Through my Office Window – August 2020
/The usual birds kept coming to our deck for the water or seed (or both) this month: Mourning Doves
White-breasted Nuthatch
Blue Jays
Carolina Chickadees
Tufted Titmouse
Carolina Wren
With occasional visits from American Goldfinches
Common Grackle
Downy Woodpecker
The House Finches seemed to be the most frequent visitors to the feeder. Near the beginning of the month we were seeing parents bringing fledglings to the feeder.
And then in recent days there were birds that seemed to be getting adult plumage.
Also - near the end of the month a Chipping Sparrow brought its fledgling to the seed under the feeder. The young bird was still in the mode of waiting to be fed rather than finding its own seed.
And it was voracious – here is the “I’m still hungry” stance!
Unique Activities for Yesterday:
More sweet potato sprouts. I found more sprouts on the sweet potatoes in the pantry a couple of days ago and put them in water. And this morning they had roots and tiny leaves! I planted them outside in two places near the other sprout and watered all three. The day lily leaves are beginning to grow rapidly again, and I hope the small sweet potato vines will grow fast enough to not be down in the shade.