Project FeederWatch – March 2025

We are seeing more robins! They aren’t at our feeders but are not far away in our yard and trees. It is a welcome sign of spring. There are red-winged blackbirds at the feeders sometimes…and we always hear them. I hope there is enough vegetation around our stormwater pond to encourage their nesting. Our winter visitors are still around as well. Grackles are showing up more frequently. Of course, the squirrel appears to lap up any spilled seeds.

The doves seem to have increased in numbers but it may just be that they are pairing up, so we are seeing then in twos.

We left our suet feeder empty for a couple of weeks and are seeing a lot fewer starlings. Our other feeders (squirrel proof) almost close with the weight of the starlings so they don’t get much seed from them.

My husband and I have enjoyed our weekly sessions watching the feeder…will be sad when the program ends at the end of April…will sign up again to do it in the fall.

Previous FeederWatch posts

Josey Ranch – July 2022

I only made one early morning trek over to Josey Ranch Lake in Carrollton TX when I was there a few weeks ago but was, as usual, rewarded with bird sightings. The first bird I saw was a Great Egret fishing in the shallows.

And then I noticed a female Mallard and ducklings!

I walked around the sidewalk and onto the boardwalk which was high and dry…the lake lowered by the heat and lack of rain.

There was a rabbit in an area that had once been mud!

The many cattails were not standing in shallow water; in some areas other plants were beginning to take over. I photographed a stand that was still in mud and looked relatively health although they didn’t have as many seed stalks as usual.

The boardwalk provided a different perspective/lighting for the birds. The egret seemed to glow in the morning sun.

There was a small bump that turned out to be a Green Heron hunting for breakfast. It looked small and I wondered if it was a 2022 bird. I had seen juvenile green herons at Josey Ranch back in June 2018 and there could have been a successful nest this year too. The snag standing among the cattails that the green herons frequented in previous years was gone.

There was a Swan further away – preening.

I walked further along the concrete path to the second boardwalk for a better look at the muddy area exposed by the receding lake.

The Grackles were about…noisy. The juveniles were still squawking to be fed even though they also were finding tidbits for themselves.

There were small birds moving about…zooming in I saw that they were Killdeer! Did they nest here this year?

Further out where the water took over, the Mallard and her 6 ducklings were still feeding…and were close enough to capture in one frame. I didn’t see any turtles in the lake this time; maybe that is why so many of the ducklings survived!

I was surprised that I didn’t see or hear any Red-winged blackbirds…they are usually in the cattails…but not this year.


A group Common Grackles are visiting our feeder. It’s a mix of adults and juveniles…evidence of a successful breeding season for the birds.

The first time I saw them they stayed around or our deck for long enough for me to start photographing upstairs in my office and then go downstairs for a different perspective. Many of the young birds were standing on the deck railing with their beaks open but the parents were not bringing them anything…maybe some tough-love to force the young birds to forage for themselves. The food on our deck is insufficient since the birds are heavy enough that the seed holes in the feeder are partially closed (and the perches are not spaced well for a bird their size). There is some seed spilled by squirrels or the wind on the floor of the deck but not enough for this number of birds to get more than a nibble. They fluttered around for a few minutes but then flew off.

They were back again a few days later. They intimidated the other birds that were trying to come to the feeder – size and attitude are in the grackles favor. The juveniles seemed to have developed more independence in the few days since I photographed them previously.

Note the grackle hanging on looking disgruntled and how the feeder seed hole is mostly covered…not as completely as with a squirrel…but enough that the grackle was frustrated.

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Through my Office Window – August 2020

The usual birds kept coming to our deck for the water or seed (or both) this month: Mourning Doves

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White-breasted Nuthatch

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Blue Jays

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Carolina Chickadees

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Tufted Titmouse

Carolina Wren

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With occasional visits from American Goldfinches

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Common Grackle

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Downy Woodpecker

The House Finches seemed to be the most frequent visitors to the feeder. Near the beginning of the month we were seeing parents bringing fledglings to the feeder.

And then in recent days there were birds that seemed to be getting adult plumage.

Also - near the end of the month a Chipping Sparrow brought its fledgling to the seed under the feeder. The young bird was still in the mode of waiting to be fed rather than finding its own seed.

And it was voracious – here is the “I’m still hungry” stance!

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Unique Activities for Yesterday:


More sweet potato sprouts. I found more sprouts on the sweet potatoes in the pantry a couple of days ago and put them in water. And this morning they had roots and tiny leaves! I planted them outside in two places near the other sprout and watered all three. The day lily leaves are beginning to grow rapidly again, and I hope the small sweet potato vines will grow fast enough to not be down in the shade.

Filling a Day of Social Distance – 4/13/2020 – 30 years ago

Continuing the blog post series prompted by COVID-19….

Here are the unique activities for yesterday:

Taking portraits of a Common Grackle. The grackles are little too big for our feeder but one flew to the sycamore and sat around for long enough to be photographed….picking up the nuances of color in the feathers. They are not an ordinary black bird! And the yellow eyes give an additional zip to their appearance.

Cooking barbeque chicken slowly. I decided to cook chicken breasts loaded up with barbeque sauce and a little extra olive oil…for 6 hours. I used two forks to pull apart the meat about 30 minutes before we ate to let the sauce get to every bite. Very yummy…and we have plenty leftover for another meal too. 

Links to my previous “filling a day of social distance” posts  here.

I started posting about what was happening to me 30 years ago beginning last November. And I’m continuing the monthly post now, looking back to April 1990….

My baby was old enough to be crawling, enjoying looking out the window at birds and her dad washing the car, intrigued watching herself be dressed in front of a mirror, sometimes cranky as her teeth appeared, and playing pat-a-cake. Her increased mobility gave her more opportunity to explore on her own – biting the play pen to see if it tasted good (or helped her gums feel better), checking out the cat’s favorite box (the cat looking on placidly), and striking a pose to rest or just look about.

We had company from out of town and visited some sights around Maryland and DC with her for the first time. Of course, she was too young to remember any of them: Mount Vernon, Catoctin, Arlington Cemetery, Jefferson Memorial, National Zoo, Brookside Gardens and the Aquarium in Baltimore.

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The Aquarium was her first time in a backpack (since they don’t allow strollers); it was an experience for me too.

I was getting ready go back to work part time in May – having a few interviews for the assignment I would have until I started back full time in the fall. While I was preparing myself, I was doing things to make the change for my daughter easy too. We transitioned from cloth to disposable diapers, dropping the diaper service. She had her first days in family day care during the last week of the month…and seemed to enjoy the interaction with the other young children. We were very fortunate to find a wonderful the provider right away; my daughter was with the same family day care until she started Montessori pre-school.

I was off from work from mid-August 1989 to early May 1990….the longest time period I was not working in my career. It was a time of huge transition and I realized at the time that I was extremely fortunate to not have to rush back to work juggling the changes at home with a career immediately after my daughter was born. The company I worked for was ahead of the times in terms of medical leave and then unpaid leave with a job to come back to.

Through my Office Window – January 2020

It’s easy to photograph birds through my office window – when I am in the office and not totally focused on something else. I’ve positioned my computer and raised the bird feeder slightly so I can see activity in my peripheral vision while I am working at the computer. I just grab my camera, stand up, make a few steps, and take pictures!

The Dark-eyed Juncos are around all the time although I rarely photograph them. We have our own little neighborhood flock. They are fast moving…like they are nervous all the time.

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We have a pair of Northern Cardinals that are around every day. Their color and sounds stand out.

The raucous groups of Blue Jays come to our trees and sometimes to our bird bath. I go to the window based on the sounds. One day this month there was a big thump on the roof above my office. Three blue jays (silent) flew off to the sycamore as I made it to the window and a single blue jay feather drifted down. Was there a fight? Did there used to be four blue jays and a hawk got one?

The Carolina Wren is at the feeder and the bath almost every day. Sometimes I am drawn to by their song and it takes some looking to find the bird. We have at least two around. We’ve had several instances where they’ve found their way into our screened deck….and we open the door for a while to help them escape.

The Red-bellied Woodpeckers come to the feeder almost every day. We have at least one pair….although the female comes more than the male (Could there be more than one female?...Maybe). The dig around for the larger seeds they like at the feeder.

Mourning Doves are frequent visitors as well. They are too big for the feeder, but they do clean up the seed underneath and they drink from the birdbath.

The House Finches have returned after a hiatus of a few years.

I like the White-breasted Nuthatch for its orientation and postures. It is head down on the feeder more than upright!

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The Downy Woodpecker comes to our feeder less frequently although I see them in the trees. Maybe that’s a positive indicator that they are finding enough food they favor in our forest.

There are birds that don’t come to our feeder but are probably frequent visitors to our yard since we are at the edge of a forest. Common Grackles pass through frequently. They look like small black birds at first glance but with a little zooming the different coloring is distinctive…and the yellow eye.

There are also flocks of Red-winged Blackbirds that come through. They very rarely come to the feeder. They must be finding plenty of food elsewhere.

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We have the Reolink camera monitoring our birdfeeder all the time these days; that gives us a great opportunity to catch more bird interaction. I’m saving that for an upcoming blog post!

Patuxent Research Refuge – Part I

Last weekend, we spent an hour at the south tract of the Patuxent Research Refuge – that’s the area that includes the visitor center (map). We got there early enough that it wasn’t overwhelmingly hot (and before the visitor center was open). We stopped at a recent addition along the Loop Trail: a bird blind with bird feeders: seeds, hummingbird, and suet. They are still working on the area; as time goes by it should become a better and better place to see birds. In just a few minutes, I saw and photographed three different birds in the area: a male Red-winged Blackbird with patches just beginning to show,

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And a juvenile Common Grackle.

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We walked down to the Cash Lake Trail and out onto the pontoon lake crossing part of the trail. There were two Great Blue Herons out on the lake in the shallow water.

Note the water lilies in bloom around the herons. I’ll post about other things (not birds) we saw in our short visit tomorrow.