image * 1828

Thirty-eight plates, with explanations : intended to illustrate Linnaeus's System of vegetables, and particularly adapted to the Letters on the elements of botany * Martyn, Thimas; Nodder, Frederick Polydore * sample image * 1817

Flora rustica: exhibiting ... figures of such plants as are either useful or injurious in husbandry V1 and V2 * Martyn, Thimas; Nodder, Frederick Polydore * sample image * 1791

Flora rustica: exhibiting ... figures of such plants as are either useful or injurious in husbandry V3 and V4 * Martyn, Thimas; Nodder, Frederick Polydore * sample image * 1791

Traité des arbres forestiers : ou histoire et description des arbre indigènes ou naturalisés… * Jaume Saint-Hilaire, Jean Henri * sample image * 1824

Botanique medicinal * Jaume Saint-Hilaire, Jean Henri * sample image * 1799

The anatomy of plants * Grew, Nehemiah * sample image * 1682

Recueil de plantes coloriees * Rousseau, Jean-Jacques * sample image * 1789

Plants of the coast of Coromandel Vol 1 * Roxburgh, William * sample image * 1795

Plants of the coast of Coromandel Vol 2 * Roxburgh, William * sample image * 1798

Plants of the coast of Coromandel Vol 3 * Roxburgh, William * sample image * 1819

Plantarum Brasiliae icones et descriptiones hactenus ineditae * Pohl, Johann Emnuel * sample image * 1827

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 1 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1815

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 2 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1817

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 3 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1818

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 4 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1818

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 5 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1821

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 6 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1823

Nova genera et species plantarum t. 7 * Bonpland, Aime * sample image * 1825